Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Paid Bribe

Dear fellow Indian,

It has been a shocking year for our country, what with reports of scams and corruption breaking daily. Corruption in India has cut across every sector - be it politics, the private sector, and even sports.

As citizens of India if we do not demand for change today, tomorrow will be too late.

Tahrir Square transformed the Arab world through an online revolution that began with a click. With IPaB’s Bribe Bandh campaign, you too can tip the balance against corruption with a single click.

Bribe Bandh is collecting one million clicks from individuals like you to urge the government of India to ratify the UN Convention against Corruption. Ratifying the Convention will the Government to set up strong anti-corruption laws.

Participate in building a corruption free India by clicking here -


Sent by Seeromani

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