Sunday, May 25, 2014

Modi & Mamta - Two winners but different reasons for winning

There were two victories in this election, both thumping but what were the causes and the differences.
Narendra Modi’
1.       Non performance of the UPA in the last 10 years.
2.       Corruption which riddled the Congress and its allies.
3.       People wanted stability and voted en-bloc for him in the hope of stability.
4.       People were fed up of the arm-twisting of the regional parties and instead voted for Modi for stability.
5.       People had witnessed his performance in Gujarat and hoped he would be able to reproduce it on an all India basis.
6.       Most important dollops of money, some say some Rs 10000 crores so that Modi could make himself visible all over India, through all media, Paper, Radio, TV, you name it.
Mamta Banerjee.
1.       Rigging 
2.       Violence.
3.       She followed the same policy as the CPM followed in its heydays.
4.       There was no opposition in the state and whatever was there was browbeaten before, during and after the elections and are still being driven from their homes.
After seeing the above elections the following actions need to be taken.
1.       The election commission has proved to be impotent and has allowed its powers which had been realized by T N Seshan to be handed back to the politicians.
2.       Elections should be held under president’s rule so that the party in power does not take undue advantage as was done in Bengal.
3.       We will never get good candidates unless election expenses are reduced. Unfortunately, instead of reducing expenses, these have been increased so much that now people like Modi can put up criminals as candidates and win and on the other hand AAP, in spite of putting up good, honest, ualified candidates,  lost, because they did not have the money to inform the people of their candidates.

4.       Election expenses should be borne by the state which if necessary should be financed through a cess in the election year. No private contributions should be allowed for these contributions distort the results and creates even more corruption as the contributes have to be paid back by the winning politicians.

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