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The Washing Room...clapped out of bed , changed and dashed to the Box Room where we had our washes. Troughs replaced the basins. Behind the arches were the showers and the less said, the better !!

The Study Hall cum Concert Hall was on the ground floor. On the right, the concrete section was a favourite spot for the roller-skaters.The wooden corridor on the left separated the Band Room, Stationery Room, Office, and Brothers' Dining Room.

The "REF" is in the same location but with changes.The room behind the door was commandeered for the Vegetarians. There were eight to a table and we were forever hungry !!! Cakes of soap as "ghoos"to certain bearers supplemented the odd extra and if you were one of the fortunate ones with P M, then "Blackie" was a Godsend !

Two Science Rooms for Physics and Chemistry. Some will remember Mr Joseph, Mr A B Roy and Mr Chatterjee...all brilliant Teachers

The Reading Room was on the ground floor of the main building

Pavilion and "Box Room" on Second field. The 'pav' developed cracks and portions were sinking caused by the underground stream so it was demolished and replaced with two very popular 'Handball Courts'. When the student numbers increased these courts were converted into store rooms for trunks. Behind the Boxroom where we had our lockers, is where the 'paniwalla' would stoke the fire for our twice a week showers... can you blame our vintage for being allergic to water !!!Shortcut to Mt Carmel and the path to Rolly Polly, Red Cross, Doctor's Farm and Chimney. Pity about the deforestation, the trees have gone and monkeys now forage for food in and around the school.

The Dormitory. Now there are several "dorms" in different buildings but in my time there was only one with a floor to ceiling wooden partition that separated the Seniors and Juniors. which was in the main building
The Main building in the background on Third Field. On the left ... Today a three storey concrete building replaces the tin-shed classrooms

Chapel What is the Study Hall now that doubles as the Concert hall was the Chapel in my time. The arch still exists and what was the Sanctuary is now the stage

Second Field Senior boys trained for 'Club Drill' while the junior had 'Dumbbells'. On the right of the building in the background is the path that led to Sepoydhura and Range Road, the 'butts' and shooting range where Seniors were given rifle practice.On the right are the "bogs"and Pavilion.

First Field, Quite a change from today. The Cryptomeria (Cripti, as we knew them)is the cypress family, inaccurate named "Japanese Cedar" They would have blocked the view from the top and were lopped in the late 30's
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