Radeshshyam invited me to spend a few days in his Home with his Family and it was a memorable experience.
I was no outsider but very much part of the family. Manju, his affable Wife, made certain I was never hungry and this carnivorous individual couldn't believe that meals prepared without onion and garlic could be that delicious and varied !!
This is a devout Family that prays together and live the day meaningfully and prayerfully.
There was a role reversal when Radesh became the "Guru" as I honed in on improving my computer skills and listened to tales from the Ramayana.
RS aka DS ( check his earlier blog listings and his profile) is amazing how he juggles his 'Shares' and maintains this terrific site without losing perspective.Their Home is "Open House" and his contemporaries often meet for old times sake.
Ajay, his elder Son, and Shalini are newly married. The other Son whom I did not meet, floats between Bangalore and Delhi.
Thank you Manju and Radheshyam
Matt Lobo
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