Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hello friends,

I have just had to remove a post by Richard Johnson as one of the comments posted after the article just had a name and VIEW written after it.
On clicking VIEW, the post opened as ii it had come from MisrosoftXP with letters running and then finally informing you that you have about 10 types of Virus and Worms in your computer.
It then asks you to click SCAN to remove the virus & worms.
If you DO click scan, then your computer is going to be immoilized.
I would ask all our boys and others who view our blog, not to open such comments where VIEW or any other word with a link below it.
Even if you inadvertantly DO click it, do not go to the next step and start the scanning operation.
The same problem had occurred earlier with one of Mr Lobos's article which I had to remove and repost without the comment.


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