Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hi friends,

In my report on the centenary celebrations at Goethals I had mentioned that on 4Th November, we had an inter-active session with the class X boys.
Richard Johnson who has had previous experience in such inter-actions arranged this event.
It was a good start.
I would like to carry it forward from there.
About 550 old boys came for the centenary.
We may assume another 500 boys knew of the centenary celebrations but could not make it for some reason or the other.
We may assume an equal number may not have any inkling of the celebrations and showed no effort to come.
So we have about 2000 boys with an average of about 20 years of experience with them.
This comes to about 40000-man years experience.
This experience is in all professions
This could be used for the benefit of the boys.
I would suggest our blog could be made interactive where the boys of the school can post their queries or problems and the 2000 boys who have now come together could help them find answers.
Why, even the old boys, if they have problems, could get a solution from the others.
This is just a suggestion.
I await your response.


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