Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mumbai Mssacre - A Solution

The bubbling anger in Indians living both inside and outside the country has thrown many solutions to tackle the indirect war which Pakistan is waging against India.
Here are some suggestins put forward by Dr. Ved Shravah from the USA.


It is a time of a great crisis, probably as great as was 9/11 for the United States or even bigger. At this time it is natural that we can get so mad that we loose our sense, make wrong decisions and miss the real enemy. In essence, we do not want to make the same mistakes that the U.S. made after 911 and got distracted while the real enemy flourished and is still out there and planning to hurt all of us.

Some Important Observations :
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1. All Indian Governments (Congress and BJP alike) in the past have neglected the interests of Kasmiris loyal to India.
2. All Indian Governments (Congress and BJP alike) have not helped the non muslim population in Pakistan and Bangladeh.
3. All Indian Governments (Congress and BJP alike) have tried to appease the trouble makers and have also tried to appease Pakistan to get votes. Shri Atal Behari ji was working so hard to give credibility to Pakistan during his term.

Facts :
We have to win this war agaisnt terrorists. The next Indian Government that India elects must go all the way to finish this war , even if they have to cross the boundary and go to pakistan. Is it possible to form another anti-terrorist party ? It is true that Congress has failed miserably to protect the country and if BJP is the only alternative we have, they should get conditional support only and should be told very clearly that this will be their last chance. Indians in India and Indians outside India are both equally concerned about terrorism in India and must work together to protect our motherland just like the Israelis do.

We should not make it a religous issue bdecause it is not, it is a political issue. The problem is terrorism, it is not a temple and Mosque problem. If we went in that direction, we will miss our real enemy - the Pakistan. You do not want to start a Hindu- Muslim war in India, Pakistan will benefit from this, this is actually what Pakistan wants. Remember what happened after Indira Gandhi was assassinated, Hindus started killing Sikhs. We have to fight the real enemy, Pakistan is not only our enemy, it is the enemy of the humanity and it is the home base for terrorists in all over the World.

Hindus must meet the Muslims in the Mosque and discuss how to fight terrorism together. Put them in the forefront to fight against extremists. It is time to unite the entire country and join forces with Afghanistan and the United states and finish Pakistan forever. That Country does not deserve to exist and has no purpose. President-elect Obama does not have a special love for Pakistan like Nixon did, U.S. intelligence officers are already in India to find the source of Bombay terrorist attacks. This is the time to act. If India comes from East and Afghanistan (& U.S.) comes comes from west, Pakistan can be finished forever. Let India and Afghanistan divide Pakistan half and half. The dead bodies of Pakistani Terrorists should be marched across the streets and anyone sypathetic to them should be captured. You really have to distinguish between loyal and disloyal people. I will not brand all Muslims as terrorists. Pick the bad apples. We must also reward our loyal population, hindus, muslims, sikhs, christians, jews whoever they are.

I agree with you that 99 % terrorists are muslims but that does not make all muslims terrorists. If there are 14 million muslims and 99,000 of 100,000 terrorists are mulims , they are still 99,000 out of 14 million terrorists, which is not a high percentage (only 0.7 % ). Not only we must distinguish between terrorists and non terrorists , we must also distinguish between loyal muslims and disloyal muslims. There are a lot more loyalists and should not be doubted. Trust those who want to be trusted, do not doubt the loyalists. Pick your enemies carefully and show no mercy.

This is a huge crisis and should be dealt with strong hands by all of us. Please go to churches and mosques and talk. Unlike our temples, where discussing politics is considered a crime, churches and mosques discuss politics all the time. Also our temples must take the problem seriously and not continue doing pooja pretending that nothing is happening in the outside world like they did during the most difficult times in our history when Muslims and other foreigners attacked us and enslaves us for centuries.

When this crisis is over, arya samaj must try to bring these people back in our fold. Convert them and then accept them. All these people are dead Hindus whose forefathers have suffered severe attrocities just like the africans suffered when they were brought as slaves. We want them back , that is what Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati wanted to do.

Please remember, we are all together in this, whether we are living in India or outside India. I am only afaid that we don't get distracted. Our fight is outside iIndia and not inside India. These terrorists came from pakistan , our fight is across the border and not within.

Please do not start a Hindu Muslim fight inside India and please do not let any political party take advantage of the situation. If you support BJP, make a deal. Give them expectations which were not met last time. If you support BJP, please give them a clear majority so that they do not depend on crutches like Chandrababu or Jaylalita or Chauthala or Ajay Singh.



Prof. Dr. Ved Shravah
Albany, New York. U.S.A.

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