Hi Radheshyam
Your doing a sterling job and I enjoy reading the messages from the old goats! The only guys I know so far are Marc Sayce and Keith Wallace. They were like towering figures when I was just 10 - 11 years of age. I used to live in Park Circus and left India in 1980. I am blessed with a beautiful wife and 4 lovely children. Life is good and we are conscious of trying to lead a simple, healthy and meaningful lifestyle.
Brian Whiter
Letters sent to Editor,
Telegraph re: Bus Accident
The Editor,
The Telegraph
As the slogan behind a bus says "My India is Great"
India is unique.
We punish good people and reward inefficiency.
Some time back his department for spreading panic unnecessarily without firm tests pulled up a doctor in rural Bengal who had first warned people of bird flue when their poultry started dying. I saw no apologies from his detractors when he was found to be correct and lakhs of chickens had to be culled.
Now, the person who is alone responsible for destroying industries in Bengal (which the present Chief Minister Budhadev Bhattacharya is desperately trying to woo back) has decided to reward his protégée by promoting him to the CPM politburo.
This said promotee is responsible for all the deaths caused by private buses on the streets of Kolkata culminating in the overturning of a private bus on VIP road and the death of 30 people.
His policy of unionizing bus employees and not taking action on errant drivers is the major cause of these accidents.
He tries to confuse the issues by saying that private cars are responsible for the accidents.
He hardly has anytime for looking after the transport department for he is too busy seeking land for promoters.
And yet people suggest he should be promoted.
R.S. Sharma
The Editor,
The Telegraph
The people of Kolkata are very innovative.
At last they have found a solution for killer speeding buses and minis plying on Kolkata roads.
The passengers of the 79D buses have done a great service to Kolkata commuters by beating up the driver and conductor on 8.3.08. Since, the government has failed to take action it is left to the affected public to take action.
I have a suggestion, which may prevent this beating.
All buses and minis plying all Kolkata roads should display prominently the telephone no(s) in Lal Bazar P S specifically allotted for traffic speeding. Nowadays almost 50% of the passengers carry mobile telephones.
If any vehicle is speeding unsafely, any passenger should be able to inform Lal Bazar of the violation and the position of the vehicle and vehicle number. At least two telephones should go for any bus so that false calls are not given.
Lal Bazar should then inform the nearest traffic sergeant to pull up the vehicle and take necessary action on the driver and the front conductor for it is he who pushes the driver to increase speed.
For any second violation the driver's license should be cancelled and his details with photographs should be sent to all Motor Vehicle offices in Bengal so that he is not able to get a license from anywhere else in Bengal.
Further, all drivers, when applying for jobs should be made to give a declaration that their license has never been cancelled previously. If he gives any false declaration, he should be summarily dismissed, if found out.
Owners also should get the drivers application vetted by the motor vehicle department.
Yours sincerely,
R.S. Sharma
The Editor,
The Telegraph
I agree with Mr. Subhash Chakravarty, our Transport Minister, that neither the bus drivers nor the conductors nor the bus unions are to blame for the Keshtopur 217B bus accident.
He may have not said it, but his silence implied the above.
If anyone is to blame, it is the environmentalist and the NGO's who are always shouting that the canal is narrowing and silting.
If he was allowed, he would have handed over the canals to the promoters to fill and build buildings.
Then even if the bus had fallen, people would not have drowned.
Of course, it is another matter that the people living in low-lying areas like Bangur Avenue and Lake Town would be flooded during he monsoons. But the coffers of Subhash Chakravarty and the CPM party would be filled.
Surely, the people can bear a little disturbance in their lives for the good of the proletariat.
Yours sincerely,
R.S. Sharma
Msg from Manish & Deborshi
Hello Deborshi,
Let us hope you are the first person who is able to help a fellow Goethalite. Here is your opportunity.
I'll tell you my story.
I had just passed out of college in 1972 from BIT Mesra with Mechanical Engg.
Being idealistic, I never applied in any Government jobs, as I believed all who worked in the Government become crooks.
Seeing the corruption and sloth in Government servants even now, I feel my views were justified.
I was looking for a job in a private co.
I approached a friend of my brother-in-law with my bio-data.
He spoke to his boss Mr. J P Singhi, who was a big shot in Kesoram Rayon. I had never met Mr. Singhi personally.
Mr. Singhi set the ball rolling and I was appointed in Kesoram Rayon, my first appointment.
Later I met Mr. Singhi to thank him. He informed me that he was attracted to my bio-data because I had passed from Goethals.
His son, Rajesh Singhi was studying in Goethals.
So, you see the magnet in the name Goethals.
Mr. Singhi also asked me for a favor.
He wanted his younger son, Ashok to be admitted in Goethals also and asked for my help. He told me Bro. Morrow was the Principal
I was only too willing to return the favor.
You see I had been the Head Prefect in Goethals in 1965, when Bro. Morrow was there and we enjoyed a mutual respect.
I wrote to Bro Morrow and God Bless him, Ashok was admitted.
You see, St. Paul's and St. Joseph's are schools for the upper strata of society.
We in Goethals came mostly from the middle class or upper middle class.
Our parents somehow, managed to pull us through the schooling days.
We did not have the backing of the other schools and each of us who has risen has done so with his own efforts.
So, all those who have risen in life, should try to raise the less gifted and less well off amongst us.
And the first step would be in helping employ them.
I am attaching Manish Anand's mail to see if you can do anything
I am now in my final year pursuing my graduation project and will be graduating in May08.
I had been offered campus placements but due to the death of the owner of the organization I was associated with, the company is the stage of selling off. As such the new management has withdrawn all offers to fresh candidates like me. Therefore I’m on the lookout for new companies that could offer me placement. Kindly let me know if i could mail my resume to Mr. Deboshri.
( I vaguely remember him as i was in class 4 then. I think sir must be of the batch of Arup Ghosh, David Lee, Navin Puri to name a few.)
Dear Mr. Sharma,
It is really good to see your efforts. It will be good if Mr. Anand's query is elaborated as I know a few people in the textile industry and may be I can help them network.
Warmest regards,
Deborshi (ICSE 94)
Deborshi Sengupta.
Director - Business Development
Builders Box (India)Pvt. Ltd.
Unit# G5-6.
Msg re: Willy Wu

Hello Charles,
I am forwarding Willy's letter, which will clear your doubt.
Dear Willy,
Thanks for clearing the doubts raised by Charles Tresham.
I am forwarding your letter to him and to Mr. Lobo with the photograph.
Msg from Karan Chowdhary
Cheers for ur efforts and goethals
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