Msg from Mr. LoboHari Om, Sir,
Best wishes to you and Myrna on Easter.
I still remember the Anglo-Indian boys getting Easter eggs filled with chocolates during this time.
Holi is a very beautiful festival where it gives an opportunity to everybody to forget past differences and hug each other.
We visit our relatives at least twice a year, after Holi and after Diwali to pay our respects.
I have put a part of Partha's Holi message on our blog.
This time not only Easter and Holi fell on the same day, but also the Muslim Id festival.
Our government Babus were looking wistfully at the calendars for missed holidays.
Poor chaps.
Warm regards and Hari Om to All.
Hare Om
Recd this from Partha.
I was in Duliajan, Assam a few years ago where I joined in with my Niece and her family along with their colleagues in Oil India.
It was a colourful celebration.
Easter and Holi in the same week...ecumenical .
MattHari Om sir,
I have included Ashley in my mailing list so that he can receive my mails also.
If you have the E-mail ID's of other old boys, you could copy, paste and send them to me.
If they are not in my mailing list I shall include them so that they do not feel left out.
I asked Basant once regarding the official video but I did not get a clear reply.
I think we will have to write to Bro. Beddoe.
But D K Roy, made one Video, I made one and S P Chatterjee too made one.
Let me see, I’ll try to send all three to you soon.
Thanks for thinking of us.
We are always thinking of you and your family.
We were really obliged to you for your stay with us and leaving behind such beautiful memories.
Today we did Holi Puja.
Tomorrow will be color play.
Ashley is just a few years my junior. I sure he would appreciate the GMS news.
R S What news of the official centenary video? I would like to see some of S P Chatterjee's
work downloaded.
Thinking of you and the Family especially during the Easter week.
Hare OmMatt
Msg from Hugh PorterHello Hugh,
Pleased to have received your mail.
Do I put the new ID in the mailing list and discontinue the old one? Or do I send in both please confirm.
You passed out in '57. I had joined Goethals in '55.
I remember you were one on our faster sprinter. If I remember right you were in Red House.
If you have your old and some recent photos, I would request you to send the same to put on the blog.
These letters and photographs have opened floodgates of emotions from past friends.
I am sure your past class mates would also like to know about you now.
Warm regards
I have a new w-mail address:
Hugh PorterMsg from ThondupDear Chief...
Way to go!!!!!!!! Thank you for this site
Thondup Msg from Myrna LoboHari Om Myrna,
Thank you for your mail. It was very nice of you.
It was really our pleasure to have been able to take care of sir. I had always wanted him to come and stay with us for some time. It was a long wish fulfilled. Only your presence was missing. During your next visit to India, you too must come with sir to our house and stay for a few days.
I am happy sir is now well and has started writing for our blog. It will keep him occupied. I would also request you too to give us some time and write. I am sure everybody would really enjoy your writings.
Yesterday, I took my wife to see a homeopath and we have started his treatment. Let us see how it goes.
Sir was saying you were renovating the house. Has it been completed?
Do keep writing.
Hari Om.
Hello Radheshyam,
Firstly I'd like to thank you for taking such good care of my 'old man'. He hasn't stopped singing your praises, and was also very appreciative of your wife's warmth and generosity.
He has already told you about his illness, which was really scary....he had about 5 specialists checking him out, and had numerous tests.....thankfully they were all negative, and it turned out that he had a very serious bout of Influenza B. It has taken 5 weeks, and he has only started to come good in the last 3-4 days.
Matt tells me your wife is not very well. Please convey to her our wishes for a speedy recovery.