While going down the Chandini Metro Station, guess whom I met?
Br. Beddoe.
We got to talking. He had to buy a battery for his watch.
We searched the surrounding area but could not locate a Titan showroom.
He had come for a conference of Principals and I was fortunate to have met him.
Well, one thing led to another.
Courtsey, Mr. K K Chirimar, we had a small get-together at Kwality, Park Street.
Br. Beddoe,KK, Arun Shroff, Anup Daw, Manos Chowdhury and I were priveledged to have had a luncheon.
As usual in meetings of this type, there was fond remembrances of past events and persons, classmates, teachers, brothers.
Br. Beddoe, informed that Sports and games were again being given importance.
I also requested Br. Beddoe, to use our blog advantageously to inform all our boys throughout the world of all that is going on in Goethals and Darjeeling.
Brother informed that our school was not having much problems owing to the Gorkhaland agitation, while we were under the impression that the school must be suffering.
We should have more interaction through our blog.

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