Saturday, October 16, 2010

India's secret of Success

Favourable dependency ratios can be a boon to any nation. And India seems to be on top of this phenomenon. At 28, the median age of India's population is expected to be the lowest in the world by the year 2020. The state of its labour force has a strong correlation with a country's fortunes. The non-working age population, which includes people who are too young or too old to work, rely on the working age population for their survival. Thus, the working population of a country being significantly higher bodes very well for any country as there are that many more people who can add to production and consumption in the economy.

The above came in my mail letter from Equitymaster.
I never saw this silver lining.
So this is the reason why India is becoming strong.
We should thank the government and many municipalities for allowing us poor hygiene and poor health-care so that our aged people die young and we enjoy the benefits of a young work force.
We will thus always have a young work force.
While the Western countries, China and Japan are filled up with old, senile people in their 80's and 90s as their young do not marry and procreate, we will always have a young work force of average age 28 to 30 as our old people cannot hope to live beyond the 70s.

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