Human Blood Pressure Range Diagram
The 1st Number: Systolic pressure is the pressure generated when the heart contracts .
The 2nd Number: Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is relaxed.
What is Normal Blood Pressure ? Buy and use a blood pressure monitor.
Compare your BP reading with the numbers on the chart above. Draw a line from your systolic pressure to your diastolic pressure.
Is the slope of the line about the same as shown on the chart? Where do YOU fit in? What are your risk factors?
Are your blood pressure readings within the normal blood pressure range?Should you take anti-hypertension medication to lower your blood pressure?
Normal human daily Blood Pressure Range can vary widely, so any single blood pressure monitor reading is not reliable. BP monitor readings must be taken at different times of day, to determine AVERAGE blood pressure over time.
What is important is your AVERAGE BP, or MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) over time. Or, where are those numbers sitting MOST of the time?
Normal MAP is about 93 mm of mercury.
Lowering High Blood Pressure Tactics
Download a 1-page printable .PDF file of the
Blood Pressure Chart above.
Blood Pressure Range Chart Notes
HIGH Blood Pressure Symptoms -Stressed, Sedentary, Bloated, Weak, Failing Systolic - Diastolic
210 - 120 - Stage 4 High Blood Pressure
180 - 110 - Stage 3 High Blood Pressure
160 - 100 - Stage 2 High Blood Pressure
140 - 90 - Stage 1 High Blood Pressure
130 - 85 - High Normal
120 - 80 - NORMAL Blood Pressure
110 - 75 - Low Normal
60 - 40 - TOO LOW Blood Pressure
50 - 33 - DANGER Blood Pressure
LOW Blood Pressure Symptoms -Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Fainting, Coma
With Swine flue playing havoc, over 50 deaths so far, here is and Homeopathic dose which would help you.
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" Influenzinum 1M "
once a day in the morning for a week. (foradult )
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once a day in morning
BP is one of the easiest, fastest and cheapest non-invasive tests carried out on the human body to monitor its condition. It gives the earliest notice that everything is not OK in you.
Indranil Aich has sent the above chart to know what is wrong with your body vis-vis your blood pressue.
Since it is difficult to memorise, it would be useful if you took a print-out and kept it under your table glass.
The homeopathic dose has also been suggested by him.
Indranil attended his first reunion with us on the 9th,
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