Thanks Willy !!
Msg from Willy Wu
Hello Willy,
Thanks for your greeting.
Thanks for sending the photo.
Sister Irene was also my first teacher in School, of course we knew her as Miss Ackoy.
I had posted your appeal on the blog but did not receive a reply.
I'll just repeat it again
PS:Errol, could you help me help Willy.
Hi Radesh,
Greetings to you and your wife.
If you recall, sometime back I asked
you if there is anyone out there who
can locate Sister Irene.
To date I've no feedback yet.
I'm forwarding a class picture of her
taken in 1963. I am in the last row,
third from the left ( a cheeky short kid).
I really want to know if she is still around.
Msg from Thondup Sherpa
Addressed to Sir, Mr. Lobo
17th April 08
Dear Sir,
Thank you for keeping me in the loop on this mail.
If Happiness were to be synonymous with Wealth ( or is it supposed to be otherwise ? ) then I guess Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the Johnny -Come-Lately(s) from India would have cornered all the Happiness and would have created a worldwide shortage... something like the Mullahs with the OPEC oil. They have all the money and the wherewithal’s to get more of the same BUT are they the happiest folks ????? I rest my case....and excuse me while scratch my beard with my right hand and write a cheque for Osama with my Left. .
As always....
Yours obediently
A joke from Lalit Narayan
The owner of a company tells his employees:
You worked very hard this year. The company's profits increased
As a reward, I 'll give everyone a check for Rs 5000.
If you work with the same zeal next year, I'll sign those checks.
Msg from Navnit Baral
Hello Navnit,
Thanks for your mail.
Your point is taken.
In future all mails will go to bcc as suggested by you.
It was dumb of me. not to have thought of it earlier.
Yes, it is a bother having to go through all the E Mail ID's and then read the message.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I don't seem to have received your personal data as yet.
Any problem in sending it?
When you see that politicians making a fool of the people, one cannot help but react. Unfortunately, we who passed out of schools like Goethals cannot be rabble-rousers and stoop to their level. Hence, writing is the only solution. They say, the pen is mightier than the sword. At present, our opinions do not count as we are lone voices, but at some point of time, when people realize the magnitude of the problem being created by these politicians, a revolution will come about.
Who knew, some years back that the Maoists would capture power in Nepal.
But they have been able to depose of the present king who came to power by having King Mahendra murdered (so people suspect). People there did not appreciate the development and see the change occurring.
Hi Radheshyam,
Thanks for your emails and I really admire you having the time and energy to keep us all in the loop about what’s going on with GMS. I also like that you bring up political issues about the country.
I am Navnit Baral currently from Nepal but currently in Scranton, PA. Batch of 1991.
Thank you for all your effort
PS. Could you add all the email addresses to the BCC field instead of the to or cc.
Msg from N K Sircar
Dear Rad:
Thanks for your message; presently I am in Richmond, BC Canada with BC Ferries Canada, as Senior Chief Engineer attending Dry-docking & Refit of the Large Passenger Ferry mv ` Queen of Burnaby` I am staying in the Executive Airport Hotel Richmond, BC CANADA.
I am in touch with Safiul Huda. He & his wife visited White Plains, New York, USA and had dinner with my daughter & wife. Where my daughter as a Lawyer in USA is working & living in White Plains.
Unfortunately I am in Canada, Vancouver working I could not meet them.
I will meet Huda, when I get some leave, where he or me will make an effort to see each other etc.
Presently I am in Canada, BC, you & all friends can visit me & keep in touch.
God Bless you all
N.K. SIRCAR (1964 passed out from Goethals).

Msg from Keith Hayward
Subject: Money Angel
Subject: She really works!!!!!!!!! If you need money
Well! Who doesn’t need money!!! It’s free to give it a whirl!!!
Money Coming Your Way!
Money Angel
This is a money angel Pass it to 6 of your good friends,
or family and be rich in 4 Days.
Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 Days.
I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall. If you delete it, you
will never know!
Msg from Edwin Bernard
Dear Edwin,
Thanks for your encouraging words.
All the relevant mail which come to me are collected and posted on our blog http://goethals1907-2007.blogspot.com/
If you click on the link provided, you will go to the blog.
You can save this link also as your bookmark so that you can access the site at any time.
This was started around September 2007 to open up the communication link between our boys so that they could reach out to each other. The link had snapped after passing from school. The centenary acted as the catalyst.
Earlier, we did not have the medium. But now when we have all the facilities why should we live such secluded lives.
Just as an example, with your mail, I have received one from Keith Hayward of my batch and one from N K Sircar of 1964 batch
The blog is developing well with the active co-operation of all our boys.
I have the communication details of two of your batch mates, Dipak Roy and U L Mehta.
If you like I could mail them
Best wishes
Dear Radheshyam,
I enjoyed reading your note about post 1970 Goethalites!
Although a bit late, here's my personal information filled out
in the form provided.
Can you refresh me how our information is shared among
other Goethalites?
Keep up the great work.
Best wishes.
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