Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Art from Dust

A few months back we had seen a video of a Japanese artist, a lady, making beautiful movong pictures from just sand flowing on top of glass.
Here is something more on similar lines.

(a) WASH ME?...... or
(b) Do a pretty drawing?
THIS is SCOTT WADE. Check out what he does with the dirty cars by carefully and artfully removing portions of the dirt. According to his web site, he lives real close to a dirt road in San Marcos , Texas

Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
-- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

The above pictures have been sent by Viraj Thacker

God has made the earth self suffcient in everything.
He just gives it energy in the form of sunlight and everything else moves so systematically that His imperceptible hand is not noticed behind everything and people start to believe God does not exist.
What is waste for one of his creations is life giving for another.
We may think that the fly or mosquito is a nuisance and feel that they have no purpose.
But they too have a purpose.They give us cholera and malaria and death. And unless there is no death, there will not be any creation.
If you think of it, even Kasab and his gang who attacked on 26/11 was part of God's plan. They gave death, which, is a part of creation.
Of course, this form of death where one human kills another is not accepted by our society and so Kasab has been awarded the death penalty. But still, it was in God's plan.
In the name of the Father, the Son or the Holy Ghost. That is what Christians say.
We say Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh; the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer.
From the tiniest which we cannot see with the most powerful microscopes to the mightiest which we cannot even comprehend, is all His creation.
In the photos above we see creation at work from a useless? piece of dust.
Nothing is wasted in this world.
We just have to find its use.

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