On 31st August, he will take charge as the countries Chief of the Navy.
There were reminiscences galore and the best part is the Nirmal behave just like one of us when we go talking about our school.
Age or rank is no bar when we start talking of the good old days. He was very accommodative to everybody in taking photographs with him and had to put down his plate on a number of occasions.
Finally he gave up trying to finish his dinner. Neither could I for all the dishes had onions and garlic, so I just pecked on a spoon of rice, and papar.
But then we don't go to these function to eat, it is just the company and memories we cherish that we want to revive
Here is my thanks to the organisers and the participants for having taken the time to come and give us these cherishable moments.
A few photographs are given below for jogging your memories.
Peter Remedios and N G Kar sang a few numbers which were appreciated by Nirmal.
The soft music enticed some of the couples to automatically lift their hand and start dancing. The Daws and Gaspers can be seen enjoying the moments
I have aded below Partha's message also which he had sent by mail
Dear Friends
We have just had, what we could term as a most successful evening on Aug/09 felicitating Nirmal Verma our new Indian Navy Chief
to be. We are grateful to Nirmal & his wife Madhulika for spending the evening with us.
Thank you for your presence. Many thanks to you & your wives for making it a success. Our sincerest thanks to the outstation
Goethalites & members of their family who came all the way to lend their support.
The Registration of GOETHALS ALUMNI KOLKATA was very briefly announced on this occasion.
Enough was not said about the tremendous initiative, endeavours and follow-up that went into forming and registering the Alumni.
On behalf of all of us, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank the team comprising of Ranjan Guha Mazumdar,
Rudra Roy Chowdhury, Manas Chowdhury and Avijeet Roy who went all-out (as we would say in school while competing with our rivals)
to make the GOETHALS ALUMNI KOLKATA come true. It was so `` DO ALL THINGS WELL ``. Well done gentlemen, you have made it happen !!!!!!!
If I have missed out on a name/s please accept my apologies and pardon me.
Now it is for all of us to take our ALUMNI forward. Let us do this with zest and keen enthusiasm….. here is our opportunity to
relive our school days every time we meet. I urge you to step forward to contribute with your ideas and efforts in whatever manner you
consider possible so that we can establish & run our ALUMNI as one of the best.
For those of you who have not registered yet please do get in touch with Ranjan Guha Mazumdar (9433381303) or Rudra Roy Chowdhury (9830041454)
and complete the simple formalities.
Cheers & Good Wishes
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