Ranchi, Aug. 30: Jharkhand became the fourth state today to pass the landmark right to service bill that puts the onus on government officials to render citizens' services within a specified time-frame with the state Assembly passing it without discussion.
Along with the Right to Service Bill, the government steamrollered six other key bills, all without discussion, as the Opposition was too tied up in protests against a cabinet resolution on allowing export of iron ore fines.
Among them were Jharkhand Electronic Services Delivery Bill that mandates electronic delivery of services by all government departments within the next five years, and bills on fiscal discipline, policy for hawkers and municipalities.
Speaker C.P. Singh explained why he went along with the government and allowed the bills to be tabled and passed. "The Opposition stalled the House with one just one question and did not want a discussion. So, I had no option but to allow the bills to be passed," he said.
Just as well.
The Right to Service Bill, so far enacted in Bihar, Rajasthan and neighbouring Bihar, is set to ensure various services to the public within a stipulated time frame and curb harassment at the hands of laggard government officials.
It comprises a charter of services to be rendered to citizens by departments, making government officials accountable, failing which a fine/fines would be deducted from their salaries. Fines can be anything between Rs 250 and Rs 5,000.
The bill, which designates officers who will be liable to discharge the listed services, also includes a provision for appellate and review authorities to look into complaints of non-delivery of services and impose the fine on the officials.
Any person, whose application is rejected by the designated officer, can file an appeal within 30 days. The appellate authorities will have the same powers as a civil court.
The Jharkhand Rajya Sewa Dene Ki Guarantee Bill, covers block offices, schools/colleges, Jharkhand State Electricity Board, medical colleges and hospitals, transport department, public distribution system, departments of agriculture, labour, mines, police, civic bodies and circle offices.
Almost all of these departments have often been in the spotlight for poor work ethic. Many like JSEB are known for harassing ordinary citizens no end.
For instance, under the proposed law, the police will have to submit verification reports for issuing passports, arms licences within a week. The officer in charge of a police station will be the designated officer.
Similarly, old age pension applications have to be cleared by block development officers within 21 days and school and college principals cannot hold on to applications beyond 30 days.
The JSEB executive engineer now has to provide power connections within 30 days and assistant engineers will ensure that incorrect power bills are rectified within 24 hours. Line and cable breakdown has to be rectified within six hours in urban areas and 36 hours in rural areas.
How soon will the law take effect so that the ordinary citizen is impacted positively?
The Right to Service Bill and the other bills passed by the House today will become law once the governor gives is assent. After that it will take some time for the services to be streamlined.
"We will take around two months to notify some of the services which will be covered by the act," admitted principal secretary to chief minister D.K. Tiwary. Bihar Assembly, he pointed out, passed the law on March 28, 2011, and the government implemented it on August 15.
The other key legislation of the day, the Jharkhand Electronic Service Delivery Bill, stipulates that every government department publish within 180 days a list of services to be delivered through electronic mode, the date by which each such service would be available and the manner of their delivery.
The bill also provides departments with a time-frame of five years.
I should be happy on seeing such alacrity on the part of the state government.
But I am not.
I ask why the hurry?
Is is because they are making toothless tigers of the bills?
Just as we have the various laws against corruption and other crimes again women, I fear, they are just making another toothless law.
Note this sentence "The appellate authorities will have the same powers as a civil court.
Why civil court?
We know how notorious civil courts are in prolonging cases which are made to run for years on end.
The person filing the complaint will have to fight from his own pocket but the government employee will have the whole government machinery supporting him.
Is there any provision in the bill that the government official against whom the complaint is made will bear all expenses himself and he shall be held in suspension until the case is decided?
If not, then they are just fooling the people.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Jan Lokpal bill regressive, Anna used as prop: Arundhati Roy
New Delhi, Aug 30 (IANS) The Jan Lokpal bill is a 'regressive piece of legislation' and Anna Hazare has been 'used as a prop by foreign-funded NGOs' to lead the anti-corruption movement, writer and activist Arundhati Roy has said.
In an interview to CNN IBN, Roy said she is glad that the civil society's Jan Lokpal bill did not go through in parliament.
'I am extremely glad that the Jan Lokpal bill did not go through parliament in its current form,' Roy said.
'I think the legislation is a dangerous piece of work. You used the real and legitimate anger of the people against corruption to push through this specific piece of legislation, which is very regressive according to me,' she added.
Alleging that activist Anna Hazare, who spearheaded the anti-corruption movement, was used just as a prop, Roy said: 'It was an NGO-driven movement by Kiran Bedi, (Arvind) Kejriwal and (Manish) Sisodia. Three of them run NGOs.'
'I wanted to indicate why these NGOs are participating to mediate in what the public policy should be. World Bank and Ford Foundation fund the anti-corruption campaigns. Anna Hazare was picked up and propped up as the saint for the masses. He was not the brain behind the movement,' she added.
Talking about the Jan Lokpal bill, Roy said that it attempts to create a form of 'parallel oligarchy'.
'The Jan Lokpal team, including the chairman, is to be selected by a pool of elite people and they are a pool of elite people. You have a bureaucracy which will have the policing power, the power to tap phones, prosecute, charge and judge from the prime minister to the bottom,' she said.
Roy also questioned the media for its 24X7 coverage of Hazare's 12-day fast. 'For a nation of one billion people, the media did not find anything else to report,' she said, adding that 'certain major TV channels campaigned for' the movement. 'That's a kind of corruption for me at first place'.
The trouble with Arundhati Roy and Teesta Setalvad and other NGOs are that they are like crabs in a bowl. They pull down other crabs who attempt to climb out.
Earlier Medha Patkar was saying the same thing as Arundhati is saying. When she became a part of Anna's core team, her tune changed. The same would have been the case if Arundhati had been been involved in the agitation.
Do you call that symptom jealousy?
Each of these NGOs think theirs is the only point worth protesting and all the others are just bunkum.
It shows the blinkered vision of Arundhati when she does not recognize that corruption is the biggest drawback for the development of India.
Such views as purveyed by Arundhati should be thrown in the dustbin.
The agitation should go on whether the likes of Arundhati and others support it or not
In an interview to CNN IBN, Roy said she is glad that the civil society's Jan Lokpal bill did not go through in parliament.
'I am extremely glad that the Jan Lokpal bill did not go through parliament in its current form,' Roy said.
'I think the legislation is a dangerous piece of work. You used the real and legitimate anger of the people against corruption to push through this specific piece of legislation, which is very regressive according to me,' she added.
Alleging that activist Anna Hazare, who spearheaded the anti-corruption movement, was used just as a prop, Roy said: 'It was an NGO-driven movement by Kiran Bedi, (Arvind) Kejriwal and (Manish) Sisodia. Three of them run NGOs.'
'I wanted to indicate why these NGOs are participating to mediate in what the public policy should be. World Bank and Ford Foundation fund the anti-corruption campaigns. Anna Hazare was picked up and propped up as the saint for the masses. He was not the brain behind the movement,' she added.
Talking about the Jan Lokpal bill, Roy said that it attempts to create a form of 'parallel oligarchy'.
'The Jan Lokpal team, including the chairman, is to be selected by a pool of elite people and they are a pool of elite people. You have a bureaucracy which will have the policing power, the power to tap phones, prosecute, charge and judge from the prime minister to the bottom,' she said.
Roy also questioned the media for its 24X7 coverage of Hazare's 12-day fast. 'For a nation of one billion people, the media did not find anything else to report,' she said, adding that 'certain major TV channels campaigned for' the movement. 'That's a kind of corruption for me at first place'.
The trouble with Arundhati Roy and Teesta Setalvad and other NGOs are that they are like crabs in a bowl. They pull down other crabs who attempt to climb out.
Earlier Medha Patkar was saying the same thing as Arundhati is saying. When she became a part of Anna's core team, her tune changed. The same would have been the case if Arundhati had been been involved in the agitation.
Do you call that symptom jealousy?
Each of these NGOs think theirs is the only point worth protesting and all the others are just bunkum.
It shows the blinkered vision of Arundhati when she does not recognize that corruption is the biggest drawback for the development of India.
Such views as purveyed by Arundhati should be thrown in the dustbin.
The agitation should go on whether the likes of Arundhati and others support it or not
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Why a spoon?
The spoon: A lesson on how consultants can make a difference in an organization.
Last week, we took some friends to a new restaurant, 'Steve's Place,' and noticed that the waiter who took our order, had a spoon in his shirt pocket.
It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I observed that he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket.
Then I looked around and saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets. When the waiter came back to serve our soup inquired, 'Why the spoon?'
'Well, he explained, 'the restaurant's owner hired Andersen Consulting to revamp all of our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour.
If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.'
As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he replaced it with his spare. 'I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now. I was impressed, and then noticed that there was a string hanging out of the fly.
Looking around, I saw that all of the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So, before he walked off, I asked the waiter, Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string hanging from your fly?'
Oh,certainly!' Then he lowered his voice. 'Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also taught us how to save time in the restroom.
By tying this string to the tip of our you-know-what, we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39%.'
I asked quietly, 'After you get it out, how do you put your 'you-know what' back in your pants?' 'Well,' he whispered, 'I don't know about the others, but I use the spoon.'
Sent by Prakash Bhartia
The spoon: A lesson on how consultants can make a difference in an organization.
Last week, we took some friends to a new restaurant, 'Steve's Place,' and noticed that the waiter who took our order, had a spoon in his shirt pocket.
It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I observed that he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket.
Then I looked around and saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets. When the waiter came back to serve our soup inquired, 'Why the spoon?'
'Well, he explained, 'the restaurant's owner hired Andersen Consulting to revamp all of our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour.
If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.'
As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he replaced it with his spare. 'I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now. I was impressed, and then noticed that there was a string hanging out of the fly.
Looking around, I saw that all of the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So, before he walked off, I asked the waiter, Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string hanging from your fly?'
Oh,certainly!' Then he lowered his voice. 'Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also taught us how to save time in the restroom.
By tying this string to the tip of our you-know-what, we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39%.'
I asked quietly, 'After you get it out, how do you put your 'you-know what' back in your pants?' 'Well,' he whispered, 'I don't know about the others, but I use the spoon.'
Sent by Prakash Bhartia
Ex-judge raises questions over Gujarat Lokayukta's integrity
August 28, 2011
Rathin Das | Ahmedabad
A day after the Gujarat Government moved high court, seeking quashing of the Governor’s order to appoint retired Justice RA Mehta as Lokayukta, many questions have been raised on the whole episode.
Former Justice BJ Sethna, who had resigned from high court following false allegations against him few years ago, has not only questioned the process leading to the controversial appointment but also hinted that Mehta is not as much a man of ‘integrity’as he is touted to be by the State Congress leaders.
Sethna on Saturday said under provisions of the Gujarat Lokayukta Act, it is the State Government which has to begin the process of naming the incumbent for the post.
Addressing a seminar on judicial accountability organised by the Gujarat chapter of the Indian Association of Lawyers (IAL), Sethna agreed that the Governor should appoint the Lokayukta in consultation with the Chief Justice and the Leader of Opposition but said the process of recommendation of the names must begin from the Council of Ministers led by the Chief Minister.
Sethna questioned why the Opposition and the Chief Justice should insist only on one name and ignore other names short listed by the Council of Ministers.
The Chief Minister had sent a list of four names for consideration to the Chief Justice, said Sethna and asked why only one name was recommended to the Governor for appointment as the Lokayukta. “And why should the Opposition leader too insist on only one name?” asked Sethna.
He hinted that the Opposition is insisting on Mehta’s name because of his old Congress connections.
Sethna said Mehta, before being elevated as a judge in 1983, was a junior to veteran lawyer KK Vekhariya who is now the chief of the Congress legal cell in Gujarat.
Revealing the ‘other side’of the Lokayukta designate, Justice Sethna questioned Mehta’s moral authority to hold the position merely because anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare had stayed with him during his visit here in May this year, a point projected by the state Congress as one of his ‘qualification’for the high post.
Drawing parallel from Ramayana, Sethna said Mehta had done to his lawyer friend what Ravana had done to Ram. Mehta had an extra-marital affair for years with the wife of his lawyer friend and the duo finally got married only few years back, according to Sethna.
“How can a person of such ‘moral attitude’be appointed to a high post like Lokayukta. He may not be corrupt for money, but what about moral behaviour?” asked Sethna.
