Dear Radheshyam,
I am mailing few photographs of the ’72 batch get-together held on 03-01-09at the BJ’s Restaurant in Sector-5, Salt Lake.
This get-together was organized in honor of our out-station batch=mates such as Dr. Kanchan Roy (from Sambalpur), Dr. Aniruddha Banerjee (from Madhya Pradesh) & Anhi Mahalonobish (from Siliguri).
We were meeting these out-station batch-mates after nearly 37 years and old memories were revived with Abhi playing some old songs by Engelbert Humperdinck, Tom Jones and George Baker on a Laptop.
Incidentally, for those who would remember, Abhi Mahalanobish together with J P Gurung used entertain us with songes of Engelbert and Tom Jones.
Dear Ranjan,
I have finally been able to put the photographs, with your guidance.
Thanks for the lesson.
We had a small get-together with Br. Beddoe, K.K Chirimar, Arun Shroff, Anup Daw, Manos Chowdhury and myself.
Those pictures I have put on our blog earlier
Cheers, Waiting for 1st Feb.

Msg from Pu-Chin Waide
Sorry to hear about your "shala" - at least he is our of suffering. I am not familiar with Pranayam yoga though I have heard about it i have never tried to practice it. One day i would like to.
Cheers and Good health for the New Year.
PS I have heard of that joke, it is funny
Msg from Naranjan Punjabi
Hi Radheshyamji
Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's passing. We pray for eternal peace to his soul and for strength to his family to bear the passing of his soul.
Msg from Chaitanya Michael D'Souza
Hi Radheshyam,
Always look forward to your weekly blog sent to the GMS guys I am class of 76, living in Perth – Western Australia.
I have a favour to ask of you I want to learn the technique of Pranayam and was hoping you could help me.
Chaitanya Michael D'Souza
Hello Michael,
I am providing below the link to our blog of 17.11.2007.
I have explained in detail all the different pranayams I do.
If you follow it, I am sure it will benefit you.
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Hello Michael,
This is further to the mail I sent this morning.
Since others have asked the same question, I am giving below the link to Aastha TV.
You may look at Global Reach and Programme Guide to watch Ramdeoji's Programmes.
The language, spoken by him is Hindi.
Thank you Mark for your New year greetings.
I wish you and your family the same.
I shall try to let you know the details of how to watch Astha in USA.
In the meantime, I am giving yoy the link of the post I had put on our blog on 17.11.2007 wherin I explained the pranayams I do.
If you follow these, you would find an immediate improvement in your health
I you have any more doubts, do write
Msg from Mark
Happy New Year from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA..... How does one watch Astha in the USA???
Hello Mark,
This is further to the mail I sent this morning.
I am giving below the link to Astha Chaneel for their programmes throughout the world.
This link has been added to our blog.
You can click of Global reach and programme guide to find out the details of channels and programmes in your area.
Hope this should be helpful to you.
You will have to watch Ramdeoji's programmes.
The programmes are in Hindi
Keith Hayward has sent some thoughts
Now here's a thought . . . . If you are ready for the "Adventure of a
Lifetime", try this:
a.. Go to Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq illegally.
Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense..
b.. Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.
c.. Demand that all nurses and doctors be fluent in English, and that all food be cooked according to your special specifications in the hospital.
d. Demand free local government forms, bulletins, etc. be printed in English.
e.. Procreate abundantly.
f.. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behaviour with, 'It is a cultural thing; you wouldn't understand.'
g.. Keep your original identity strong. Fly your previous country's national flag from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window, or on your car bumper.
h.. Speak only English at home and in public, and make sure that your children do likewise.
i.. Demand classes on English culture in the Muslim school system.
j.. Demand a local country driver license or national insurance number equivalent
k... This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimise your unauthorised, illegal, presence in Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq
l... Drive around with no motor, tax or insurance and ignore local traffic laws.
m.. Insist that local country law enforcement teaches English to all its officers..
n.. Organise protest marches against your host country, inciting violence against non-white, non-Christians, and the government that let you in.
Good luck! You'll soon be dead.
It would never happen in Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq (or any other country in the world for that matter) except in the UK, US, Canada or Australia, because we are run by soft, politically correct politicians that are too scared to 'offend' anyone.
If you agree, pass it on.
If you don't, go ahead and try the above in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq
Msg from Prakash Bhartia
Hi Radheshyam,
As you know, we do not get these programs in the US. I have Type 2 diabetes and take some drugs for it, but could you provide me information on what Yoga I can do to cure this. I appreciate the time you take to bring this blog to us every week. Its a great way of keping in touch. Thanks
Hello Prakash,
The original article was on our blog
If you click on the link, you should go to the sight.
However, I am sending the same by mail also. But the file size may be too big to go in ome e-mail and hence I am sending two mails with the photographs.
In the blog, it is easier to onter-relate the article with the pictures.
Msg from Bhaskar Chakravorti
Parnam Radheshyamji,Aapka mails pad ke main prasann ho jaata hu.Naya Saal Mubarak !Bhaskar Chakravorti
I have thanked the trees that have made my life fruitful but have failed to remember the grass that has ever kept it green - Tagore
Msg from Willy Wu
Hi Radhesh,
Could you please check your contact list and see
if you can find A.K.Rai, who graduated in 1968
with Jeffry Dessa and Ralph Reeves. If not,please
post this on your blog and maybe someone will
be able to let me know via email to willywcwu@
Willy Wu
Hello Willy,
I do not have A K Rai's Contact detail.
I am putting it up on my weekly mail for details.
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