Msg from Karma TobgayThanks again.
I await your data.
The hockey team is the winner of the Tempa Shield in the year 1964. Some of the boys i recognise as a young boy are Baichung Tshering (captain) K.K.Rai, U.C. (or Charlie) Rai, Pintsum Tenzing, Sonam W.Tenzing, C.S.Gurung and of course Matt Lobo. Maybe he can tell u more about the guys in the photos. As regs Sikkim boys we have compiled most of our data and in fact we were thinking of sending them to u. Don't worry we'll do that soon. Great connecting with you. Regs K.S.Hello Karma,
Thank you for mailing the photographs.
I'll post it coming Saturday on our blog.
I am sure Mr. Lobo will appreciate it.
Could you tell me which year's team this was?
Its with the help of people like you that the blog has kept going.
I'll require some help from you.
I am seeing that I am not getting the personal data of the Sikkim boys.
I understand, you boys may be having some problem in accessing the web because of poor interconnectivity.
If you would collect all the personal data of the Sikkim Boys, I could send you the hard copy blank forms.
The boys could be given the forms to populate and then they could be returned to me.
I would manually update the data on my computer.
Could you help?
If you agree, I could send you the forms.
Best regards
This is K. S. Tobgay of 1974 batch and from Sikkim. Have been watching this space for quite sometime and I must commend ur untiring commitment to keep Goat information up to date and interesting so Congrats once again. Thought of sharing an old photograph. Think people like Matt Lobo would like it. Regs K.S.Msg from Richard JohnsonDear Radheshyam,
I am pleased you think it is a good idea. Given what you said about the number who read the Blog, would you be prepared to send the text of my message out as a bulk email? That may be a better way to 'test the water'... if that is not too much trouble for you. What do you think?
RichardDear Richard,
Its a great idea and would be a store house of knowledge for coming generations.
Let us await the response.
Only problem, I have the feeling is the lack of net accessibility among our boys.
They have E-mail IDs but with no accessibility to the Internet. Hence they can read my weekly E-mails but they are not reading the blog.
I told Sir, Mr. Lobo the same thing.
We are five friends of the '65 batch in Kolkata.
Only I have regular net access. The others have access only occasionally.
If we take this as the sample then among the 800 or so boys whose E Mail ID I have, only about 150 or 200 will have net accessibility.
But, it will increase gradually as boys realize the benefit.
The following message was posted on our blog.
Just in case all our boys have not read it I am repeating it here.
We would like your reactions to the suggestion made by RichardPassing the Baton: messages from 'old boys'Š
Prior to the Centenary Reunion of '07, I wrote to the Core Committee with an idea:
It seems to me that the reunion is a great opportunity for us 'old boys' to pass something on to the current generation of Goethalites. I have visualised this idea as passing a baton in a relay. For me, a relay is a good metaphor for a reunion - it illustrates that we are all recipients of benefits from the school community passed on to us by the School, the Christian Brothers, teachers, other students etc. But the relay metaphor also gives us the responsibility to be prepared to pass something on to the current generation of students.
Basant Lama told me that Dorje Dadul (GMS '63) also had a similar idea and that we could have some time to run such an activity. We did and I believe it was well attended and very successful. Brother Michael Beddoe gave it his full support and opened the session. You will see a few clips of that session on the Centenary Video I posted on 'YouTube' (http://youtube.com/watch?v=oAES0nVBrsc). Matthew Lobo has referred to this session in a previous Blog entry and requested a follow-up.
o My suggestion is that we write a book together called 'Passing the Baton: messages from 'old boys'Š'. Let's not worry about the title, we can change that if we wish.
o The invitation is to anyone who is an ex-student of GMS to contribute.
o Here is an initial attempt to outline the process: (1) Let's take time to discuss the idea on the Blog or via any other means (2) Send me an email to let me know if you would to contribute individually or in a small group - I will ask you for a brief outline by the end of JUNE; (3) I will ask you to submit a short biography of yourself (50 words) with a picture. When did you attend GMS? By the end of JULY (4) Next I will request (by this time we should have a panel together) you to submit your contribution: What is the message (lesson/advice) that you would like to pass on? Express that clearly and we will mark that with a symbol of a baton (see picture above) - then describe the context of that message - where did that message/piece of advice come from? The story or experience(s) whence it came. A few months should be allowed to get the last part of the process together. We may have to 'to and fro' a bit online. It will not be a matter of rejecting any ones contribution, it will be a matter of compiling it in a form and format to publish.