There is something fishy about naming Justice Mehta for the post, he said and asked why only his name was recommended while there as many as 40 retired honourable High Court judges are available in Gujarat.
Sethna said that the Congress had rejected the name of former Justice KR Vyas as the Lokayukta between 2006 and 2009, but the same person was chosen as the Lokayukta in neighbouring Maharashtra.
“How can the retired judge unfit to be Lokayukta in Gujarat be fit enough for the same post in Congress-NCP ruled Maharashtra?” asked Sethna hinting that political mud slinging is dividing the legal fraternity.
He also pointed out that the Congress has found fault with the appointment of retired Supreme Court Justice MB Shah too to look into the 17 charges against the Gujarat Government under Chief Minister Narendra Modi. “The Congress leaders have forgotten that Justice Shah has an impeccable track record and has been chosen by the Supreme Court for the panel to track black money”, Justice Sethna said adding that it was wrong to call him a ‘puppet’of the Gujarat Government.
Recounting the hue and cry over his judgement upholding the acquittal of the 21 accused in the infamous Best Bakery case of Vadodara, Sethna said he was finally proved correct when the prime witness turned hostile and went back on her words several times.
All of Gujarat’s judiciary was criticised, he lamented and said that finally all realised that Zahira cannot be relied upon as witness and she was punished. Sethna said the judiciary reserves its ruling on many vital matters for long but speedily entertains any NGO filing petitions against Gujarat.
It is important that the power to appoint Lokpals and Lokayuktas are not given to politicians, otherwise they will appoint their own stooges and the very purpose why Anna is agitating will fail
Rathin Das | Ahmedabad
A day after the Gujarat Government moved high court, seeking quashing of the Governor’s order to appoint retired Justice RA Mehta as Lokayukta, many questions have been raised on the whole episode.
Former Justice BJ Sethna, who had resigned from high court following false allegations against him few years ago, has not only questioned the process leading to the controversial appointment but also hinted that Mehta is not as much a man of ‘integrity’as he is touted to be by the State Congress leaders.
Sethna on Saturday said under provisions of the Gujarat Lokayukta Act, it is the State Government which has to begin the process of naming the incumbent for the post.
Addressing a seminar on judicial accountability organised by the Gujarat chapter of the Indian Association of Lawyers (IAL), Sethna agreed that the Governor should appoint the Lokayukta in consultation with the Chief Justice and the Leader of Opposition but said the process of recommendation of the names must begin from the Council of Ministers led by the Chief Minister.
Sethna questioned why the Opposition and the Chief Justice should insist only on one name and ignore other names short listed by the Council of Ministers.
The Chief Minister had sent a list of four names for consideration to the Chief Justice, said Sethna and asked why only one name was recommended to the Governor for appointment as the Lokayukta. “And why should the Opposition leader too insist on only one name?” asked Sethna.
He hinted that the Opposition is insisting on Mehta’s name because of his old Congress connections.
Sethna said Mehta, before being elevated as a judge in 1983, was a junior to veteran lawyer KK Vekhariya who is now the chief of the Congress legal cell in Gujarat.
Revealing the ‘other side’of the Lokayukta designate, Justice Sethna questioned Mehta’s moral authority to hold the position merely because anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare had stayed with him during his visit here in May this year, a point projected by the state Congress as one of his ‘qualification’for the high post.
Drawing parallel from Ramayana, Sethna said Mehta had done to his lawyer friend what Ravana had done to Ram. Mehta had an extra-marital affair for years with the wife of his lawyer friend and the duo finally got married only few years back, according to Sethna.
“How can a person of such ‘moral attitude’be appointed to a high post like Lokayukta. He may not be corrupt for money, but what about moral behaviour?” asked Sethna.
There is something fishy about naming Justice Mehta for the post, he said and asked why only his name was recommended while there as many as 40 retired honourable High Court judges are available in Gujarat.
Sethna said that the Congress had rejected the name of former Justice KR Vyas as the Lokayukta between 2006 and 2009, but the same person was chosen as the Lokayukta in neighbouring Maharashtra.
“How can the retired judge unfit to be Lokayukta in Gujarat be fit enough for the same post in Congress-NCP ruled Maharashtra?” asked Sethna hinting that political mud slinging is dividing the legal fraternity.
He also pointed out that the Congress has found fault with the appointment of retired Supreme Court Justice MB Shah too to look into the 17 charges against the Gujarat Government under Chief Minister Narendra Modi. “The Congress leaders have forgotten that Justice Shah has an impeccable track record and has been chosen by the Supreme Court for the panel to track black money”, Justice Sethna said adding that it was wrong to call him a ‘puppet’of the Gujarat Government.
Recounting the hue and cry over his judgement upholding the acquittal of the 21 accused in the infamous Best Bakery case of Vadodara, Sethna said he was finally proved correct when the prime witness turned hostile and went back on her words several times.
All of Gujarat’s judiciary was criticised, he lamented and said that finally all realised that Zahira cannot be relied upon as witness and she was punished. Sethna said the judiciary reserves its ruling on many vital matters for long but speedily entertains any NGO filing petitions against Gujarat.
It is important that the power to appoint Lokpals and Lokayuktas are not given to politicians, otherwise they will appoint their own stooges and the very purpose why Anna is agitating will fail
Monday, August 29, 2011
Politicians to move priveledge motion
Members in both Houses of Parliament have given Privilege notices against actor Om Puri and civil rights activist Kiran Bedi for using "derogatory and defamatory" language against politicians and the matter is under consideration of the Chair.
In the Rajya Sabha, a member also attacked lawyer activist Prashant Bhushan for reportedly saying that legislations are passed by Parliament after taking bribe.
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on Monday said in the House that notices for moving a Privilege Motion against Puri and Bedi for "allegedly" using "derogatory and defamatory" language against politicians have been received.
Kumar said she had received notices from P L Punia, Jagadambika Pal, Ramashankar Rajbhar, Lalchand Kataria, Mirza Aslam Beg, Praveen Aron and Shailendra Kumar.
"The matter is under my consideration," Kumar said.
The MPs should not further make a fool of themselves.
Om Puri and Kiran Bedi have just echoed what the whole country is thinking of our MPs. Do they want the whole country to come on the streets and chant what these two people have been saying? How many privilege motions are they going to bring forward.
Instead of trying to take action on the truth what these people were saying, they should make an effort to change their own morals so that nobody can point a finger at them.
The people are angry with them. They should not aggravate the anger any further.
In the Rajya Sabha, a member also attacked lawyer activist Prashant Bhushan for reportedly saying that legislations are passed by Parliament after taking bribe.
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on Monday said in the House that notices for moving a Privilege Motion against Puri and Bedi for "allegedly" using "derogatory and defamatory" language against politicians have been received.
Kumar said she had received notices from P L Punia, Jagadambika Pal, Ramashankar Rajbhar, Lalchand Kataria, Mirza Aslam Beg, Praveen Aron and Shailendra Kumar.
"The matter is under my consideration," Kumar said.
The MPs should not further make a fool of themselves.
Om Puri and Kiran Bedi have just echoed what the whole country is thinking of our MPs. Do they want the whole country to come on the streets and chant what these two people have been saying? How many privilege motions are they going to bring forward.
Instead of trying to take action on the truth what these people were saying, they should make an effort to change their own morals so that nobody can point a finger at them.
The people are angry with them. They should not aggravate the anger any further.
Recession is Coming
I am sharing herewith an article circulated by JM Financial Services.
Recession is coming... make your own judgment, don't be panic! Do what is wise.
The recession looks very imminent.
It is really time to take proactive steps to avoid a painful time in the next two years the period it is expected to remain this time.
Ø Avoid taking any loans to buy homes, properties, or even cash loans. Keep as much cash as possible in hand.
Ø Pay off as much of personal loans, private loans, as debt collection will be hastened.
Ø Sell any stocks you can, even if the price is a bit low.
Ø Take money off from Trust Funds.
Ø Don't believe in huge sales forecast from customers. Be extremely prudent with lowest inventories and reduce liabilities.
Ø Don't invest in new capital or new business proposals.
Do it now, if you are planning to sell homes / properties / cars when you can get good prices as returns would be less when recession sets in.
Ø Cancel holiday plans using credit cards.
Ø Don't change jobs, as companies will retrench based on 'last in first out'.
Stay cool, wait, and if you took all of the above actions and more, you probably will be better off than many. This is not a rumor.
Bear Stearns is the first of many banking and financial institutions that will start falling in the not too future.
If Bear Stearns can fall, so can JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC, and the whole world. US economy falls, the rest will crumble.
India and all those self economies will be the most protected, but not gullible.
Europe may be a little stronger, but not China, another giant place !
Malaysia will see significant impact.
Be alert and pass this to your friends !!!
Sent by Keith Hayward
Recession is coming... make your own judgment, don't be panic! Do what is wise.
The recession looks very imminent.
It is really time to take proactive steps to avoid a painful time in the next two years the period it is expected to remain this time.
Ø Avoid taking any loans to buy homes, properties, or even cash loans. Keep as much cash as possible in hand.
Ø Pay off as much of personal loans, private loans, as debt collection will be hastened.
Ø Sell any stocks you can, even if the price is a bit low.
Ø Take money off from Trust Funds.
Ø Don't believe in huge sales forecast from customers. Be extremely prudent with lowest inventories and reduce liabilities.
Ø Don't invest in new capital or new business proposals.
Do it now, if you are planning to sell homes / properties / cars when you can get good prices as returns would be less when recession sets in.
Ø Cancel holiday plans using credit cards.
Ø Don't change jobs, as companies will retrench based on 'last in first out'.
Stay cool, wait, and if you took all of the above actions and more, you probably will be better off than many. This is not a rumor.
Bear Stearns is the first of many banking and financial institutions that will start falling in the not too future.
If Bear Stearns can fall, so can JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC, and the whole world. US economy falls, the rest will crumble.
India and all those self economies will be the most protected, but not gullible.
Europe may be a little stronger, but not China, another giant place !
Malaysia will see significant impact.
Be alert and pass this to your friends !!!
Sent by Keith Hayward
A bad day at BDO's office
A bad day at BDO's office
By SANTOSH K. KIRO | www.telegraphindia.com
Ormanjhi (Ranchi), Aug. 28: It was another unhappy day for most of the 100-odd villagers who had gathered at the block development office in the hope of wrapping up unfinished business ranging from a caste or birth certificate to pending payments for work done on an MGNREGS project last week.
Anna Hazare and the Lokpal bill may have driven the national consciousness for the past 12 days or so, but they mean little to the likes of Parashuram Munda or Ramlal Mahto, regular visitors here since their work never seems to get done.
Government officials manning the block office, the first point of contact for the aam aadmi to the government machinery, look tired, wearing their usual don't-care-less attitude on their sleeves.
Given its proximity to the state capital ' barely 20km away ' the Ormanjhi office, under the leadership of the local BDO, could well have been a shade more efficient than similar offices in the interiors of a state that is beset with problems ranging from Maoist terror to malnutrition to fraudulent practices by middlemen in the implementation of the Centre's flagship job scheme.
But it isn't. It is as insensitive as any government office can be.
"I have been moving from pillar to post since February. But, I have not succeeded in getting my work done," said Parashuram (45), a resident of Piparwanda village, who visits the BDO's office regularly to get Rs 57,000 he was sanctioned last year to prepare his three-acre plot for planting trees on commercial basis.
He has already spent Rs 20,000 on his own, but has had to abandon the project midway as the block has issued him Rs 2,500 so far.
"As I had no money to pay labourers' wages, I had to mortgage a piece of land. The government dishes out a dream by announcing such schemes. But the truth is that families that fall for these schemes, get destroyed due to the official (attitude)," Parashuram said, claiming that his refusal to pay them a "commission" was the root of his problems.
About a hundred villagers like him visit the BDO's office regularly. They crowd around the tables of babus, pleading their cases be taken up and their problems resolved once for all.
Their business centres around caste certificates for tribals and Scheduled Tribes, income certificates and land mutation.
Development and government welfare schemes are also under the ambit of the BDO to implement. For instance, construction of village roads and culverts, implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojna scheme, digging community ponds and wells, setting up bore-wells, carrying out tribal welfare activities, monitoring education in the area, et al.
