Years ago, in London, Sir Moses Montefiore,(1784-1885) the well known industrialist and philanthropist, was meeting with the British Queen over tea.
In a very “un-British” manner, the Queen asked, “So tell me, Sir Moses, what are you worth?”
He replied, “My dear Queen, please allow me to go through my records and I will present you the information in a week.”
So they met again for tea and Sir Moses presented the Queen with an accounting of his “Worth”. To which the Queen commented, “Sir Moses, this is truly a very large amount, but I personally know that your holdings in a particular project are worth more than this.”
Sir Moses smiled and said, “My dear Queen, you are mistakenly comparing how much money I have vs. how much I am worth. The money I have, God gave to me, and it can be taken away at any time. It is not truly mine.
The amount I gave you on the paper is what I have given away to help others – to build hospitals and support orphanages, to help my brothers and sisters the world over. This is what I am worth, as it can never be taken away from me.
How does it benefit a man if he owns the whole world but has no inner peace?
How did it benefit Alexander when his conquest led him to India but did not get inner peace. Or for that matter Hitler, Caesar, Hanniman, Ghengiz Khan?
Who has seen the Hereafter?
We neither remember the last life nor will we remember this one when we are reborn.
For the Christians, who has seen Heaven or Hell.
The fires of Hell and the pleasures of Heaven are only effective if we are physical beings in the human form.
But the soul is not in human form.
It is a part of the Almighty.
If we cosider ourselves in the human form we are nothing. A small speck in the endless cycle of time.
But if we consider our selves as a part of the Almighty, we are as powerful as God.
God does not do anything directly in creation.
He has just given us our sun as a source of energy.
Everthing else is performed through the human race.
All development since the time Adam & Eve walked naked on earth have been made by God, through man.
Isn't this a great feeling.
when you realize you are God's creation and have a purpose on earth.
To further God's creation.
You are just one link in the chain.
Maybe an important one or a very uinimpotant one, but you are a link.
You must continue the chain. That is your purpose.
All actions and non actions by you further the chain.
It is only when you help your fellow human beings selflessly that your inner voice pats you on the back.
If you hurt your fellow human beings then it reprimands you and mentally scolds you.
It is only when This Voice Speaks to you that you relaize the existence of God.
When that voice pats you, you are in heaven.
When It scolds you, you are in hell.
When you stop listening to Its scolding you are in perpetual hell
Your body may be doing the job for which you are being scolded but your mind will be elsewhere.
Hence,as Sir Moses said, to build hospitals, orphanges,to help brothers and sisters the world over, is the true worth of a person.
What a great feeling.
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