Just compare.
Here is one family who is enjoying the fruits of J L Nehru, having fought for independence. For four generations now they are milching that cow call "Freedom Fighter" And the congress party is awaiting with abated breath for Rahul to marry so that the lineage can continue. Of course, if he does not not marry they will have to manage with Priyanka Vadera's children.
Such is the bankruptcy of the Congress party. It is not that they do not have capable people. It is only they do not trust each other and like crabs in a bowl pulls each other down as they climb.
Now study this man and his biography.

Bangalore: Kisan Baburao Hazare, famously known as Anna Hazare, is the man of the moment - an anti-corruption crusader who is determined to establish the Jan Lokpal Bill that can bring in a strong anti-corruption law in India. He has been fighting for a corruption-free India for all his life. There are many incidents in his life that are quite fascinating. This patriot has sculptured himself to fight for the attainment of a peaceful nation. He has been serving the nation from his youth. He calls himself a Fakir as he has no family, property or bank balance. He lives in a 10x10 feet Spartan room. He has not visited his home for around 35 years as he has devoted his whole time for the welfare of the country.
Anna was born on 15th June 1937 in Bhingar, a small village in Maharashtra. He was brought up by his childless aunt. He studied still 7th standard and later decided to get employed in Mumbai because of the economic situation in the household. He started selling flowers in Dadar and later owned his own shop.
In the year 1962, he was recruited by the Indian army despite his weak physique as it was an emergency recruitment. He had a miraculous experience which changed his life. In a deadly attack by the Pakistani air force o
n Indian bases which killed all his comrades, Anna had a close shave of bullet as it passed his head, but still he survived and this made him realize that there is a purpose for his life. The books written by Mahatma Gandhi, swami Vivekananda and Vinod Bhave inspired him to become a social activist. In mid-1970s, he again survived a road accident while driving. It was then Hazare decided to serve his life for the humanity and took the oath to remain a bachelor so that he would live for the country. In the year 1975 he took a voluntary retirement from the army
After the retirement, he went back to his village Ralegan Siddhi. This village was a major drought prone and rain shadow zone where people suffered from poverty and deprivation. The sanitation and eco system
was very poor. Anna came up with incredible community transformation ideas by enforcing the normative principles of human development. He worked a lot for uplifting the standards of the village that people forgot his original name "Kisan Baburao Hazare" and started calling him Anna Hazare. "Anna" means elder brother.
As a social worker, he has been very successful in uprooting alcoholism, introduced grain bank in a temple as a safety measure for farmers when they experience drought, famine or crop failure. Watershed develop
ment program was the most applauding thing he had done for his Ralegan Siddhi village. He united all the villagers for the construction of canals, small-scale check-dams, and percolation tanks to increase the ground water level as the village was located in the foothill. Developments like education, increasing milk production, and encouraging collective marriage for poor were also a part of his social program.
As a social activist, he has been instrumental in bringing many drastic changes in the society. The anti-corruption protest in Maharashtra which lead to the resignation of 6 corrupt ministers and dismissal of 400 corrupt officers is lauded as one of his major successes. He also protested against the amendment of RTI which would hamper the rights of people. He fought for abolition of liquor mafia from Ralegan Siddhi. Now his relentless fight for making the Jan Lokpal Bill a reality has attracted the masses and people are lining up behind Anna to fight this menace of corruption.
Anna has proved to be voice of people. His sacrifices and selflessness is what makes him great. His nonviolent means of agitation is an example for the people across the globe who want to bring in a change to the established evil systems. Living in this highly tensed world, especially the Middle East countries where the civil wars are taking many lives each day; Anna remains to be a beacon of hope for the oppressed, the poor and the downtrodden for the Indians.
The UPA, euphemism for the Congress Party, has been looting the country under the above able leadership.
How can they tolerate anyone rocking their boat?
Hence the massive bandobast they utilized to disturb first Swami Ramdeo's protest and now of Anna Hazare.
Let the whole of India come out in support of Anna Hazare's protest.
It has taken 64 years for one man to awaken and lead the nation in the third war of independence.
If we miss this chance these politicians will continue to loot for another 100 years.
There is no difference between the Congress and the BJP and the other parties.
They are all combining to pass this JOKEPAL BILL.
They are all bosom friends in looting the nation
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