He was struck by the hard work and the consequent development visible in China. This should be a an eye-opener to our communist comrades in Bengal and Kerala who have still not been able to make their people work.
You can wake up a sleeping man but you cannot wake a man who continues to lie down inspite of being awake.
Only an earthquake would move them or they may be buried under the rubble

Hello Mr R.S.Sharma,
Some short comments on the Shanghai visit.
1. Some of the things that come to my mind ,
China being a communistcountry they are working
very hard in all areas. We can see even
construction work going on at 4 am in the morning,
something we cannot even dream in any other country.
( In China there is instruction from top and
everyone has to follow it, which is totally opposite
in our country we have many people to advice but
very people to actually work on it.
2. I have been to most of developed cities in Europe,
if I compare it with China, I find it is solid concrete
Jungle without any tree any where in sight, whereas in
all other cities in the world there is some human
touch for the environment.
3. I travelled in the Bullet rain which travels at a
speed of 432KM PER HOUR, which means I can travel
50km in 6 mins,it makes so much noise that
after 8pm its speed is slowed down to 320 km, since
people cannot sleep when it go through the residential areas.
4. The tower is the highest TV tower in the world.
5. The 2 building are the highest building in Shanghai- 120 floors.
Saby Oommen
Sales Manager
Outokumpu India Private Limited
301-B.,Sai Commercial Annexe,
B.K.S.Devshi Marg,
Chembur East,
Mumbai-400 088
Tel: 91 22 40254005.
Fax: 91 22 40254016.
Mob:91 9867877004
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