o Your contribution could be a page or several pages. Remember the readers for whom it is meant - students (specifically current students of GMS but it could be read by other young people wishing to learn from 'old boys') within the age group 10 to 18 years - the language must be accessible to this age group and it must be presented in a form that could be engaging - it could be humorous - with pictures/graphics - illustrations- or it could be serious 'pearls of wisdom’s
o It would be unfortunate if we believe that the only experiences worth passing on are success stories - stories of the 'great old goats' who played in Olympic teams and excelled through peak performances. They are important and their successes should be celebrated. But we should acknowledge that everyone has something worth passing on - experiences/lessons/wisdom/faith/survival/healing/family Š
o This is only an idea. It is being floated in this arena to see if there is support for it. If there is no support for it won't go ahead. If there is limited support we may be able to put together a small pamphlet; if there is a lot of support and contributions, we could have a book (that's what I am aiming for), it could even be translated into several appropriated languages - if there is call for that. Please consider the richness of the potential contributions - we are reaching out to a huge group of ex-Goethalites - all over the world and representing a multicultural mix that we can only be proud of and the glue that binds us together is that we all spent a significant part of our lives at Goethals Memorial School in the somewhat remote Hill Station of Kurseong!
o I anticipate my role to be that of the convener/the 'Anchor Man' (I now have the girth for it - can't help remembering Gordon Storey being a successful Anchor Man in a memorable Tug-O-War) - I will start by gauging if there is enough support for the idea by calling for those who would even consider contributing their story to let me know - via email, on this Blog, by post of by telephone. I will let people know what's going on in a regular report on this Blog. If I get a sufficient response to aim for a book, I will openly, in this Blog call for a team to be formed to be the 'reference group' - either in reps for eras of attendance at GMS: Before 60's - 1960 to 1970; 1970 to 1980; 1980 to 1990; 1990 to 2000; 2000 to 2007 OR we could have reps for regions - Sikkim, Nepal, Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Australia, USA, Canada - I have left several out, but you know what I mean We'll invite Matthew Lobo to be on the reference group.
o If the idea gets off the ground, we will need : sponsors to publish the book, at least one graphic artist, volunteers to help with editing, translators if we want to go down that track Š We can fill this section in as we go
o There should be no 'ownership' of this project - all contributors will be acknowledged by name - if any money is made through sales (if that's what we decide) the money should go to the appropriate Christian Brothers' Authority to sponsor 'students in need' to study at GMS.
This project could be a great opportunity for the various 'GMS old boys groups' (I think they are called 'Chapters') to get together with one focus. The thing I like about this Blog is that I don't feel aligned to any group - Radheshyam has done a great job, in keeping it neutral - let's keep it that way. I would make a special plea to all GMS 'Old Boys' to get on board and contribute to: Passing the Baton: messages from 'old boys'Š
Contact Details:
Dr Richard Johnson
Faculty of Arts and Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood 3125
Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 92446438
Email: rjj@deakin.edu.auMsg From Santosh PrasadHello Santosh,
Thanks for your kind words.
Whatever I am is because of Goethals.
We had very good teachers and a very good library from where I got into the habit of reading.
Santosh, I do not seem to have recived your PDF.
It would be good if you could send it as it would help in connecting us better.
I am just attaching it again here, in case yu may have missed it.
Hello Sir,
I am Santosh Prasad and appeared for board from Goethals in 1999.
Thank you for all the effort you have been putting up in binding us together even after the centenary celebrations.You write very well too. We actually have a lot to learn from you.
Thank You once again.
Looking forward to your posts.
Santosh Prasad.Msg from Willy Wu, N P Singh Re: Sister IreneHi Radhesh,
This bad news had really moved me emotionally.
Like many of us who came under her wings in
our early years, she has left a very memorable
imprint in our hearts and mind.
Let us not forget her in our daily prayers.
I'm sure she is with our Heavenly Father.
Thank you and N.P Singh for taking the time
and trouble in updating me. In a way, I was
expecting this sad news, but I just could not bring
myself to accepting it until I know for sure.
Willy.Hello Willy,
I am sorry to pass this message to you.
I am sure all who knew sister Irene will wish her peace.
Well, so life goes on.
Hello Mr. Sharma in response to Mr. Willy Wu’s appeal to find out sister Irene’s whereabouts I am sorry to inform you that she passed away in the early 70’s, I cannot remember the exact year. I was in her class that year when she had to leave due to some illness and never returned, later in the year we were informed that she had passed away.
N. P. SinghMsg from Safiul HudaSafiul,
I know your piece was posted but that was ages ago, about one-and-half month ago to be precise and I am sure those who read you must have been thirsting for your writing as I was.
You had promised to write of the Oscars but I think you must have become busy with your holidays.
I could not locate it in my mails from you.
If you have already written it, you could send it immediately.
I am sure that too will be enjoyable.
NK told us about your visit to your place. I am sure it must have been very very pleasant.
After all that we ate at school, courtesy Bro Mark, I am sure all our wives must be having an easy time pleasing us as far as grub is concerned.
I am looking forward to your writing directly in our blog.
Sorry about the silence. You must've forgotten -- I have already made
my debut. Remember, you posted my commentary on the elections in the
US. I also sent you, about that time, something about movies and
Oscars, but I did not see that posted.
Attached is something I've written about one of my hobbies, hiking, for
the blog for you to post.
I hope I'll get around to start using gmail next month.
Oh -- I HAVE got around to buying a translation of the Bhagbat Geeta
and I'm reading it. The first part seems be the inspiration for that
Bengali virtue: "Shukhay dukhay obichol." {Rough translation: By
happiness and sorrow be unperturbed}.