Now that the panchayati raj system is in place, the BDO has the added responsibility of coordinating with the elected representatives.
Jitendra Bedia, a youngster from Gagari village, was there for a income certificate he needs for admission to Ranchi University to pursue a masters degree in economics.
"Block officials are delaying matters… I need the certificate at the time of admission," he said.
Ramlal Mahto of Kute was there for mutation of land. "I am running to the block office for the last three months for mutation of a piece of land that I have bought. The officials give me different reasons for the delay every time I come," he said.
Waiting alongside was Dhaneshwar Mahto, a resident of Anandi village. He was at the BDO's office for a birth certificate of his son Sanjay, who studies in Class IX at SS High School, Ormanjhi.
The officer who was supposed to issue the certificate wasn't in. "I will have to come again another day," he sighed.
BDO D.K. Bhatt did not agree his office was as bad as it was being made out to be. The villagers' allegations were isolated cases, he said, but promised to look into them.
"Today, villagers are well aware that we cannot put things in the cold sack unnecessarily. As much as possible, the work of villagers are done by us as soon as they come to us," he said. "But, some cases may be stuck due to administrative reasons, say a beneficiary may have not submitted the desired documents."
But the villagers of Ormanjhi are tired. All they want is that their work get done, and on time. Some of them even lit candles in the evenings in support of Hazare's anti-corruption campaign.
But not Parashuram Munda, Jitendra Bedia, Ramlal Mahto and Dhaneswar Mahto. They simply don't have the time.
The more we want to change a system, the more they remain the same.
This is what Anna is fighting against.
I suppose it will take some time for the message to percolate down to the lowest level.
As Anna send, the present victory is partial.
Unless the law is passed and the concerned people start working as per it. victory will nt be complete
By SANTOSH K. KIRO | www.telegraphindia.com
Ormanjhi (Ranchi), Aug. 28: It was another unhappy day for most of the 100-odd villagers who had gathered at the block development office in the hope of wrapping up unfinished business ranging from a caste or birth certificate to pending payments for work done on an MGNREGS project last week.
Anna Hazare and the Lokpal bill may have driven the national consciousness for the past 12 days or so, but they mean little to the likes of Parashuram Munda or Ramlal Mahto, regular visitors here since their work never seems to get done.
Government officials manning the block office, the first point of contact for the aam aadmi to the government machinery, look tired, wearing their usual don't-care-less attitude on their sleeves.
Given its proximity to the state capital ' barely 20km away ' the Ormanjhi office, under the leadership of the local BDO, could well have been a shade more efficient than similar offices in the interiors of a state that is beset with problems ranging from Maoist terror to malnutrition to fraudulent practices by middlemen in the implementation of the Centre's flagship job scheme.
But it isn't. It is as insensitive as any government office can be.
"I have been moving from pillar to post since February. But, I have not succeeded in getting my work done," said Parashuram (45), a resident of Piparwanda village, who visits the BDO's office regularly to get Rs 57,000 he was sanctioned last year to prepare his three-acre plot for planting trees on commercial basis.
He has already spent Rs 20,000 on his own, but has had to abandon the project midway as the block has issued him Rs 2,500 so far.
"As I had no money to pay labourers' wages, I had to mortgage a piece of land. The government dishes out a dream by announcing such schemes. But the truth is that families that fall for these schemes, get destroyed due to the official (attitude)," Parashuram said, claiming that his refusal to pay them a "commission" was the root of his problems.
About a hundred villagers like him visit the BDO's office regularly. They crowd around the tables of babus, pleading their cases be taken up and their problems resolved once for all.
Their business centres around caste certificates for tribals and Scheduled Tribes, income certificates and land mutation.
Development and government welfare schemes are also under the ambit of the BDO to implement. For instance, construction of village roads and culverts, implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojna scheme, digging community ponds and wells, setting up bore-wells, carrying out tribal welfare activities, monitoring education in the area, et al.
Now that the panchayati raj system is in place, the BDO has the added responsibility of coordinating with the elected representatives.
Jitendra Bedia, a youngster from Gagari village, was there for a income certificate he needs for admission to Ranchi University to pursue a masters degree in economics.
"Block officials are delaying matters… I need the certificate at the time of admission," he said.
Ramlal Mahto of Kute was there for mutation of land. "I am running to the block office for the last three months for mutation of a piece of land that I have bought. The officials give me different reasons for the delay every time I come," he said.
Waiting alongside was Dhaneshwar Mahto, a resident of Anandi village. He was at the BDO's office for a birth certificate of his son Sanjay, who studies in Class IX at SS High School, Ormanjhi.
The officer who was supposed to issue the certificate wasn't in. "I will have to come again another day," he sighed.
BDO D.K. Bhatt did not agree his office was as bad as it was being made out to be. The villagers' allegations were isolated cases, he said, but promised to look into them.
"Today, villagers are well aware that we cannot put things in the cold sack unnecessarily. As much as possible, the work of villagers are done by us as soon as they come to us," he said. "But, some cases may be stuck due to administrative reasons, say a beneficiary may have not submitted the desired documents."
But the villagers of Ormanjhi are tired. All they want is that their work get done, and on time. Some of them even lit candles in the evenings in support of Hazare's anti-corruption campaign.
But not Parashuram Munda, Jitendra Bedia, Ramlal Mahto and Dhaneswar Mahto. They simply don't have the time.
The more we want to change a system, the more they remain the same.
This is what Anna is fighting against.
I suppose it will take some time for the message to percolate down to the lowest level.
As Anna send, the present victory is partial.
Unless the law is passed and the concerned people start working as per it. victory will nt be complete
Saturday, August 27, 2011
What is a collection of Baboons called?
The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic
collective nouns for the various groups of animals.
We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese.
However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably, because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.
Now, consider a collective noun for a gathering of Baboons.
They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious,
most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.
And what is the appropriate proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not, it is ....... a Congress!
I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of our present government,
led by a party by that name, which has (mis)ruled our country
for most of the 64 years since the British left us in their hands!
Sent by Arun Shroff
collective nouns for the various groups of animals.
We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese.
However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably, because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.
Now, consider a collective noun for a gathering of Baboons.
They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious,
most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.
And what is the appropriate proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not, it is ....... a Congress!
I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of our present government,
led by a party by that name, which has (mis)ruled our country
for most of the 64 years since the British left us in their hands!
Sent by Arun Shroff
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The movement around Anna Hazare's fast highlights a worrying trend. No, it's not corruption. That we know. The worry is : Is Indian democracy in a state of decay ?
Democracy in this largest of all democratic nations seems to be working fine at first glance. We vote regularly and throw out parties in power when a majority wants change.We have a free press. We have an independent judiciary. But there's a lot that happens in the way we conduct our political life in between elections that is deeply disturbing. Citizens of a truly liberal democracy - there's no other kind, don't let anyone fool you - must demonstrate their understanding, popular acceptance and daily practice of democratic behaviour in the interlude between elections. Do we ?
Anna Hazare's fast-unto-death is a clear instance of misunderstood democracy. He and his supporters believe it is quite democratic of him to either get his way or commit suicide. No, it's not. Suicide is against the law in this democracy; so is any threat to commit violence, even to oneself, if you don't get your way. That's blackmail. Citing Gandhi in support of fasts is misconceived. The great man fasted against imeprial rule in an undemocratic society. A democracy, on the other hand, offers several channels to express grievance legitimately. For Gandhi, fasting fitted well into his framework of civil disobedience. He worked against the law as it then prevailed. Today, fasting, often in 'relay' style, has become political farce in India.
Hazare's supporters, however, have every right to march in their thousands, to raise people's consciousness about corruption, to carry candles or play guitars while singing protest songs mimicking Bob Dylan or a Pete Seeger, and to rage against the government through the media. But are they right in demanding an acceptance of Hazare's call for a supremely autonomous ombudsman to fight corruption ? No.
Imagining an end to corruption by making Lokpal sit in judgment over everyone, including Parliament and the judiciary, is not just undemocratic under India's Constitution, it is a silly idea. India is one of the corrupt nations on earth not because it doesn't have enough regulatory bodies to catch a thief; it in fact has too many points of bureaucratic and political power that are lucrative checkpoints for the corrupt. Creating an unaccountable ombudsman will add another such check post unless you believe, like Hazare, that Gandhian purity can keep the Lokpal's office forever clean. Fighting corruption should mean fewer check points, not more.
To fight corruption, citizens have to target protests in order to force reform in specific areas instead of blasting broadsides against general corruption. We didn't wake up to find this cancer in our system because Dr. Hazare suddenly said we were sick. We sat up when a huge telecom scandal was uncovered through investigation by regular arms of the democratic system, including Parliament and the press. That scandal underscores how urgently we need to reform our system of political funding, including campaign finance for electioneering, to stop politicians in power from doling out favours in return for cash they received from vested interests.
Every arm of democracy must become stronger if India has to confront corruption. Mobilisation for change should, for instance, aim to force Parliament actually to sit in session, debate and pass legislation. We have a Parliament that barely functions. Like fasts, another effecte tool of protest is used by whichever party is in opposition, and that's the infamous walkout. It has been so overplayed that it's lost all potency. Storming the well of the House to stop proceedings for days is similarly idiotic. Our politicians and MPs must relearn effective democratic practice in the modern era and discard the tools of opposition they inherited from a past generation of leaders.
Another sign of democratic decay and a reason why corruption can spread so malignantly through our national system is a fast weakening accountability of public officials and politicians. That's happening largely because India's judiciary is so clogged up and grossly inefficient that citizens have little faith in its capacity to deliver justice to reinforce the foundations of public accountability.
Accountability is one of the twin pillars, along with transparency, that uphold good governance. With a free press and Right to Information Act available for use by the ordinary citizen, transparency is not all that bad in our system even as bureaucratic opacity continues to hinder openness. But accountability degenerates by the day.
These are some areas that must get fierce attention from the expanding and increasingly assertive urban middle class if real reform is to happen. Instead, what we see is the sad spectacle of an aged Gandhian engaged in a futile fast against evil. His purpose is noble. His method and demand are not. There are other ways to fight.
The writer is Gautam Adhikari, former Executive Editor of Times of India
Support from USA for Anna
It seems only one family works in India
Looks like other than these 3 (Nehru-Indira-Rajiv) no one contributed to India.
And we haven't even started with Rahul baba & the rest...
God save this country from this family and its personal servants like
Manmohan, Pranab, Chidambaram, Sibal etc etc
READ ON PLEASE……………………………………………………….
On 24 August 2011 12:14, B C BANERJI wrote:
And Anna is trying to save us, the people of India. Its going to be long stuggle because people have to change, just system is not enough.
The following are some of the Government Schemes and Projects that have been named after the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Central Government Schemes :
1. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Ministry of Power – A scheme “Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana” for Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Household Electrification was ...launched for the attainment of the National Common Minimum Programme of providing access to electricity to all Rural Household by 2009. Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is the nodal agency for the scheme. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana to be continued during the Eleventh Plan period with a capital subsidy of Rs. 28000 Crore; allocation of Rs 5500 crore for FY09.
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM), Ministry of Rural Development, Annual allocation plan 2007-08 was Rs.6,400 crore and Annual allocation plan 2008-09 is Rs.7,300 crore.
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the Children of Working Mothers, Department of Women & Child Development, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi,
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – 91.88 crore.
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – 91.52 crore
4. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana for benefit of NE entrepreneurs, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India,
Budgetary allocation 2008-9 – Rs. 2.70 crore
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.1.12 crore
5. Indira Awas Yojana, Ministry of Rural Areas and Environment – IAY is a CSS funded on cost-sharing basis between the Centre and the States in the ratio of 75:25. In the case of UTs, the entire funds are provided by Centre. The target groups for housing under IAY are households below poverty line living in rural areas, particularly those belonging to SC/ST and freed bonded labourers.
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – Rs. 7919.00 crores
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.7914.70 crores
6. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme – objective to provide social security to workers in the unorganized sector in a phased manner. Budgetary allocation in 2008-09 is Rs. 3,443 crore
7. Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, Ministry of Urban Development,
Govt. of India – 7 years time frame, 50,000 cr.
