Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Baseball Buddies...

Sam and Dean were best of friends as well as two of the biggest baseball fans the world has ever seen.
 All of their lives, Sam and Dean would talk about baseball. They went to all the games they could get to. They even made a pact, as kids, that when one of them dies - the other will return to tell him if heaven has baseball games.
 One night, after watching the yankee victory, Sam happily dies. A few night later, his buddy Dean wakes up to a familiar sound - it's Sam, and he's talking to him from beyond.
 "Sam, is that you?" Asks Dean.
"Sure is, buddy!" replies Sam.
 "Wow this is amazing!" exclaims Dean. "So, please tell me, is there baseball in heaven?"
 "Well," answers Sam. "I have some good news and bad news for you. Which would you like to hear first?"
 "Give me the good news first." 
 "Ok, well the good news is that the answer is yes, there is baseball in heaven."
 "That's incredible! So what's the bad news, then?"
"You're pitching tomorrow night."

Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?"Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man." 
Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives.." 
Al said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's moving!'"

John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully, "Give me one last request, dear," he said. "Of course, John," his wife said softly. "Six months after I die," John said, "I want you to marry Bob." "But I thought you hated Bob," she said. With his last breath John said, "I do!"

Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant, my elderly neighbour and his wife were told there would be a 45 minute wait for a table.
"Young man, we're both 90 years old," the husband said. "We may not have 45 minutes. "They were seated immediately.
Sent by Arun Shroff

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