I am writing to all you GMS members as an introduction to myself and with a special regard to the subject of ‘Old Boys’ of GMS. Three of us (my brothers and myself) were taken out of the school in 1947, after the Partition and Independence of India, and we returned to England with the rest of the family members. My elder brothers were already at GMS when I joined them in 1945. We were registered as; OLIVIERE (the Rees was indicated by the letter R) as per the following:
C William R Oliviere - (circa 1941/47) (Cedric)
V John R Oliviere - (circa 1943/47) (Vernon)
R George R Oliviere - (circa 1945/47) (Raymond).
We still have memories of the years that were spent in India and GMS. That was part of our life in India and a growing-up process that cannot be changed. That is why I am making contact now as I wish to make my family aware of the good times (and bad) of my GMS days. I am hoping to locate some photographs taken of the School and areas near Kurseong during those early days (1941 to 1947).
As for myself and the days after GMS:
When I returned to England, I continued my education at another Christian Brothers School ‘St Boniface College’, in Plymouth, Devon. I then joined the Royal Air Force as an RAF Apprentice (three years), where I studied Aeronautical Engineering and completed my advanced studies and Technical Trades of Aerospace Engineering.
St. Boniface College (Plymouth UK)
On completion of my training, I did a further 12 years service in the RAF and was stationed in the following countries:
UK (including Northern Ireland and Scotland) Germany, Malta, Gibraltar, Libya, Canada, Cyprus, Malaya, Singapore, Brunei Labaun, Kuching and Borneo.
I was also a Helicopter Crewman on the Westland Mk10 Whirlwind, and operated in Borneo, Brunei and Malaysia during the Brunei/Borneo Confrontation in 1962 to 1965. I currently have the British Service Medals for: Cyprus, Malaya, Brunei and Borneo.
Also the special Malaysian Medal (the ‘Pingat Jasa Malaysia’ Medal’ - PJM), from the Government of Malaysia (see NOTE below).
When I left the RAF, I completed my studies for Aircraft Engineers Licenses in the UK (CAA) and the USA (FAA), where I also studied for and received my Airworthiness Engineers certification and that of Designated Maintenance Examiner, for the FAA and ICAO.
Even though I am officially retired, I still carry out work as a Consultant in the Aerospace and Defence Sectors. My Aerospace work has taken me to many countries for work they include: Germany, France, Norway, The Oman, Saudi Arabia and back to Singapore. (Another story line to follow later, for all the GMS Ex-Service Personnel).
NOTE: For those of you that have not heard of or seen the PJM, I am attaching a picture of the Malaysian Medal below.
My Sports and Leisure Activities:
As to Sports and Leisure, I received my ‘COLOURS’ for representing the RAF in: Boxing, Hockey and Rugby. I also used to do Judo and still play Badminton.
My taste in music reflects the fact that I used to sing with the Big Bands and also played percussion (Congas and Timbales) with a Jazz/Latin Jazz flavour, performing with various groups and TV/Radio shows in Malaya and Singapore (while in the RAF) and in the UK.
I returned to Singapore in Sept/Oct 2005 and met some of the old musicians that I had played with back in 1962/65 and joined them again to play at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and the Southbridge Jazz Club. Great to be in the ‘line-up’ again with the boys. I have some of the pics for you (the Forum), of the 2005 Malaya/Singapore trip.
(Another story line to follow later, for all the GMS musicians).
I am attaching a photograph of myself, taken at my old RAF Base in Butterworth, Malaya during my trip back to the Far East in 2005. That, however, as they say ‘is another story’ and will be told later.
Outside Butterworth Camp 2005
The above is a short summary of my years after GMS 1945/47 and my return to the UK.
Regards to all the GMS members and a promise to post other story lines that may be of interest to some/all of you out there.

Ray Rees-Oliviere
(Oct 07)
How do I get in touch with Ray Rees-Oliviere?
I am an old boy of Victoria School.
Ray and I both served in the Royal Air Force and we were both based at one time in Labuan in North Borneo.
I have not been able to find his email address.
John Feltham
Email: wantok at me.com
Ray made it big in the RAF. There are GMS boys in the Indian Air Force. I know one WING COMMANDER SANJAY AGRAWAL who's flying helicopters for the Indian Air Force. And he's been doing a great job I hear !!
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