I had the good fortune to visit NK's wife and daughter at his
daughter's place in White Plains, NY. It was so nice to meet them.
Shoma [his wife] is not only an accomplished lady but a great cook --
you know how well that sits with ANY Goethalite from our time. She fed
us a veritable feast. It speaks to the credit of NK and Shoma that
they raised in Diya such a wonderful young lady. Open, personable,
very bright, well on track to a success and make her parents even more
proud than they already should be and pretty to boot. NK called when
we were there. I think he was regretting the fact that he wasn't
there. Hopefully, we'll meet up in the near future.
So, here attached is my 3rd contribution to the blog.
All the best.
SafiulHello Safiul,
Haven't you come back from your vocation?
I am still waiting for your grand entry in our blog.
I know you must have prepared a good article since you are taking so long.
As you will have noticed we now have four authors.
J K Ghosh has also bought a lap top.
He too should start contributing from Delhi.
Have you started using your G mail account
Msg from Saurabh PramanickDear Saurabh,
I'll do it this Saturday.
Kashmir is OK but for South you will have to give your planned itinerary because South is a very big area.
If you were more specific, you will get a better response.
Dear Sir,
An Idea that I have for your Blog. Maybe we can share our travel stories, which in turn can act like a guide to all of us, who are planning for trips and looking for inputs.
At the moment I am planning a visit to Kashmir or the South, and looking at first hand experience/feedback of anyone from our fraternity who has been there. Especially with regard to Houseboats.
Maybe you can post this message also.
Dear Sir,
I will give you a brief back ground.. I am a BE and MBA with 9 years experience, mostly in the Petroleum Industry.
It would be better to give a detailed CV, once there is a response..Location preference would be Kolkata, but that is not important.
Thank you for helping out.
SaurabhDear Saurabh,
I'll do it coming Saturday.
Would you like to add anything else with the message.
Dear Sir,
I am a batch of 89, currently based out of Dubai for the last 1 year..looking to relocate back to India.
Am wondering if you could post my msg in your blog..
Msg from Partha SenguptaDear Partha,
No problem, I'll rectify your form.
These errors are always occurring in everybody's work. You don't have to apologize. Only those who submitted the forms could have made the errors. Those who didn’t couldn't have.
I don't watch any cricket. I don't like to be made a fool by these people. I don't gain anything if any team wins and I don't lose anything if any team loses.
The only gain I would get with all the tension and excitement would be a heart attack or an upset stomach.
While my son watches the matches in the other room, I work peacefully on my computer with the blog or my shares.
I don't like to be one of the persons who is filling BCCI coffers.
Don't think me a spoilsport. You go ahead and watch, since you enjoy the tension.
Dear RS
Very very sorry.
I shall be grateful for your assistance to make the necessary corrections.
Trust you are enjoying the IPL matches especially the Kolkata Knight Riders.
Even though it seems a lot more than brain, I am quite liking them more and
more every day
Warm Regards/Partha Dear Partha,
I know, for people who do not sit much in front of the computer, it must have been a great effort for you.
I used to have the same difficulty earlier.
But now, having to deal both at home and at work with computers does not bother me. In fact, I feel out of place when I am not in front of a computer.
By the way, there is some slight error in the birth dates you have sent for yourself and Anjana.
Both of you are younger than your children and Anjana is yet to be born. I agree ladies hide their ages but even you are hiding your age and become a seven year old :-)
Dear RS
At last another Personal Detail Form.
I hope you will forgive the tardy attitude.
Warm Regards/ParthaMsg from Kamal KallaniPlease send me the mail of 19th.Apr. Once again. Thanks.Hello Kamal,
I had posted the photograph I received from Willy of Sister Irene's Classs .on my post on the 19 th April, "Msg from Old Boys 18"
Willy was my class friend and I would like to see the photograph. The attachment was of the was as usual, why don’t you give all the details received.
Thanks, Kamal Kallani 1971.Msg from Gerad D’SouzaDear Gerad,
Thank you for your kind words.
It was only during the Centenary that I realized how disconnected we were and what a potent force we could become.
I am just trying to harness those forces.
Thanks for your offer also.
As long as I can manage on my own with my son's help, I'll pull along.
If at a later date, I do require help, I'll let you know.
As a rule, we Indians are tightfisted and allow our Rupees to run much longer than Americans run their dollars, even considering that a dollar is worth Rs 40.00 :-)
Yes, Sir, Mr. Lobo, is a great person and a towering personality.
He has been connected to our School and to St Paul’s right from 1942 to 1972 and by visiting us during the centenary, he has shown that he still values the relationship.
We all salute him.
Dear Radheshyam,
just wanted you to know I thoroughly enjoy your notes and great sense of humor...all the way in Chicago.A group of us from the Class of 1958 have made connections with your assistance and I'll repeat what I've said before
that you are providing us a great service. Count me as one who is very willing to support any financial needs for
this project. God Bless you. Gerry
PS I am also in touch with Matt Lobo who taught me cricket/hockey in the 1956-1958 period. He taught my brother
Ivan D'Souza for several years 1957-60