Budgetary allocation for 2008 – 9 – 10447.98 crore
Budgetary allocation for 2009-10 – 10713.84 crore
8. Jawaharlal Nehru Rojgar Yojna – Ministry of Labour and Employment – A Self- employment programme for urban poor
9. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojna, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
10. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Funded by World Bank
11. Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana, Union Ministry of Textiles, in association with ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
12. Indira Vikas Patra
State Government Schemes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package for Tsunami Affected Areas, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Budgetary Allocation Rs.2347.19 crores
2. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for poor people, Department of Revenue and Disaster... Management, Govt. of Puducherry
3. Rajiv Ratna Awas Yojna – Congress party president and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi had announced that the Centre would give a package of Rs.1,500-crore for providing housing facilities to the poorer sections in Delhi, thus announcing the scheme.
4. Rajiv Gandhi Prathamik Shiksha Mission , Raigarh
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Madhya Pradesh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Food Security , Madhya Pradesh
7. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited is a Government Company established by the Government of Karnataka to cater to the housing needs of the Economically and Socially weaker sections of the society. Registered in April 2000, its authorised Capital is Rs.10 crores with Rs.3 crore paid up.
9. Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission, Rajasthan
10. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme, Assam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rojgar Yojana, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Mobile Aids Counseling and Testing Services, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
13. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyarthi Suraksha Yojana, Maharashtra
14. Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Water Shed Management, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission for Tribal Areas, MP
16. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
17. Rajiv Gandhi Breakfast Scheme, Pondicherry
18. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Divas, Punjab
19. Rajiv Gandhi Artisans Health and Life Insurance Scheme, Tamil Nadu
20. Rajiv Gandhi Zopadpatti and Nivara Prakalpa, Mumbai
21. Rajiv Arogya Sri programme , Gujrat State Govt. Scheme
22. Rajiv Gandhi Abhyudaya Yojana, AP
23. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Jabalpur
24. Rajiv Gandhi Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Development Programme for the construction of new roads and bridges and strengthening of the existing ones in the state of Haryana
25. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Prakalp, Maharashtra Govt.
26. Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha Chhattervritti Yojna for Post Plus Two Students, Himachal Pradesh Government Scheme, Sponsored by, Central Government
27. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme, Maharashtra Govt.
28. Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Housing and Urban Planning Department, UP Govt
29. Indira Kranthi Patham Scheme, Andhra Pradesh
30. Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana, State Govt. Scheme
31. Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana, Govt. of Maharashtra
32. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP), Jaisalmer, Govt. of Rajasthan
33. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Yojna, Govt. of Maharashtra
34. Indira Gandhi kuppam, State Govt. Welfare Scheme for Tsunami effected fishermen
35. Indira Gandhi Drinking Water Scheme-2006, Haryana Govt.
36. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Old, Landless, Destitute women farm labour Scheme,
Maharashtra Govt.
37. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme , Maharashtra Govt.
38. Indira Gaon Ganga Yojana, Chattisgarh
39. Indira Sahara Yojana , Chattisgarh
40. Indira Soochna Shakti Yojana, Chattisgarh
41. Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana , HP
42. Indira Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojana (DPIP), MP
43. Indira Gandhi super thermal power project , Haryana Govt.
44. Indira Gandhi Water Project, Haryana Govt.
45. Indira Gandhi Sagar Project , Bhandara District Gosikhurd Maharashtra
46. Indira Jeevitha Bima Pathakam, AP Govt
47. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
48. Indira Mahila Yojana Scheme, Meghalaya Govt
49. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, Chhattisgarh Govt.
50. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, The government of Andhra Pradesh helped most of the respondent families in acquiring female calves through this scheme.
52. Indira Gandhi Landless Agriculture Labour scheme, Maharashtra Govt.See More
Sports/Tournaments/Trophies :
1. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament
2. Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Run
3. Rajiv Gandhi Federation Cup boxing championship
4. Rajiv Gandhi International tournament (football)
...5. NSCI – Rajiv Gandhi road races, New Delhi
6. Rajiv Gandhi Boat Race, Kerala
7. Rajiv Gandhi International Artistic Gymnastic Tournament
8. Rajiv Gandhi Kabbadi Meet
9. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Roller Skating Championship
10. Rajiv Gandhi memorial marathon race, New Delhi
11. Rajiv Gandhi International Judo Championship, Chandigarh
12. Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the Best College, Calicut
13. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Cricket Tournament, Initiated by Rahul Gandhi in Amethi
14. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup (U-21), football
15. Rajiv Gandhi Trophy (football)
16. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Sportspersons
17. All Indira Rajiv Gandhi Basketball (Girls) Tournament, organized by Delhi State
18. All India Rajiv Gandhi Wrestling Gold Cup, organized by Delhi State
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Jhopadpatti Football Tournament, Rajura
20. Rajiv Gandhi International Invitation Gold Cup Football Tournament, Jamshedpur
21. Rajiv Gandhi Mini Olympics, Mumbai
22. Rajiv Gandhi Beachball Kabaddi Federation
23. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trophy Prerana Foundation
24. International Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament
25. Indira Gandhi International Hockey Tournament
26. Indira Gandhi Boat Race
27. Jawaharlal Nehru International Gold Cup Football Tournament.
28. Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey TournamentSee More
Stadium :
1. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Delhi
2. Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Stadium, Bawana
...5. Rajiv Gandhi National Football Academy, Haryana
6. Rajiv Gandhi AC Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
7. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Pondicherry
8. Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Nahariagun, Itanagar
9. Rajiv Gandhi Badminton Indoor Stadium, Cochin
10. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kadavanthra,Ernakulam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Complex , Singhu
12. Rajib Gandhi Memorial Sports Complex, Guwahati
13. Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad
14. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Cochin
15. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
16. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una, Himachal Pradesh
17. Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
18. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Deogarh, Rajasthan
19. Gandhi Stadium, Bolangir, Orissa
Airports/ Ports :
1. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, New Hyderabad, A.P.
2. Rajiv Gandhi Container Terminal, Cochin
3. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
4. Indira Gandhi Dock, Mumbai
...5. Jawaharlal Nehru Nava Sheva Port Trust, Mumbai
Total budgetary plan outlay 2008-9 - 69.92crore
Total budgetary plan outlay 2009-10 – 324 crore
Universities/Education Institutes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, Shilong
2. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Ranchi, Jharkhand
3. Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
4. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, Kolkata
5. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Secundrabad
6. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 1.50 crore
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 3.00 crore
8. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Begumpet, Hyderabad, A.P
9. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala
10. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
11. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
12. Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
13. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Chola Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka
14. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi D.e.d. College, Latur, Maharashtra
16. Rajiv Gandhi College, Shahpura, Bhopal
17. Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi
18. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raebareli, U.P.
19. Rajiv Gandhi Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, M.P.
20. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Post Graduate Studies, East Godavari District, A.P.
21. Rajiv Gandhi College of Education, Thumkur, Karnataka
22. Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu
23. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Bhartiya Vidhyapeeth
24. Rajiv Gandhi High School, Mumbai, Maharashtra
25. Rajiv Gandhi Group of Institutions, Satna, M.P.
26. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu
27. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, R.T.M., Nagpur University
28. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
29. Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh
30. Rajiv Gandhi Post Graduate College, Allahabad, U.P.
31. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka
32. Rajiv Gandhi Govt. PG Ayurvedic College, Poprola, Himachal Pradesh
33. Rajiv Gandhi College, Satna, M.P.
34. Rajiv Gandhi Academy for Aviation Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
35. Rajiv Gandhi Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Maharashtra
36. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan
37. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
38. Rajiv Gandhi Industrial Training Centre, Gandhinagar
39. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh
40. Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Distance Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
41. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture , Tamil Nadu
42. Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal University), A.P.
43. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Medicine Centre (RGSMC), Kerela
44. Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Mauritus
45. Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir, Ponda, Goa
46. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyalaya, Mulund, Mumbai
47. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Polytechnic, Bangalore, Karnataka
48. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Circle Telecom Training Centre (India), Chennai
49. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Kasagod, Kerala
50. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College Of Aeronautics, Jaipur
51. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial First Grade College, Shimoga
52. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Education, Jammu & Kashmir
53. Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkacha, Varanasi
54. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Teacher’s Training College, Jharkhand
55. Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Rajahmundry, A.P.
56. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
57. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra
58. Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun
59. Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Akademi, Fursatganj Airfield, Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh
60. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
61. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Orissa
62. Indira Gandhi B.Ed. College, Mangalore
63. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Education, Nanded, Maharashtra
64. Indira Gandhi Balika Niketan B.ED. College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
65. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh
66. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
67. Smt. Indira Gandhi Colelge, Tiruchirappalli
68. Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
69. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kashmere Gate, Delhi
70. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dist. Dhenkanal, Orissa
71. Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Pune, Maharashtra
72. Indira Gandhi Integral Education Centre, New Delhi
73. Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Delhi University, Delhi
74. Indira Gandhi High School, Himachal
75. Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Chhattisgarh
76. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
77. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Andhra Pradesh
78. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarakashi
79. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Business Management, Vikram University
80. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
81. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
82. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, AP
83. Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
84. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced Scientific Research, a deemed university, Jakkur, P.O. Bangalore
85. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Social Studies, affiliated to Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapith (Pune, Maharashtra)
86. Jawaharlal Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Sciences, Coimbatore, (ESTD 1968)
87. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Katraj, Dhankwdi, Pune, Maharashtra
88. Kamal Kishore Kadam’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
89. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education & Technological Research, Nanded, Maharashra
90. Jawaharlal Nehru College, Aligarh
91. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
92. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
93. Jawaharlal Nehru B.Ed. College, Kota, Rajasthan
94. Jawaharlal Nehru P.G. College, Bhopal
95. Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar, District Mandi, H.P.
96. Jawaharlal Nehru PublicSchool, Kolar Road, Bhopal
97. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, A.P.
98. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatti, Andhra Pradesh
1. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Achievement
2. Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award
3. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Awards, Delhi Labour Welfare Board
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award
...5. Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award
6. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Award Scheme for Original Book Writing on Gyan Vigyan
8. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
9. Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award, Instituted by Bureau of Indian Standards in 1991
10. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
11. RajivGandhi Travelling Scholarship
12. Rajiv Gandhi(UK) Foundation Scholarship
13. Rajiv Gandhi Film Awards (Mumbai)
14. Rajiv Gandhi Khelratna Puraskar
15. Rajiv Gandhi Parisara Prashasti, Karnataka
16. RajivGandhi Vocational Excellence Awards
17. Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award
18. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
19. Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration
20. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award
21. Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards, Ministry of Environment and Forests
22. Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award forBest Environmental & Ecological
23. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar
24. Indira Gandhi NSS Award
25. Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration
26. Indira Gandhi Official Language Award Scheme
27. Indira Gandhi Award for Best First Film
28. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Awards for The Town Official Language
29. Indira Gandhi Prize” for Peace, Disarmament and Development
30. Indira Gandhi Prize for Popularization of Science
31. Implementation
32. Indira Gandhi Shiromani Award
33. Indira Gandhi NSS Award/National Youth
34. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Pushar award – search n correct
35. Indira Gandhi N.S.S Awards
36. Indira Gandhi award for social service, MP Govt.
37. Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme
38. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award Scheme
39. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield Scheme
40. Indira Gandhi Vision of Wildlife Conservation Zoo, a seminar organized by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy.
41. Jawaharlal Nehru award for International peace worth Rs 15 lakh cash given to many international figures, every year, including Yasser Arafat of Palestine Liberation Front in 1988 and U Thant in 1965.
42. Soviet Land Nehru Award, a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 given to Shyam Benegal in Dec 89, in recognition of the above film.
43. Jawaharlal Nehru Balkalyan awards of Rs.10,000 each to 10 couples by Govt. of Maharashtra (ToI-28-4-89).
44. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, for Academic Achievement
45. Jawaharlal Nehru birth centenary research award for energy
46. Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
47. Nehru Bal Samiti Bravery Awards
48. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medal
49. Jawaharlal Nehru Prize” from 1998-99, to be given to organizations (preferably NGOs) for Popularization of Science.
50. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Competition
51. Jawarharlal Nehru Student Award for research project of evolution of DNA
Scholarship / Fellowship:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Students with Disabilities
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for SC/ST Candidates, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 – 26.40 cror...es
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 23.70 crores
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for ST Candidates
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-09 – 29.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 42.00 crores
4. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, IGNOU
5. Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows
6. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 - 16.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 22.50 crores
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes candidates given by University Grants Commission
8. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning in association with Indira Gandhi National Open University
9. Rajiv Gandhi science talent research fellowship given by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced scientific research (to promote budding scientists) done in tandem with Department of Science and Technology and Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
10. Rajiv Gandhi HUDCO Fellowships in the Habitat Sector (to promote research in the field of sustainable Habitat development) for MPhil, {PhD Students for 2 to 3 years, conferred by HUDCO
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowships check
12. Fullbright scholarship now renamed Fullbright- Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship
13. Cambridge Nehru Scholarships, 10 in number, for research at Cambridge University, London, leading to Ph. D. for 3 years, which include fee, maintenance allowance, air travel to UK and back.
14. Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships for Post-graduate Studies, Govt. of India.
15. Nehru Centenary (British) Fellowships/Awards
National Parks/ Sanctuaries/ Museums :
1. Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Wildlife Sanctury, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctury, Andhra Pradesh
3. Indira Gandhi National Park, Tamil Nadu
4. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , New Delhi
...5. Indira Gandhi National Park, Anamalai Hills on Western Ghats
6. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vishakhapatnam
7. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)
8. Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Pollachi
9. Rajiv Gandhi Health Museum
10. The Rajiv Gandhi Museum of Natural History
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial museum, New Delhi
12. Jawaharlal Nehru museum in Aurangabad, Maharashtra opened by state govt.
13. Jawaharlal Nehru memorial Gallery, London
14. Jawaharlal Nehru planetarium, Worli, Mumbai.
15. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition for Children
Hospitals/Medical Institutions:
1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
4. Shri Rajiv Gandhi college of Dental... Science & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka
5. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
6. Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka
7. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Raichur
8. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Bangalore, Karnataka
9. Rajiv Gandhi Paramedical College, Jodhpur
10. Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, Mumbai
11. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Karnataka
12. Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, Goa
13. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
14. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi
15. Rajiv Gandhi Homoeaopathic Medical College, Chinar Park, Bhopal, M.P
16. North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences , Shilong, Meghalaya
17. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
18. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore
19. Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Patna
20. The Indira Gandhi Paediatric Hospital, Afghanistan
21. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health Hospital, Dharmaram College, Bangalore
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Heath, Bangalore
23. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
24. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneshwar
26. Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur
27. Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital And Research Centre, Kolkata
28. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Shimla
29. Indira Gandhi Women and Children Hospital , Bhopla
30. Indira Gandhi Gas Relief hospital, Bhopal
31. Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla
32. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya
33. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 127.84 crores
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 117.51 crores
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Raipur.
36. Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi
37. Nehru, Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai
38. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
39. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences, Maharashtra
Institutions / Chairs / Festivals:
1. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth and Sports
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute, Faridabad, Haryana
3. Rajiv Gandhi Food Secu...rity Mission in Tribal Areas
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Chhattisgarh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Chair Endowment established in 1998 to create a Chair of South Asian Economics
7. Rajiv Gandhi Project – A pilot to provide Education thru Massive Satellite Connectivity up grassroot Level
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
9. Rajiv Gandhi Information and Technology Commission
10. Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Peace and Disarmament
11. Rajiv Gandhi Music Festival
12. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture
13. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas
14. Rajiv Gandhi Education Foundation, Kerala
15. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayati Raj Convention
16. The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Educational and Charitable Society, Kasagod,Kerala
17. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial trophy ekankika spardha, Prerana Foundation, Kari Road
18. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Janpath, New Delhi
19. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan
20. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam
21. Indira Gandhi Institute for Development and Research , Mumbai
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology (IGIC), Patna
23. Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, New Delhi
24. Indira Gandhi National Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Mahila Sahakari Soot Girani Ltd, Maharashtra
26. Indira Gandhi Conservation Monitoring Centre , Ministry of Environment & Forest
27. Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child
28. Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.
29. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
30. Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary celebrations
31. Postal stamps of different denominations and one Rupee coins in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru.
32. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust (U.K.) Scholarships
33. Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House Nhava Sheva, Maharashtra
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for. Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow
36. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Udyog Kendra for Juveniles, Pune, Maharastra
37. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru college of agriculture and research institute , Pondicherry
1. Rajiv Chowk, Delhi
2. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung, New Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Kalkaji, Delhi
...5. Indira Chowk, New Delhi
6. Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi
7. Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
8. Nehru Nagar, New Delhi
9. Nehru Place, New Delhi
10. Nehru Park, New Delhi Nehru House, BSZ Marg, New Delhi
11. Jawaharlal Nehru Government House New Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Park, Gurgaon, Haryana
13. Rajiv Gandhi Chowk, Andheri, Mumbai
14. Indira Gandhi Road, Mumbai
15. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Wadala, Mumbai
16. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Mulund, Mumbai
17. Nehru Nagar, Kurla, Mumbai
18. Jawaharlal Nehru gardens at Thane, Mumbai
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Hall, Chennai
20. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamilnadu
21. Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram road named after Rajiv Gandhi)
22. Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Haryana
23. Mount Rajiv, a peak in Himalaya
24. Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat, Goa
25. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Chennai
26. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Vijayawada
27. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
28. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
29. Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Hinjewadi, Pune
30. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Bhav , Palanpur Banaskantha
31. Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh
32. Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van, Jharkhand
33. Rajiv Gandhi statue, Panaji, Goa
34. Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chittoor
35. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial at Sriperumbudur
36. Indira Gandhi Memorial Library, University of Hyderabad
37. Indira Gandhi Musical Fountains, Bangalore
38. Indira Gandhi Planetarium , Lucknow
39. Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGCIC), High Commission of India, Mauritus
40. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , Eastern Ghats of India
41. Indira Gandhi Canal, Ramnagar, Jaisalmer
42. Indira Gandhi Industrial Complex, Ranipet, Vellore District
43. Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar
44. Indira Gandhi Squiare , Pondicherry
45. Indira Gandhi Road, Willingdon Island, Cochin
46. Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Kashmir
47. Indira Gandhi Sagar Dam, Nagpur
48. Indira Gandhi bridge, Rameshvar, Tamil Nadu
49. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation
50. Indira Gandhi memorial cultural Complex, UP Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Sports Stadium , Rohru District, Shimla
52. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan , Bhopal
53. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Rajasthan
54. Indira Nagar, Lucknow
55. Roads are named after Jawaharlal Nehru in many cities e.g. in Jaipur, Nagpur, Vile Parle, Ghatkopar, Mulund etc.
56. Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad
57. Jawaharlal Nehru Gardens, Ambarnath
58. Jawarharlal Nehru Gardens, Panhala
59. Jawaharlal Nehru market, Jammu.
60. Jawaharlal Nehru Tunnel on the Jammu Srinagar Highway
61. Nehru Chowk, Ulhas Nagar, Maharashtra.
62. Nehru Bridge on the river Mandvi, Panaji, Goa
63. Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad
64. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dharmatala, Kolkata
65. Nehru Road, Guwahati
66. Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
67. Nehru Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur, Lucknow
68. Nehru Nagar, Patna
69. Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Pondicherry
70. Nehru Bazaar, Madanapalli, Tirupathi
71. Nehru Chowk, Bilaspur. M.P
72. Nehru Street, Ponmalaipatti, Tiruchirapalli
73. Nehru Nagar, S.M. Road, Ahmedabad
74. Nehru Nagar,. Nashik Pune Road
& many more........
Sent by Parthasarathi Sengupta
And we haven't even started with Rahul baba & the rest...
God save this country from this family and its personal servants like
Manmohan, Pranab, Chidambaram, Sibal etc etc
READ ON PLEASE……………………………………………………….
On 24 August 2011 12:14, B C BANERJI
And Anna is trying to save us, the people of India. Its going to be long stuggle because people have to change, just system is not enough.
The following are some of the Government Schemes and Projects that have been named after the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Central Government Schemes :
1. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Ministry of Power – A scheme “Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana” for Rural Electricity Infrastructure and Household Electrification was ...launched for the attainment of the National Common Minimum Programme of providing access to electricity to all Rural Household by 2009. Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is the nodal agency for the scheme. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana to be continued during the Eleventh Plan period with a capital subsidy of Rs. 28000 Crore; allocation of Rs 5500 crore for FY09.
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM), Ministry of Rural Development, Annual allocation plan 2007-08 was Rs.6,400 crore and Annual allocation plan 2008-09 is Rs.7,300 crore.
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme for the Children of Working Mothers, Department of Women & Child Development, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi,
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – 91.88 crore.
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – 91.52 crore
4. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana for benefit of NE entrepreneurs, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India,
Budgetary allocation 2008-9 – Rs. 2.70 crore
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.1.12 crore
5. Indira Awas Yojana, Ministry of Rural Areas and Environment – IAY is a CSS funded on cost-sharing basis between the Centre and the States in the ratio of 75:25. In the case of UTs, the entire funds are provided by Centre. The target groups for housing under IAY are households below poverty line living in rural areas, particularly those belonging to SC/ST and freed bonded labourers.
Budgetary allocation 2008-09 – Rs. 7919.00 crores
Budgetary allocation 2009-10 – Rs.7914.70 crores
6. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme – objective to provide social security to workers in the unorganized sector in a phased manner. Budgetary allocation in 2008-09 is Rs. 3,443 crore
7. Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, Ministry of Urban Development,
Govt. of India – 7 years time frame, 50,000 cr.
Budgetary allocation for 2008 – 9 – 10447.98 crore
Budgetary allocation for 2009-10 – 10713.84 crore
8. Jawaharlal Nehru Rojgar Yojna – Ministry of Labour and Employment – A Self- employment programme for urban poor
9. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojna, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
10. Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Funded by World Bank
11. Rajiv Gandhi Shilpi Swasthya Bima Yojana, Union Ministry of Textiles, in association with ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
12. Indira Vikas Patra
State Government Schemes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation Package for Tsunami Affected Areas, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Budgetary Allocation Rs.2347.19 crores
2. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme for poor people, Department of Revenue and Disaster... Management, Govt. of Puducherry
3. Rajiv Ratna Awas Yojna – Congress party president and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi had announced that the Centre would give a package of Rs.1,500-crore for providing housing facilities to the poorer sections in Delhi, thus announcing the scheme.
4. Rajiv Gandhi Prathamik Shiksha Mission , Raigarh
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Madhya Pradesh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Food Security , Madhya Pradesh
7. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited is a Government Company established by the Government of Karnataka to cater to the housing needs of the Economically and Socially weaker sections of the society. Registered in April 2000, its authorised Capital is Rs.10 crores with Rs.3 crore paid up.
9. Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission, Rajasthan
10. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme, Assam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rojgar Yojana, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Mobile Aids Counseling and Testing Services, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
13. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyarthi Suraksha Yojana, Maharashtra
14. Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Water Shed Management, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi Food Security Mission for Tribal Areas, MP
16. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
17. Rajiv Gandhi Breakfast Scheme, Pondicherry
18. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Divas, Punjab
19. Rajiv Gandhi Artisans Health and Life Insurance Scheme, Tamil Nadu
20. Rajiv Gandhi Zopadpatti and Nivara Prakalpa, Mumbai
21. Rajiv Arogya Sri programme , Gujrat State Govt. Scheme
22. Rajiv Gandhi Abhyudaya Yojana, AP
23. Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Jabalpur
24. Rajiv Gandhi Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Development Programme for the construction of new roads and bridges and strengthening of the existing ones in the state of Haryana
25. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwara Prakalp, Maharashtra Govt.
26. Indira Gandhi Utkrishtha Chhattervritti Yojna for Post Plus Two Students, Himachal Pradesh Government Scheme, Sponsored by, Central Government
27. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme, Maharashtra Govt.
28. Indira Gandhi Prathisthan, Housing and Urban Planning Department, UP Govt
29. Indira Kranthi Patham Scheme, Andhra Pradesh
30. Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojana, State Govt. Scheme
31. Indira Gandhi Vruddha Bhumiheen Shetmajoor Anudan Yojana, Govt. of Maharashtra
32. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP), Jaisalmer, Govt. of Rajasthan
33. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Yojna, Govt. of Maharashtra
34. Indira Gandhi kuppam, State Govt. Welfare Scheme for Tsunami effected fishermen
35. Indira Gandhi Drinking Water Scheme-2006, Haryana Govt.
36. Indira Gandhi Niradhar Old, Landless, Destitute women farm labour Scheme,
Maharashtra Govt.
