Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why was Raj Thackeray Born?

As Bertie Wooster would say the imbecile was probably dropped on his head at birth. We would all have been saved his idiocy if the nurse had put a pillow on his face and snuffed out his life or drowned him in the bath tub of better still flushed him down the toilet.

India has always had migratory population who looked for better opportunities. It was only those who were diffident or did not have the confidence in themselves stayed back in their states.
If you look, only the Assamese and the Maharashtrians did not leave their states. The Assamese were poor, uneducated, had language problem so it was understandable. I would say the Maharashtrians were cowards and not willing to face the world. The Marathas of Shivaji are dead. These are Maharashtrians and they are cowards.
Their state has been made prosperous with the efforts of Marwaris, Gujaratis, and other North Indians and now when it is prosperous, they want to drive them out.
In the 60’s, when I was young, we knew typists and stenographers were only from the south, the Pillais and Menons. They would come all the way from Kerala to earn a living in Bengal, because Bengal was prosperous, at that time.
Before the railways came to India, there was no mobility among the population,
After the railways started running in the latter half of nineteenth century, there was large inter state migration of population.
The climate of Rajasthan and Gujarat was extreme and the land very arid with not much to be earned in farming for water was scarce
The Marwaris of South Rajasthan moved towards Bombay and those of North Rajasthan towards Calcutta. As a matter of fact, the late G D Birla’s father started his businesses in Bombay. However, G D Birla himself moved his business to Calcutta. The Gujaratis moved towards Bombay.
Delhi was not developed at that time so people from UP went towards Mumbai and Bengal being near Bihar, people from Bihar went to Bengal.

People from Bengal, always being studious, became educated preferred service life and went all over India, wherever their jobs took them.
People from Orissa gravitated towards Kolkata. However, Orissa being a poor state, they could take up only menial jobs.
As long as the British were there the whole of India combined to drive them out.
After Independence, two new problems rose.
Migration from W Punjab, E. Bengal.
The Sikhs being a hard working and enterprising race, willing to move out of their state, progressed very rapidly.
On the other hand, the people of E Bengal who came over were not willing to move out and depended on the dole of the government. So while the Sikhs made good progress, Bengal lacked behind.
Up to 1965, Bengal was a very prosperous state. I remember in the Engineering College, I used to pity the people of Delhi, Haryana and Punjab and UP, as there were very few industries in those states.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot. The people of those states pity us from Bengal.

After the 60’s, a young communist leader in Bengal caught the fancy of the intelligensia. This leader told them that the industrialists were the cause of all their ills and so started a 30-year rule of Bandhs and strikes which succeeded in driving out industries from Bengal.
When this leader came to power he too claimed that Marwaris and Biharis were the cause of all their ills and taking away their jobs.
Mohanlal Sukhadia, who was the Chief Minister of Rajasthan at that time, invited all the Marwaris to come back to Rajasthan with their capital. Thus, the development of Rajasthan started after the Marwaris started the reverse march back to their home state.
The Biharis at that time warned that if Bengal took extreme steps against Biharis, then Bihar would take similar steps. Since Bengal had their people living all over India, the matter became dead.
However, Bihar cannot use the same threat as very few Maharashtrians live outside their state. The Assamese too use this threat on and off, as people of their state cannot adjust outside their state.
What is going on in the name of religion caste and caste is shocking and shameful. And the real culprits behind this are the politicians. Even now, when the imbecile has committed such a horrendous crime, they are thinking of their vote banks instead of dousing the flames.
These leaders of Bihar are now championing the cause of the people of their state. That’s very good. But have they forgotten they are the cause of all this problems.
Successive governments in Bihar have been steeped in corruption. It is probably the poorest and most corrupt state in India. Because of corruption, the job opportunities of the people of this state has vanished and they are forced to seek employment in other states. Lalu Yadav may have forgotten but we haven’t. He did not even leave the cattle of his state and ate their cattle-feed also.
The recent floods caused by the Kosi were not God-made but man-made. If the engineers in Bihar had done their jobs properly and not siphoned off 95% of the sanctioned amount, this calamity would never have occurred.
Near my hometown, Chandil, which was earlier in Bihar but is now in Jharkhand, a dam was being constructed some years ago. There was an engineer from our college. He told me that if I became a contractor, he would make me crorepati. So you see, these were also the people who made the Kosi barrage.
So, if these are the leaders, the people have to look for job elsewhere or starve.
In Bengal too, all industries were closed down. Even now, when industries try to come up, they are put down. Nano has been driven out of Bengal. Do you think, if now people of Bengal go out to work in the Gujarat Nano project, the Gujaratis would allow it? After all they have sacrificed their land when Bengal couldn’t give it.
People from Bengal are now working in Baroda, Surat, Jamnagar and other towns in Gujarat. They are very good and efficient workers there. But in Bengal, they did not work for the unions and the government would not allow them to work.
How can the state develop?
So when the people go to other states, the people of those states object for they steal their jobs.
It is the leaders of these corrupt states, which have remained poor for their corruption and advise to strike and call bandhs that should also be beaten up, besides Raj Thackeray.


