Hari Om friends,
I am just back from a demonstration held in front of Metro station in support of Anna Hazare.
While there, I noticed that the CPM also took out a demonstration in favour of Anna.
I had remarked earlier that I have found the CPM MPs are more honest than all the other MPs.
The way the police had arrested Anna at 7.36 am today would put even Mussolini to shame.
It seems that the Italian madam has gone one step ahead of the world war II dictator. We cannot blame the PM for he does not have his own free wheel.
One of the speakers at the venue remarked that Gandhiji had three monkeys who spoke no evil, hear no evil and see no evil.
Madam Gandhi has combined all three in one monkey, Manmohan Singh who neither sees, speaks or sees anything but what madam tells him.
On coming back I see that Anna is being released.
The whole of India has come out in support of Anna and the Congress government developed cold feet and decided to release him.
Good for the government as we never know what could have happened.
On day one as per advise of Anna the demonstrations everywhere were peaceful but if it continued you never know because some mischievous elements in the Congress would create violence.
Anna has thus proved that the people's voice is supreme, even above parliament as it is only the people who have sent the MPs.
When the MPs start thinking they know more than the people who have sent them, this occurs.
They are proposing to release him and them send him out of Delhi as they did to Swami Ramdeo.
Let us see what happens.
In Kolkata, the demonstrations were very muted.
The people here are just interested in CPM or Trinumal
I will be sending you daily reports for the next few days informing you of Anna's agitation.
Bye for today
Hari Om friends,
We are all aware of the degree of lies which was always told as a Joke.
Lies, Dammed lies and statistics.
That has now changed.
The new definition is lies, dammed lies and the congress government.
The people have completely lost faith in the government.
They have been staggering along from one lie to another.
First they smashed Swami Ramdeo's fast at dead of night using force, tear gas sheels and set their tents on fire.
The Congress prepared the same course of action against Anna, this has now back-fired.
Ann does not believe in anything that the Congress says.
First they arrested him without even having done anything wrong.
They took him initially to Police Lines and then to Tihar Jail.
See the irony.
Two of the most corrupt people, Suresh Kalamadi of CWG fame and A Raja of 2G fame are lodged in this jail.
Anna, who is against these corrupt people is lodged in this same jail.
The Congress, seeing the public reaction, they decided to release him.
However, Anna, having seen Swami Ramdeo's treatment in mind decided not to go out jail for he feared that he would be shifted out of Delhi like Swami Ramdeo.
He put a condition that unless he was unconditionally allowed to hold my fast, hee would not move out of jai.
Now the Congress government is using different tactics to move Anna out of Tihar Jail.
In the meantime, demonstrations are being held all over India in support of Anna,
People of all walks are participating in these demonstrations for they are all fed-up of the corruption existing in India.
As I had mentioned earlier in one of my posts, corruption in India was institutionalized by none other than J L Nehru.
Free India's first scam occurred in India just after Independence in 1948
V. K. Krishna Menon, then the Indian high commissioner to Britain, bypassed protocol to sign a deal worth Rs 80 lakh with a foreign firm for the purchase of army jeeps.
The case was closed in 1955 and soon after Menon joined the Nehru cabinet.
When Nehru was asked regarding this, he commented there will always be some corrution.
That "some" corruption has has reached such astronomical proportions that the same congress now does not know what to do.
Even now, they are shown to be making only half-hearted attempts, just to fool the people.
They have used methods which was never used by the British against Gandhiji.
They have used the methods used by the Germans and Italians during World War II.
That should be expected for we have Mussolini's daughter leading the congress.
The Congress is just not understanding the pulse of the people.
The people want a corruption free society - no half measures.
At the time of writing, Anna is still in Tihar jail
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