37. Indira Gandhi Women Protection Scheme , Maharashtra Govt.
38. Indira Gaon Ganga Yojana, Chattisgarh
39. Indira Sahara Yojana , Chattisgarh
40. Indira Soochna Shakti Yojana, Chattisgarh
41. Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana , HP
42. Indira Gandhi Garibi Hatao Yojana (DPIP), MP
43. Indira Gandhi super thermal power project , Haryana Govt.
44. Indira Gandhi Water Project, Haryana Govt.
45. Indira Gandhi Sagar Project , Bhandara District Gosikhurd Maharashtra
46. Indira Jeevitha Bima Pathakam, AP Govt
47. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
48. Indira Mahila Yojana Scheme, Meghalaya Govt
49. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, Chhattisgarh Govt.
50. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Vivah Shagun Yojana, Haryana Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Calf Rearing Scheme, The government of Andhra Pradesh helped most of the respondent families in acquiring female calves through this scheme.
52. Indira Gandhi Landless Agriculture Labour scheme, Maharashtra Govt.See More
Sports/Tournaments/Trophies :
1. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament
2. Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Run
3. Rajiv Gandhi Federation Cup boxing championship
4. Rajiv Gandhi International tournament (football)
...5. NSCI – Rajiv Gandhi road races, New Delhi
6. Rajiv Gandhi Boat Race, Kerala
7. Rajiv Gandhi International Artistic Gymnastic Tournament
8. Rajiv Gandhi Kabbadi Meet
9. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Roller Skating Championship
10. Rajiv Gandhi memorial marathon race, New Delhi
11. Rajiv Gandhi International Judo Championship, Chandigarh
12. Rajeev Gandhi Memorial Trophy for the Best College, Calicut
13. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Cricket Tournament, Initiated by Rahul Gandhi in Amethi
14. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup (U-21), football
15. Rajiv Gandhi Trophy (football)
16. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Sportspersons
17. All Indira Rajiv Gandhi Basketball (Girls) Tournament, organized by Delhi State
18. All India Rajiv Gandhi Wrestling Gold Cup, organized by Delhi State
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Jhopadpatti Football Tournament, Rajura
20. Rajiv Gandhi International Invitation Gold Cup Football Tournament, Jamshedpur
21. Rajiv Gandhi Mini Olympics, Mumbai
22. Rajiv Gandhi Beachball Kabaddi Federation
23. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trophy Prerana Foundation
24. International Indira Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament
25. Indira Gandhi International Hockey Tournament
26. Indira Gandhi Boat Race
27. Jawaharlal Nehru International Gold Cup Football Tournament.
28. Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey TournamentSee More
Stadium :
1. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Delhi
2. Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Stadium, Bawana
...5. Rajiv Gandhi National Football Academy, Haryana
6. Rajiv Gandhi AC Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
7. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Pondicherry
8. Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Nahariagun, Itanagar
9. Rajiv Gandhi Badminton Indoor Stadium, Cochin
10. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Kadavanthra,Ernakulam
11. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Complex , Singhu
12. Rajib Gandhi Memorial Sports Complex, Guwahati
13. Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad
14. Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Cochin
15. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
16. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Una, Himachal Pradesh
17. Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Vishakhapatnam
18. Indira Gandhi Stadium, Deogarh, Rajasthan
19. Gandhi Stadium, Bolangir, Orissa
Airports/ Ports :
1. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, New Hyderabad, A.P.
2. Rajiv Gandhi Container Terminal, Cochin
3. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
4. Indira Gandhi Dock, Mumbai
...5. Jawaharlal Nehru Nava Sheva Port Trust, Mumbai
Total budgetary plan outlay 2008-9 - 69.92crore
Total budgetary plan outlay 2009-10 – 324 crore
Universities/Education Institutes:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management, Shilong
2. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Ranchi, Jharkhand
3. Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
4. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Kharagpur, Kolkata
5. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Secundrabad
6. Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, Punjab
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Tamil Nadu Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 1.50 crore
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 3.00 crore
8. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy, Begumpet, Hyderabad, A.P
9. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, Kerala
10. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra
11. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
12. Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
13. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Chola Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka
14. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, M.P.
15. Rajiv Gandhi D.e.d. College, Latur, Maharashtra
16. Rajiv Gandhi College, Shahpura, Bhopal
17. Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi
18. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Raebareli, U.P.
19. Rajiv Gandhi Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, M.P.
20. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Post Graduate Studies, East Godavari District, A.P.
21. Rajiv Gandhi College of Education, Thumkur, Karnataka
22. Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu
23. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Bhartiya Vidhyapeeth
24. Rajiv Gandhi High School, Mumbai, Maharashtra
25. Rajiv Gandhi Group of Institutions, Satna, M.P.
26. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu
27. Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology Centre, R.T.M., Nagpur University
28. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
29. Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh
30. Rajiv Gandhi Post Graduate College, Allahabad, U.P.
31. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka
32. Rajiv Gandhi Govt. PG Ayurvedic College, Poprola, Himachal Pradesh
33. Rajiv Gandhi College, Satna, M.P.
34. Rajiv Gandhi Academy for Aviation Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
35. Rajiv Gandhi Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Maharashtra
36. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Contemporary Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan
37. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
38. Rajiv Gandhi Industrial Training Centre, Gandhinagar
39. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh
40. Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Distance Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
41. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture , Tamil Nadu
42. Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal University), A.P.
43. Rajiv Gandhi Sports Medicine Centre (RGSMC), Kerela
44. Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Mauritus
45. Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir, Ponda, Goa
46. Rajiv Gandhi Vidyalaya, Mulund, Mumbai
47. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Polytechnic, Bangalore, Karnataka
48. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Circle Telecom Training Centre (India), Chennai
49. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Kasagod, Kerala
50. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College Of Aeronautics, Jaipur
51. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial First Grade College, Shimoga
52. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Education, Jammu & Kashmir
53. Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkacha, Varanasi
54. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Teacher’s Training College, Jharkhand
55. Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Rajahmundry, A.P.
56. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
57. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development & Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra
58. Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun
59. Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Akademi, Fursatganj Airfield, Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh
60. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
61. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Orissa
62. Indira Gandhi B.Ed. College, Mangalore
63. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Education, Nanded, Maharashtra
64. Indira Gandhi Balika Niketan B.ED. College, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
65. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, Madhya Pradesh
66. Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
67. Smt. Indira Gandhi Colelge, Tiruchirappalli
68. Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
69. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kashmere Gate, Delhi
70. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dist. Dhenkanal, Orissa
71. Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Pune, Maharashtra
72. Indira Gandhi Integral Education Centre, New Delhi
73. Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Delhi University, Delhi
74. Indira Gandhi High School, Himachal
75. Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Chhattisgarh
76. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
77. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Andhra Pradesh
78. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarakashi
79. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Business Management, Vikram University
80. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
81. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
82. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, AP
83. Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
84. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced Scientific Research, a deemed university, Jakkur, P.O. Bangalore
85. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Social Studies, affiliated to Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapith (Pune, Maharashtra)
86. Jawaharlal Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Sciences, Coimbatore, (ESTD 1968)
87. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Katraj, Dhankwdi, Pune, Maharashtra
88. Kamal Kishore Kadam’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College in Aurangabad, Maharashtra
89. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Education & Technological Research, Nanded, Maharashra
90. Jawaharlal Nehru College, Aligarh
91. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
92. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
93. Jawaharlal Nehru B.Ed. College, Kota, Rajasthan
94. Jawaharlal Nehru P.G. College, Bhopal
95. Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar, District Mandi, H.P.
96. Jawaharlal Nehru PublicSchool, Kolar Road, Bhopal
97. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, A.P.
98. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatti, Andhra Pradesh
1. Rajiv Gandhi Award for Outstanding Achievement
2. Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award
3. Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Awards, Delhi Labour Welfare Board
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award
...5. Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award
6. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Award Scheme for Original Book Writing on Gyan Vigyan
8. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
9. Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award, Instituted by Bureau of Indian Standards in 1991
10. Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
11. RajivGandhi Travelling Scholarship
12. Rajiv Gandhi(UK) Foundation Scholarship
13. Rajiv Gandhi Film Awards (Mumbai)
14. Rajiv Gandhi Khelratna Puraskar
15. Rajiv Gandhi Parisara Prashasti, Karnataka
16. RajivGandhi Vocational Excellence Awards
17. Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award
18. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize
19. Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration
20. Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award
21. Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Awards, Ministry of Environment and Forests
22. Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award forBest Environmental & Ecological
23. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar
24. Indira Gandhi NSS Award
25. Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration
26. Indira Gandhi Official Language Award Scheme
27. Indira Gandhi Award for Best First Film
28. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Awards for The Town Official Language
29. Indira Gandhi Prize” for Peace, Disarmament and Development
30. Indira Gandhi Prize for Popularization of Science
31. Implementation
32. Indira Gandhi Shiromani Award
33. Indira Gandhi NSS Award/National Youth
34. Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Pushar award – search n correct
35. Indira Gandhi N.S.S Awards
36. Indira Gandhi award for social service, MP Govt.
37. Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme
38. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award Scheme
39. Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Shield Scheme
40. Indira Gandhi Vision of Wildlife Conservation Zoo, a seminar organized by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy.
41. Jawaharlal Nehru award for International peace worth Rs 15 lakh cash given to many international figures, every year, including Yasser Arafat of Palestine Liberation Front in 1988 and U Thant in 1965.
42. Soviet Land Nehru Award, a cash prize of Rs. 20,000 given to Shyam Benegal in Dec 89, in recognition of the above film.
43. Jawaharlal Nehru Balkalyan awards of Rs.10,000 each to 10 couples by Govt. of Maharashtra (ToI-28-4-89).
44. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, for Academic Achievement
45. Jawaharlal Nehru birth centenary research award for energy
46. Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
47. Nehru Bal Samiti Bravery Awards
48. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medal
49. Jawaharlal Nehru Prize” from 1998-99, to be given to organizations (preferably NGOs) for Popularization of Science.
50. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Competition
51. Jawarharlal Nehru Student Award for research project of evolution of DNA
Scholarship / Fellowship:
1. Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Students with Disabilities
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for SC/ST Candidates, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 – 26.40 cror...es
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 23.70 crores
3. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for ST Candidates
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-09 – 29.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 42.00 crores
4. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, IGNOU
5. Rajiv Gandhi Science Talent Research Fellows
6. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Budgetary Allocation for 2008-9 - 16.00 crores
Budgetary Allocation for 2009-10 – 22.50 crores
7. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes candidates given by University Grants Commission
8. Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning in association with Indira Gandhi National Open University
9. Rajiv Gandhi science talent research fellowship given by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for advanced scientific research (to promote budding scientists) done in tandem with Department of Science and Technology and Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
10. Rajiv Gandhi HUDCO Fellowships in the Habitat Sector (to promote research in the field of sustainable Habitat development) for MPhil, {PhD Students for 2 to 3 years, conferred by HUDCO
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowships check
12. Fullbright scholarship now renamed Fullbright- Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship
13. Cambridge Nehru Scholarships, 10 in number, for research at Cambridge University, London, leading to Ph. D. for 3 years, which include fee, maintenance allowance, air travel to UK and back.
14. Scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowships for Post-graduate Studies, Govt. of India.
15. Nehru Centenary (British) Fellowships/Awards
National Parks/ Sanctuaries/ Museums :
1. Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Wildlife Sanctury, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Sanctury, Andhra Pradesh
3. Indira Gandhi National Park, Tamil Nadu
4. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , New Delhi
...5. Indira Gandhi National Park, Anamalai Hills on Western Ghats
6. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Vishakhapatnam
7. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)
8. Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Pollachi
9. Rajiv Gandhi Health Museum
10. The Rajiv Gandhi Museum of Natural History
11. Indira Gandhi Memorial museum, New Delhi
12. Jawaharlal Nehru museum in Aurangabad, Maharashtra opened by state govt.
13. Jawaharlal Nehru memorial Gallery, London
14. Jawaharlal Nehru planetarium, Worli, Mumbai.
15. Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition for Children
Hospitals/Medical Institutions:
1. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, Karnataka
2. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Home for Handicapped, Pondicherry
4. Shri Rajiv Gandhi college of Dental... Science & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka
5. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
6. Rajiv Gandhi College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka
7. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Raichur
8. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Bangalore, Karnataka
9. Rajiv Gandhi Paramedical College, Jodhpur
10. Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane, Mumbai
11. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Pharmacy, Karnataka
12. Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, Goa
13. Rajiv Gandhi Mission on Community Health, Madhya Pradesh
14. Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi
15. Rajiv Gandhi Homoeaopathic Medical College, Chinar Park, Bhopal, M.P
16. North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences , Shilong, Meghalaya
17. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
18. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore
19. Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Patna
20. The Indira Gandhi Paediatric Hospital, Afghanistan
21. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health Hospital, Dharmaram College, Bangalore
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Heath, Bangalore
23. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
24. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneshwar
26. Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur
27. Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital And Research Centre, Kolkata
28. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Shimla
29. Indira Gandhi Women and Children Hospital , Bhopla
30. Indira Gandhi Gas Relief hospital, Bhopal
31. Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla
32. Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya
33. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry
Budgetary Allocation 2008-09 – 127.84 crores
Budgetary Allocation 2009-10 – 117.51 crores
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Raipur.
36. Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi
37. Nehru, Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai
38. Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
39. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences, Maharashtra
Institutions / Chairs / Festivals:
1. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth and Sports
2. Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute, Faridabad, Haryana
3. Rajiv Gandhi Food Secu...rity Mission in Tribal Areas
4. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission, Chhattisgarh
6. Rajiv Gandhi Chair Endowment established in 1998 to create a Chair of South Asian Economics
7. Rajiv Gandhi Project – A pilot to provide Education thru Massive Satellite Connectivity up grassroot Level
8. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
9. Rajiv Gandhi Information and Technology Commission
10. Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Peace and Disarmament
11. Rajiv Gandhi Music Festival
12. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture
13. Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas
14. Rajiv Gandhi Education Foundation, Kerala
15. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayati Raj Convention
16. The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Educational and Charitable Society, Kasagod,Kerala
17. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial trophy ekankika spardha, Prerana Foundation, Kari Road
18. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Janpath, New Delhi
19. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan
20. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam
21. Indira Gandhi Institute for Development and Research , Mumbai
22. Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology (IGIC), Patna
23. Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, New Delhi
24. Indira Gandhi National Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
25. Indira Gandhi Mahila Sahakari Soot Girani Ltd, Maharashtra
26. Indira Gandhi Conservation Monitoring Centre , Ministry of Environment & Forest
27. Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child
28. Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.
29. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
30. Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary celebrations
31. Postal stamps of different denominations and one Rupee coins in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru.
32. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust (U.K.) Scholarships
33. Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House Nhava Sheva, Maharashtra
34. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for. Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
35. Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow
36. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Udyog Kendra for Juveniles, Pune, Maharastra
37. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru college of agriculture and research institute , Pondicherry
1. Rajiv Chowk, Delhi
2. Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung, New Delhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, New Delhi
4. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Kalkaji, Delhi
...5. Indira Chowk, New Delhi
6. Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi
7. Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
8. Nehru Nagar, New Delhi
9. Nehru Place, New Delhi
10. Nehru Park, New Delhi Nehru House, BSZ Marg, New Delhi
11. Jawaharlal Nehru Government House New Delhi
12. Rajiv Gandhi Renewable Energy Park, Gurgaon, Haryana
13. Rajiv Gandhi Chowk, Andheri, Mumbai
14. Indira Gandhi Road, Mumbai
15. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Wadala, Mumbai
16. Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Mulund, Mumbai
17. Nehru Nagar, Kurla, Mumbai
18. Jawaharlal Nehru gardens at Thane, Mumbai
19. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Hall, Chennai
20. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamilnadu
21. Rajiv Gandhi Salai (Old Mahabalipuram road named after Rajiv Gandhi)
22. Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Haryana
23. Mount Rajiv, a peak in Himalaya
24. Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitat, Goa
25. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Chennai
26. Rajiv Gandhi Park, Vijayawada
27. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
28. Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
29. Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Hinjewadi, Pune
30. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Bhav , Palanpur Banaskantha
31. Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh
32. Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van, Jharkhand
33. Rajiv Gandhi statue, Panaji, Goa
34. Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chittoor
35. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial at Sriperumbudur
36. Indira Gandhi Memorial Library, University of Hyderabad
37. Indira Gandhi Musical Fountains, Bangalore
38. Indira Gandhi Planetarium , Lucknow
39. Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGCIC), High Commission of India, Mauritus
40. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park , Eastern Ghats of India
41. Indira Gandhi Canal, Ramnagar, Jaisalmer
42. Indira Gandhi Industrial Complex, Ranipet, Vellore District
43. Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar
44. Indira Gandhi Squiare , Pondicherry
45. Indira Gandhi Road, Willingdon Island, Cochin
46. Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Kashmir
47. Indira Gandhi Sagar Dam, Nagpur
48. Indira Gandhi bridge, Rameshvar, Tamil Nadu
49. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation
50. Indira Gandhi memorial cultural Complex, UP Govt.
51. Indira Gandhi Sports Stadium , Rohru District, Shimla
52. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan , Bhopal
53. Indira Gandhi Nagar, Rajasthan
54. Indira Nagar, Lucknow
55. Roads are named after Jawaharlal Nehru in many cities e.g. in Jaipur, Nagpur, Vile Parle, Ghatkopar, Mulund etc.
56. Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad
57. Jawaharlal Nehru Gardens, Ambarnath
58. Jawarharlal Nehru Gardens, Panhala
59. Jawaharlal Nehru market, Jammu.
60. Jawaharlal Nehru Tunnel on the Jammu Srinagar Highway
61. Nehru Chowk, Ulhas Nagar, Maharashtra.
62. Nehru Bridge on the river Mandvi, Panaji, Goa
63. Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad
64. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dharmatala, Kolkata
65. Nehru Road, Guwahati
66. Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
67. Nehru Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur, Lucknow
68. Nehru Nagar, Patna
69. Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Pondicherry
70. Nehru Bazaar, Madanapalli, Tirupathi
71. Nehru Chowk, Bilaspur. M.P
72. Nehru Street, Ponmalaipatti, Tiruchirapalli
73. Nehru Nagar, S.M. Road, Ahmedabad
74. Nehru Nagar,. Nashik Pune Road
& many more........
Sent by Parthasarathi Sengupta
It's a good time for Anna to end his fast - and join discussions
As surmises and suggestions on the Lokpal Bill drizzles down, this much is clear - using his moral charisma, Anna Hazare has channelled a groundswell of frustration over corruption. The Jan Lokpal campaign, a fast at its centre, music, flag-waving, even food stalls around it, epitomises the vibrancy of the Indian public, its politics poised dramatically between carnival and catasprophe. And finally - despite its great success, it's time for Anna to give the movement a break. Here's why.
Clearly, the resonance of the Jan Lokpal movement made the government finally take heed of public desire. The Prime Minister's recent communication to Anna was followed up by discussions between ministers and Jan Lokpal representatives. The government appears far less rigid now on issues like excluding the PM from the Lokpal's purview or aligning the CBI's anti-corruption wing to it. Considering its no-budge stand,these are considerable steps forward. Alongside, it seems the Jan Lokpal group has agreed to let the judiciary be governed by a strong Judicial Accountability Bill, not insist on the Lokpal surveying it. Considering fears over all constitutional bodies being examined by one institution, this too is positive.
Yet, trouble spots remain. There is little agreement over the inclusion of the lower bureaucracy or state Lokayuktas under a national Lokpal. There is also remarkably insufficient protection to whistleblowers under the government's version. While such divergences are insignificant, they can be solved by deciding what the Lokpal is meant to do - tackle big-ticket corruption or chase all levels of graft. Activist Aruna Roy envisions a Lokpal that pursues top-end corruption, leaving other levels to a strengthened Central Vigilance Commission. Surely that's a rational position, as it'll prevent the Lokpal going under from the sheer weight of all that falls within its jurisdiction. It's vital all rational views are noted and the best Bill created from these. That needs time - and patience. It cannot - and should not - be achieved by forcing Parliament to move pronto.
Anna's movement taking a breather would help this. Every movement has its moments. For the first time in 64 years, a powerful, cohesive public movement has risen against corruption. Through it, Anna's made his point and it's been duly noted. Corruption will not be tackled in a day. We need crusaders like Anna to keep up a consistent fight against corruption. The government can demonstrate its sincerity to
a doubting public by committing to convene a special session of Parliament where all versions of the Lokpal Bill would be discussed. And it's in the interest of all that Anna breaks his fast.
The above is an editorial published in TOI, Delhi, on 25th August.
I'm in full agreement with the Editor. Under the leadership of Anna Hazare, the citizens of India have expressed their opinion openly, and the government has mellowed down to sit for a discussion. In my opinion, the time is now ripe for a fruitful dialogue.

Dear American Taxpayer
For only the second time in my adult life, I am not ashamed
of my country.
I want to thank the hard working American people for paying
the $242,000 dollars for my vacation in Spain .
My daughter Sasha, several long-time family friends, my
personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time.
Honestly, you just haven't lived until you have stayed
in a $2,500.00 per night private 3-story villa at a
5-Star luxury hotel.
Thank you also for the use of Air Force Two and the
70 Secret Service personnel who tagged along to be
sure we were safe and cared for at all times. By the way,
if you happen to be visiting the Costa del Sol, I highly
recommend the Buenaventura Plaza restaurant in Marbella ;
great lobster with rice and oysters!
I'm ashamed to admit the lobsters we ate in Martha's Vineyard
were not quite as tasty, but what can you do if you're
not in Europe , you have to just grin and bear it?
Air Force Two (which costs $11,351 per hour to operate
according to Government Accounting Office reports) only used
47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions
were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. These are only rough estimates,
but they are close.
That's quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore
would say,so we must ask the American citizens to drive smaller,
more fuel efficient cars and drive less too, so we can lessen
our combined carbon footprint.
I know times are hard and millions of you are struggling
to put food on the table and trying to make ends meet.
So I do appreciate your sacrifices and do hope you find work soon.
I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on
a luxury vacation in Maine a few weeks ago.
I just had to get away for a few days.
Michelle (Moochelle) Obama
P.S. Thank you as well for the $2 BILLION dollar trip to
India from which we just returned!
P.SS. Thank you, too, for that vacation trip to Martha's
Vineyard ; it was fabulous.
And thanks for that second smaller jet that took our
dog Bo to Martha's Vineyard so we and the children could
have him with us while we were away from the White House
for eleven days. After all, we couldn't take him on Air
Force One because he might pee on some wires or something.
P.SSS. Oh, I almost forgot to say thanks also for our
two-week trip to Hawaii at Christmas. That 7,000 square
foot house was great!
P.SSSs don't forget my ski trip to Vail this winter and
now the girls and I are in Africa with my mom. All this
while Barack golf’s and campaigns to keep my trips coming
for the next 4 years !
Love ya!
Remember, we all have to share the pain of these economic
times equally! Love to -redistribute- share- the wealth.
Sent by Prakash Bhartia
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Another letter to the PM
Dear Mr Prime Minister,
I am writing this to you as I always assumed you were a decent man. I was waiting for your speech on August 15th, hoping you would somehow say something meaningful on corruption that would redeem your long silence.
Your speech was disappointing. What you said was inane and trite, while you held on to the tenet the corruption cannot be fought with hunger strikes. I think you did more to insult the Indian independence movement which fought through reason, fought through faith, fought through the reasonableness of the fast and the hunger strike. Hunger strikes do not threaten you. They only ask you to look deeper within your self. Gandhi fasted so that a society and he could literally come back to its senses.
You seen a very timid man, Mr Prime Minister, you call on us to follow proper procedure. You seem to think politics is only a bit of table manners which does not allow people to object to what is allegedly served as food on the table. I think you are wrong Mr. Prime Minister and wrong in more ways than one. When you stood at Lal Qila, this time, one realized your goodness was not enough, because your goodness hides the arrogance and incompetence of your colleagues.
Think of Anna Hazare, Mr Prime Minister. He is another mild man like you and today he stands for the ideals the Congress has forgotten. Let me list them out- the dreams of honesty and idealism, the diligence that politics demands and the intelligence that morality requires.
For the young, Hazare represents the national movement today. He is a reminder of what the nation could have been. You are reminder of what the nation has become, a goodness that became timid as it fell prey to power. The sadness Mr Prime Minister is you should have protested. Mentioning tamely that you do not mind being under the scrutiny of the Lok Pal is not enough. Such coyness would be dismissed by your colleagues who know it is not meant for you but for Prime Ministers in waiting. You can still create history by joining Hazare.
