Standing L to R: K S Liu, N K Dubey,Keith Wallace,S P Chatterjee, Gurmeet Singh, S Kumar (SR), Basant Lama, Mark Sayce, Radheshyam
Sitting L to R: J K Ghosh, K K Rai, Late C B Gurung our Games Teacher and Ex Olympian, Late Bro. Hughes, U C Rai, Late A Chakravarty
Msg from Pat Peirce
Dear Pat,
I too had forgotten but I have been able to get the name now.
It is Lieutinant General Dipak Raj of 33 Corp.
Regarding your chip, Arjun is trying to get a cover from the commany to send it to you so that it is well proteced.
We have to wait for him to get it.
I have also given him by DVD for editing.
I hope to get it next week.
I'll keep you updated
Pl. help me out!! ??
Have to do a write-up on the Centennial Celebrations, and I cannot remember
the Northpointer, who opened the Ceremonies, and took the Salute.
What's his name/title ??
We have an Anglo-Indian Recreational Club here in Vancouver, of which I have been a member of for a good many years - so, this is for the Quarterly Newsletter.
Msg from Arjun Mohinta
Am sending the filled up personal details form.
A very happy belated B'day too.
I apologize for the late wishes, wasn't able to access the net for some time last month!!!
Great to hear any news abt GMS or Goats in the mail!!. Great Work :-))
My details are :-
Name - Arjun
Surname - Mohinta
Entry - 1992
Exit - 1996
Msg from Thondup Sherpa
Dear Chief
Thanks...and am waiting to hear from Ralph. In the mean time I got a surprise call yesterday from Keith Hayward in Queensland..... thanks to this wonderful site you put up
Msg from Safiul Huda
Yes Safiul,
All of us choked when we heard the anthem being sung after 40+ years at the sports. Tears rolled down my face and the faces of many of the ex-students. Our wives just watched our faces understandingly.
The feeling was inexplicable.
Anybody can access our blog by clicking on the link
They are most welcome to read and contribute through you, if they so desire.
I have already uploaded your piece on the American Election Scene
Superb. I don't know why I got choked up when I heard "Cheers for
Goethals" actually sung.(This is after hearing Richard Johnson's video)
I'll be going on spring break and won't be back till toward the end of
March. So, instead of waiting for the password and blog address, I'm
attaching something I wrotre about the American political scene -- you
did say I was to be sort of your blog's "man in America" and you please
upload it this time. I also am sending -- separately -- next email --
another bit I wrote on the Oscars and current movies in general. Hope
you'll do the same with that.
Is it OK if my non-Goethals friends want access the blog and read
therein? How'd they do so?
All the best,
I am flattered that you think I write well. When I said "I'm computer
illiterate," I meant it more literally than figuratively. Lucky for
me, I do already have a GMAIL account, though I have never used it.
BUT -- don't I need a blog address, a password to allow me to add to
your blog? I recall you'd sent me something like that before.
True, "prodeep'er nichei ondhokar," but I hope to be able to shed light
in that area soon.
Say hi to Ghosh, Chatterjee and Roy for me. I repeat my questions to
them: wasn't Ghosh from Cooch Bihar? Was Chatterji's dad a pilot and
did his family sometimes visit my uncle's family [= Nazru Huda's dad's
family] in Chamurchi? I used to be rather friendly with AK and DK,
especially DK who was my classfriend -- do they recall?
Till I hear from you,
P.S. There might be a long gap between this and my next letter. I'll
be on Spring break till the 18th.
Msg from N K Sircar
Good Day all my friends & relatives
Pls be informed that presently I am in Courtney, BC Canada. I am neither living in Sydney, Australia or Tronto, Canada.
I am contactable on the same email address and on the phone numbers given below:-
A. 1-250-218-4613.(Local cell / Mob on normal basis)
B. 1-647-839-0614 ( Interstate & International cell / Mob on urgent basis)
C. Mrs. Soma Sircar is contactable by : 1-647-839-0560
I hope you & your families are all fine
With Best Wishes
Nihar Kumar Sircar (NK
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