The Other Side said...

Why would Maharashtrians leave Maharashtra? Who leaves heaven (read Maharashtra) to wallow in other tiny hells (read pretty much anything north of Ahemadabad and west of Chandigarh)? Maharashtrians aren't cowardly in not leaving their state. They are wise and prudent, since - face it - this is the best part of the country.

My School - I wish said...

An old man had gone on a walk with a walking stick.
He saw some birds on the trees.
He pointed his stick at one of the birds and said "bang!', and the bird fell on the ground.
He then pointed his stick to two more birds and again said "bang! bang!" and two more birds fell on the grund.
He smited to himself.
He had attained great power and could kill anybody by just pointing his stick and saying "bang!"
Just then, a hunter came from behind, carrying his gun. He collected the birds and went away.
Your mentality is the same.
What is Maharashtra, without Mumbai. Farmers are committing suicides regularly, sugar mills have closed down and cotton mills have shut up decades ago.
Maharastra was formed only in 1960. Mumbai, earlier known as Bombay was chosen for its proximity geographically to England to develop the port facilities. It has been built with the efforts of the British, Parsees, Gujaratis, Marwaris and people from the rest of India. Would you kindly name the 10 largest industries in Maharashtra and let us know how many of these have been started by Maharashtrians.
Maharastra was earlier known by the Sants it produced. Sant Gyaneshwar, Sant Eknath, Sant Tukaram, Sai Baba all came from Maharashtra.
Maharashtra now is more infamously known by the dons it produces. We have Dawood, Chote Rajan, Haji Mastan and the Thackerays, Raj and Bal.
It was the best part of the country once.
When Bengal was losing out on Nano, I had remarked two weeks before they took the decision that the Tatas would select Gujarat. Maharashtra would lose out because of Raj Thackeray.
So, you see, the people who really matter are now avoiding Maharashtra because of the likes of Raj Thackeray.

santosh suryarao said...

dear friend

u say perfect word but lalu can't read

he is uneducated MP from bihar

Anonymous said...

Raj Thackery is the savior of Maharashtra.

Are you aware of the problems Maharashtians are facing because of the influx?
If we all our Indians and there is no difference between people from various regions. than why are 90-95% candidates selected by the railways belonging to the North . Can some body ask why do Maharashtians get a raw deal in public sector services, inspite of talent? Who is accountable for the selection procedure?

If there is anyone responsible for the recent protest in Maharashtra , it’s Lalu Prasad Yadav, who has made the selection procedure questionable.

Issues raised by Mr. Raj Thackery cannot be ignored!
The sudden increase of the Bihar and UP population in Maharashtra is a well calculated move by the North Indian politicians, who are eyeing Maharashtra for years. The real motive behind the Chatt puja is well known.

Mulayam Singh Yadav has openly declared “UP hamara hai. Maharashtra baki hai ”, this speaks volumes of the selfish motives of north Indian politicians, who are taking too much interest in the internal affairs of Maharashtra .

Its high time to take action. Raj Thackery is 100% right. The influx has to be stopped.

Besides Mumbai does not have the infrastructure to put up with them

The local culture is being destroyed and the patience of the Maharashtians is being put to test.

Before making such cruel wishes, you should do your homework