Thursday, November 6, 2008

History of Goethals

This was earlier posted in 2007 with our regular messages.
I thought a more appropriate place would be under the label Goethals so that people could refer to it when required.
Br. Freddy Martin Fernandes wrote this piece in 2005 but it is for events up to 1963.
Would anybody care to give the events thereafter.


The great earth-quake of 1897 caused so much damage to Cooper’s house, the lower storey of which for more than halt a century had served as St. Xavier’s chapel (Bow Bazaar, Calcutta) that the building of a new church became an immediate imperative. The ground floor of the new St. Joseph’s did duty as a chapel while the building of the present church, on which work was begun on the 19 January, 1898, was in progress. One of the last functions to be performed by Archbishop Dr. Paul Count Goethals, 1st Archbishop of Calcutta, was the blessing and laying of the foundation stone on the 12 April. Shortly after that he was ordered by his doctors to return to Belgium in the hope that his indifferent health might improve. However, it was soon obvious that he would not survive very long, and when he realized this he determined to return to Calcutta and die among the people for whom he had so long and zealously laboured. He returned to his diocese and lived for some months in his residence in Park Street until the Lord called him away on the 4 July, 1901. He died at his residence, 12 Park Street, Calcutta. His funeral was the most imposing that had been seen in the Capital of British India for years, attending as it was on the route to the Cathedral, by crowds of persons of all classes and creeds, Catholic and Protestant, Mussalman and Hindoo alike. He was succeeded by Most Rev. Dr Meulmann, S.J.

The Hon’ble Mr. James Woodroffe, Advocate General of the High Court, an Irishman and a convert, called on Archbishop Dr. Meulmann, S.J., soon after his consecration and told him that he wished to have a memorial erected to the late Archbishop Goethals and requested him to call a meeting of the principal Catholics in Calcutta to devise what shape that memorial might take.

Archbishop Meulmann agreed to Mr. Woodroffe’s proposal and the first meeting was called of all the priests in Calcutta and all the principal Catholic laymen. It was agreed that the nature of the memorial should depend on the amount of money collected; but first of all a marble tablet was to be erected in the Cathedral in Moorghihatta with a record of the life and works of the good Archbishop Goethals. Woodroffe was ready to put down Rs.5000. Collectors were appointed but very little money was coming in except what was collected by Woodroffe himself. At a subsequent meeting Woodroffe expressed the wish to get all the European boys out of Moorghihatta Orphanage and bring them into healthier surroundings. It was at this stage the Christian Brothers were consulted to see what they were prepared to do. Br Fabian Kenneally was prepared to back the project if the memorial selected were a school situated in a Hill Station. The Brothers had only one Hill Station in Nainital and that was not sufficient for their increasing numbers. Br Stanislaus O’Brien representing the Provincial attended the next meeting of the organizing committee and it was agreed that he with Mr. Woodroffe were to be the sole collectors. Both did very well among the gentry and merchants of Calcutta and a large sum of money was collected.

The Maharajah of Burdwan, who had sold to the Jesuit Fathers the land on which St. Mary’s Scholasticate stands at Kurseong, agreed to sell a large strip adjoining the Scholasticate grounds for the purpose of the Goethals Memorial School. The Government also agreed to lease us an area adjoining the Maharajah’s strip. The lease is for twenty five years renewable at the same rate as long as it will be required for a school. Thus, abundance of land was secured for the new venture.

In September, 1903, Brother Stanislaus O’Brien was sent to Kurseong for the building and equipping of the new establishment, and he became its first Superior. The tenant on both the Government land and the Maharajah’s had to be compensated. There was no trouble with the Government tenants as they were called together and paid off, the Government sending a man from Darjeeling to assist. It was different with the tenants of the Maharajah’s property. These held out a long time until the Superior invoked the assistance of a native lawyer named Bishambur of the town of Kurseong. Bishambur got them all out except the head-tenant, a lady whose name and titles were Hurka Maya Jemadarini Mondolini. This lady was the only tenant of the Maharajah, the others were her sub-tenants, and she held a vast stretch of the Maharajah’s land on these slopes of the Himalayas. The Jemadars are low-caste Indians who are employed as sweepers, but this lady, though she belonged to this caste, had become wealthy. Mondol means a landlord and the word are rendered feminine by the termination - ‘mi’. After a long struggle, Bishambur got her to go and take up her abode lower down on the slope on the other side of the main road to Darjeeling. Of course she had to get a considerable compensation for disturbance. Mount Carmel Novitiate stands on the ground she occupied for her own dwelling. The flat lower down on which Goethals was built had been occupied by a previous mondol. Br Stanislaus O’Brien was thus enabled to clear the site and make preparations for the erection of the building. The Archbishop came, blessed the site and turned the first sod. He also loaned us Br John Molitor, S.J., the builder of St.Francis Xavier’s Church in Bow Bazar for the building of Goethals Memorial.

