In its 210 years history, the USA has had 44 Presidents i.e average 4.77 years per president
In contrast India in it 60 years history has had 14 prime minister, i .e average 4.28 yeaqrs per P.M.
Not bad.
Among the 14 PM India has had only three stand out for their honesty.
Gulzarilal Nanda. He was thrice P M for short spans. An honest person could not remain PM.He had to make way for the family. He was a stepney PM, if there ever was one.Such is the Congress party.
Lal Bahdur Shashtri. His reign was cut short by his untimely mysterious death at Tashkent.People suspected foul play. It will always remain a mystery. Many of us wistfully wonder how India would have developed if he had a long innings as Pandit Nehru.
Dr. Manmohan Singh. Although the BJP have said many things against him but even they cannot deny his honesty
I wouldn't say all the others were exactly dishonest although one or two of them were out and out dishonest.
But they left a distaste and we Indians would like to forget them as bad dreams.
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