Mumbai: After targeting actor Shah Rukh Khan over his so-called "anti-national" remarks on inclusion of Pakistan players in IPL, Shiv Sena has now turned its guns on management guru Arindam Chaudhuri, over his "make Mumbai a Union Territory remark."
Chaudhuri, editor-in-chief of The Sunday Indian, has said in an editorial in the latest issue of the magazine "Hats off to Shah Rukh Khan for standing his ground! It's now time to end this hooliganism once and for all and make Mumbai a union territory!"
Sena mouthpiece Saamana today said Chaudhuri has "insulted Maharashtra by spewing such venom."
During a recent TV debate, Chaudhuri deliberately called Mumbai as Bombay, Saamana said.
Last year, Chaudhuri's IIPM roped in Shah Rukh Khan to host its annual Business and Marketing quiz.
Once the Congress party made the mistake of equating Indira with India and coined the slogan "Indira is India"
The Shiv Sena is now equating the two imbeciles with Maharashtra.
Maharashtra is too great to be insulted by us mortals.
It was made by rulers like Shivaji,freedom fighters like
Goakhle, Saints like Tukaram.
There is no place for people like the two imbeciles in this list.
They are selfish, greedy cowards who attack people from behind closed doors.
When Mumbai was attacked on 26/11, there was not even a whimper from them.
They have amassed enormous wealth, using their clout by bullying mill owners to sell their land to them.
How can they be equated to Maharashtra?
It is these two imbeciles who are spewing venom against the whole of India and the faster the congress party realizes it and takes action, the better for India.
Rather, they should be thrown into the sea which lies beside Maharashtra, to atone for their sins.
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