Dear All,
Seasons greetings!
Did you know that one of an ex-Goethalite participated in the Olympic Torch Run in Delhi? Yes, it was our own Mr. Jaspal Singh Bindra, 1976 batch, currently Director, Asia, Standard Chartered Bank. You can see him in white representing the India's financial sector. Congratulations Mr. Bindra from all of us..
Hello friends,
I have received the above E mail with attached photograph.
I congratulate Mr. Bindra for being Director, Asia, Standard Chartered Bank.
However, I regret to sound a discordant note in not being able to congratulate him for the torch run for the Beijing Olympics.
I normally do not like to rake controversy in our blog but this is one point I feel strongly and had mentioned the same in one of earlier posts on 20.04.2008.
I wish Mr. Bindra had followed the example of Kiran Bedi, Baichung Bhutia and a horde of other personalities who refused to make the run.
People say we should not mix sports with politics.
But what is the other alternative? War?
Surely nobody wants a war.
This was the best opportunity for the whole world to register its protest against the dastardly action of raping Tibet.
A defenseless, peace loving race has been displaced from its habitat and overrun by Chinese hordes to populate the area and change its demography.
The Dalai Lama has been trying for the last three decades to work for a peaceful solution but the Chinese will not even acknowledge him, as they do not understand the language of peace.
Our Indian Government abdicated its responsibility with Nehru waving Indian & Chinese flags and crying hoarse “Hindi - Chini Bhai Bhai” from roof tops, cries which stopped only when China attacked India.
We talk of Human rights only when it suits us. Look how we are cozying up with the military junta in Myanmar in spite of continuous human right violations. Why? Because we want their Oil and Gas and China is our competitor there.
The communist’s heart bleed for the displaced Palestinians but wink away the same displacement in Tibet because it has been perpetrated by their big brother and big brother can do no wrong.
No, Mr. Bindra.
Goethals has taught us to value life and not to do injustice.
I cannot congratulate you for your torch run.
I would have congratulated you, if you had boycotted it.
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