The building now went ahead in right earnest. Sir Andrew Fraser the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal, gave us a building grant of 60,000 Rupees and promised another 60000 which we never got. When Sir Andrew’s time was up he invited Brother Stanislaus to his residence in Darjeeling and showed him his private file in which he had had recorded for his successor that the first 60,000 Rupees available should be given for Goethals school. Sir Edward Baker his successor, refused to give this further sum. He thought that too much had been given already-Later on in the progress of the building Brother Gilbert Cooney and Brother S. OBrien had an interview with Lord Michael, then Governor of Bengal, and induced him to give an additional 10.000 Rupees for the building. On account of the Government grant the plans had to be submitted to the engineers of the PWD. They came frequently to examine the work, good advice and expressed themselves well pleased with all they saw. When the g stage was reached Br Molitor suggested a Mansard roof which would give full dormitory accommodation on the top storey. When the Government engineers were consulted they said they knew nothing of the mansard style of roof but allowed it to up. Later one of them said that it was a tricky roof but that the work was well So on the work went, but it was not completed and the school furnished until the end of 1906. In the summer of that year all the Brothers in the plains with the Br. Provincial came up to Kurseong to spend their holidays in the new establishment. The Provincial decided that we must have a house warming, so the whole community of St.Mary’s priests and scholastics were invited as well as the priests of the Dacca and and those of Bettiah and Krishnagar who were on holidays in the neighbourood. All were greatly pleased with the new Catholic centre, and after a good tiffin returned happily to their homes.

In the following January, we opened the school with 100 boys. Later in that year when Sir Andrew and Lady Fraser were going to Darjeeling for the summer months they came for the official opening, leaving the special train on which they were traveling to their summer residence waiting for them at the Goethals siding. Sir Andrew examined the whole building and in his speech at the opening ceremony expressed himself well pleased with all he saw. Very soon we had 200 boarders and began to make our mark at the competitive examinations. A Two years’ engineering class started for the purpose of obtaining entrance into the Sibpur Engineering school for mining. Several of our boys became managers of mines. Unfortunately this course has now been closed to our students.
For many years a successful farm was worked at the Goethals which supplied the school with abundance of milk, butter, vegetables, and eggs and to a large extent with meat. However, because of the depredations of some of the local community, the farm had to be given up and the land is now under trees.

As the Hill Station of Kurseong is much nearer to Calcutta than that of Nainital, the Provincial, Brother Fabian Kenneally, determined to build a holiday house for the Brothers of the plains close to the Goethals. A journey of one night in the train brings the travelers from Calcutta to the foot of the hills below Kurseong, and a few hours climbing by motor or by train brings the wayfarer into the cooler atmosphere of the hills, 6000 feet above sea-level at the Goethals. Hurka Maya’s flat, a few hundred feet above the school was selected as the site of the vacation house which, when completed, gave accommodation for 36 Brothers and was fully utilized for many a mid-summer holiday by the communities from the houses in the plains. When Br Arsenius Ryan became Provincial (1914) he made it the Novitiate and called it Mount Carmel. On March 1st, 1915, the Novitiate was transferred from Asansol to Mt. Carmel. Br. Philip Studdert was the first Novice Master at Mount Carmel, and he was succeeded by Br Baptist Holland in his second term as Novice Master. When through old age he had to relinquish the post he was followed by Brother Luke Aherne. (Mount Carmel was closed in the ‘40’s for want of young men willing to join the Brothers. However it was re-opened in 1959 by the then Provincial Br. and the first Novice Master was Br.Slattery and Br. Barrett was his Assistant. Those who joined at that time finished their schooling in Goethals. Some might remember the names: Stanley Alvarez (Now Provincial of the Christian Brothers in India), Cedrick Fernandes (1961); Joe Pinto (now Congregation Consultor - Rome (1962); Suresh Pinto, Fredryck Fernandes (1963); Gordon Gale, and many others of more recent vintage, some of whom have left the Brothers)

Br. Freddy Martin Fernandes
July 8th, 2005

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