One does not have to ask permission to fast. We do not need it. History and ethics do not ask permission from the inanity of politicians. Step down from power to be powerful again Mr Prime Minister. Join Hazare. Walk with the people. Dispense with blue turbaned technocrats and your conniving colleagues. They are forgettable anyway. Hazare has a sense of the lived past. He is showing the possibility of a cleaner future.
I am telling you all this Mr Prime Minister because someone must tell you that you have let down a generation that believed in you. Long years ago James Otis, the American politician, said, "No taxation without representation." Another great American, whose writings Gandhi thrived on talked of The Duty of Civil Disobedience. It is out of Thoreau's ideas that Gandhi wove his ideas of Satyagraha. Now Mr Prime Minister it is time to tell you representation without responsibility is corruption, legislation without accountability is a farce.
You and the Congress have perpetuated this situation. It is time you accept that a legislator who breaks the law or connives so that others break it, cannot be above the law. He no longer represents the people. Corruption is an act of legislative betrayal. It hollows out the act of representation and destroys democracy.
Anna Hazare and his team will go on fast, the battle of JP Park will begin. Hazare's team has asked you and your government for permission for space. They have tried to dialogue with you and your cabinet colleagues. Mr Prime Minister, the role of dynasties is over and it is time that you recognize that no Prime Minister can be above the law.
I admit Hazare is a difficult man. I think there are many who feel he is overheating legislation by speeding it up. By prefabricating legislation you might actually be disinstitutionalizing the very processes you want to sustain. Maybe this is the point and it is a valid one. It is the kind of argument Aruna Roy and others might have made. But what deflates your view is your move to deny Hazare and the people the right to protest at Jantar Mantar.
To treat truth as a law and order problem is unforgivable Mr Prime Minister, to think that Section 144 can control the fight against corruption is the final irony of law, to use law against those fighting the lawless is the final sign of an empty regime. Arresting Hazare shows the emptiness of your colleagues. Forget 2G and 3G and all the other scams you slept through. When the ABC of democracy is taught, you and the Congress will appear anti- democratic and cowardly about your responsibility. Timidity becomes unforgivable at this moment in history.
As a citizen, I must protest, as a teacher and an academic I must state that you have violated the rules of dialogue and the norms of protest. I must accept that civil disobedience becomes the only alternative.
I wish there was a virtual Jantar Mantar and I am sure there soon will be. So at this virtual monument I, as a citizen, protest against your unlawful use of Section 144. It is not Hazare's battle. It is now the dream of every Indian to fight corruption and fight it with a courage and commitment your politics lacks. Not all of us will be in Delhi tomorrow but now at this virtual Jantar Mantar, this network as sacred space, let us openly say it is time to defy you and your regime. Corruption has to be fought and fought truthfully. You, Mr Prime Minister, have forgotten the difference between being correct and being true and even if you did, you seem to prefer the first.
Think of the symbolic contrast between morning and evening of Independence Day. At the Red Fort one saw the dull rituals of a tired state being enacted inanely. At Rajghat, a Khadi clad man sits waiting quietly in an act of prayer, silent in reflection as if waiting for a message from the Mahatma himself. The point is Mr Prime Minister that it is not your twenty two point riders that he has to answer. It is his questions about freedom that you must respond to. What according to the Government is freedom? Is election merely the increased circulation of corruption every five years.
There are moments when protest is a form of duty. When citizens realize that a government has abdicated its responsibility. So at this new Jantar Mantar I light my candle and send my SMS message of protest against a regime that denies the dream of the future. Civil disobedience is my right and now my duty. You give me no alternative, Mr Prime Minister. In arresting Hazare, you have made a mockery of democracy.
As a citizen who believes in the rule of law, as a democrat who believes in the necessity of governance and as an Indian who recognizes what history means, I stand by Hazare and what he fights for.
Shiv Visvanathan
This has been sent by Shreedevi Singh
I am writing this to you as I always assumed you were a decent man. I was waiting for your speech on August 15th, hoping you would somehow say something meaningful on corruption that would redeem your long silence.
Your speech was disappointing. What you said was inane and trite, while you held on to the tenet the corruption cannot be fought with hunger strikes. I think you did more to insult the Indian independence movement which fought through reason, fought through faith, fought through the reasonableness of the fast and the hunger strike. Hunger strikes do not threaten you. They only ask you to look deeper within your self. Gandhi fasted so that a society and he could literally come back to its senses.
You seen a very timid man, Mr Prime Minister, you call on us to follow proper procedure. You seem to think politics is only a bit of table manners which does not allow people to object to what is allegedly served as food on the table. I think you are wrong Mr. Prime Minister and wrong in more ways than one. When you stood at Lal Qila, this time, one realized your goodness was not enough, because your goodness hides the arrogance and incompetence of your colleagues.
Think of Anna Hazare, Mr Prime Minister. He is another mild man like you and today he stands for the ideals the Congress has forgotten. Let me list them out- the dreams of honesty and idealism, the diligence that politics demands and the intelligence that morality requires.
For the young, Hazare represents the national movement today. He is a reminder of what the nation could have been. You are reminder of what the nation has become, a goodness that became timid as it fell prey to power. The sadness Mr Prime Minister is you should have protested. Mentioning tamely that you do not mind being under the scrutiny of the Lok Pal is not enough. Such coyness would be dismissed by your colleagues who know it is not meant for you but for Prime Ministers in waiting. You can still create history by joining Hazare.
One does not have to ask permission to fast. We do not need it. History and ethics do not ask permission from the inanity of politicians. Step down from power to be powerful again Mr Prime Minister. Join Hazare. Walk with the people. Dispense with blue turbaned technocrats and your conniving colleagues. They are forgettable anyway. Hazare has a sense of the lived past. He is showing the possibility of a cleaner future.
I am telling you all this Mr Prime Minister because someone must tell you that you have let down a generation that believed in you. Long years ago James Otis, the American politician, said, "No taxation without representation." Another great American, whose writings Gandhi thrived on talked of The Duty of Civil Disobedience. It is out of Thoreau's ideas that Gandhi wove his ideas of Satyagraha. Now Mr Prime Minister it is time to tell you representation without responsibility is corruption, legislation without accountability is a farce.
You and the Congress have perpetuated this situation. It is time you accept that a legislator who breaks the law or connives so that others break it, cannot be above the law. He no longer represents the people. Corruption is an act of legislative betrayal. It hollows out the act of representation and destroys democracy.
Anna Hazare and his team will go on fast, the battle of JP Park will begin. Hazare's team has asked you and your government for permission for space. They have tried to dialogue with you and your cabinet colleagues. Mr Prime Minister, the role of dynasties is over and it is time that you recognize that no Prime Minister can be above the law.
I admit Hazare is a difficult man. I think there are many who feel he is overheating legislation by speeding it up. By prefabricating legislation you might actually be disinstitutionalizing the very processes you want to sustain. Maybe this is the point and it is a valid one. It is the kind of argument Aruna Roy and others might have made. But what deflates your view is your move to deny Hazare and the people the right to protest at Jantar Mantar.
To treat truth as a law and order problem is unforgivable Mr Prime Minister, to think that Section 144 can control the fight against corruption is the final irony of law, to use law against those fighting the lawless is the final sign of an empty regime. Arresting Hazare shows the emptiness of your colleagues. Forget 2G and 3G and all the other scams you slept through. When the ABC of democracy is taught, you and the Congress will appear anti- democratic and cowardly about your responsibility. Timidity becomes unforgivable at this moment in history.
As a citizen, I must protest, as a teacher and an academic I must state that you have violated the rules of dialogue and the norms of protest. I must accept that civil disobedience becomes the only alternative.
I wish there was a virtual Jantar Mantar and I am sure there soon will be. So at this virtual monument I, as a citizen, protest against your unlawful use of Section 144. It is not Hazare's battle. It is now the dream of every Indian to fight corruption and fight it with a courage and commitment your politics lacks. Not all of us will be in Delhi tomorrow but now at this virtual Jantar Mantar, this network as sacred space, let us openly say it is time to defy you and your regime. Corruption has to be fought and fought truthfully. You, Mr Prime Minister, have forgotten the difference between being correct and being true and even if you did, you seem to prefer the first.
Think of the symbolic contrast between morning and evening of Independence Day. At the Red Fort one saw the dull rituals of a tired state being enacted inanely. At Rajghat, a Khadi clad man sits waiting quietly in an act of prayer, silent in reflection as if waiting for a message from the Mahatma himself. The point is Mr Prime Minister that it is not your twenty two point riders that he has to answer. It is his questions about freedom that you must respond to. What according to the Government is freedom? Is election merely the increased circulation of corruption every five years.
There are moments when protest is a form of duty. When citizens realize that a government has abdicated its responsibility. So at this new Jantar Mantar I light my candle and send my SMS message of protest against a regime that denies the dream of the future. Civil disobedience is my right and now my duty. You give me no alternative, Mr Prime Minister. In arresting Hazare, you have made a mockery of democracy.
As a citizen who believes in the rule of law, as a democrat who believes in the necessity of governance and as an Indian who recognizes what history means, I stand by Hazare and what he fights for.
Shiv Visvanathan
This has been sent by Shreedevi Singh
Jayprada strikes a discordant tone
PM should not be brought under Lokpal purview, says Jayaprada
New Delhi, Aug 23 (ANI): With the government busy in holding hectic consultations to find a way out of the logjam with Team Anna, lawmaker and actress Jayaprada on Tuesday said if the Prime Minister is included in the Lokpal, he will be busy only on that and will not be able to concentrate on matters of national and international importance.
"The thought of civil society I respect it. But coming into the process of Lokpal, you have to respect the lawmakers; you have to respect the Parliament. Without political platform, I don't think one can form the Bills and one can pass the Bills. And if you want to involve the honourable Prime Minister, he will be busy with the Lokpal only," Jayaprada told mediapersons outside the Parliament here.
"He cannot look after our country matter; he cannot look after our international matters to secure the nation. He will be totally busy with the Lokpal and how far is it a comfortable face of the Prime Minister," she added.
Responding to a question on Anna Hazare's crusade against corruption, Jayaprada said: "I respect Anna. Today Anna's health is very important for us. I respect his fight against corruption. At the same time, only five people around Anna are genuine. Those who are elected from the people and by the people are not genuine."
"An agreement has to take under consideration and you must have a faith on the democracy. The temple of Parliament should be respected," she added.
Meanwhile, both Houses of the Parliament were adjourned for the day with the opposition demanding a discussion on the anti-corruption campaign led by Anna Hazare.
Hazare's supporters and the government have earlier said during the weekend they are open to talks, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying there was a 'lot of scope for give and take'.
Moves to open talks come as the Bharatiya Janata Party is organising a nationwide protest against the government on Thursday. (ANI)
I had said earlier that actors would not support Anna. I thought I was proved wrong yesterday when a number of that band expressed solidarity with Anna. Jayaprada, thank God has proved me right. I thought actors had a change of heart. Oh!, I must inform you that Jayaprada has had quite a few tiffs with the income tax department for tax evasion.
However, let just ask Jaya why should they select a prime minister who can charges framed by the Lokpal against him.
We have to make a drastic overhaul in the way our candidates are selected so that such people do not become MPs leave alone occupy the PMs seat. Since actors and actresses are in the habit of evading tax, first of all actors and actresses should not become MPs, whether of the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha.
There have been exceptions. Sunil Dutt comes to mind immediately.
New Delhi, Aug 23 (ANI): With the government busy in holding hectic consultations to find a way out of the logjam with Team Anna, lawmaker and actress Jayaprada on Tuesday said if the Prime Minister is included in the Lokpal, he will be busy only on that and will not be able to concentrate on matters of national and international importance.
"The thought of civil society I respect it. But coming into the process of Lokpal, you have to respect the lawmakers; you have to respect the Parliament. Without political platform, I don't think one can form the Bills and one can pass the Bills. And if you want to involve the honourable Prime Minister, he will be busy with the Lokpal only," Jayaprada told mediapersons outside the Parliament here.
"He cannot look after our country matter; he cannot look after our international matters to secure the nation. He will be totally busy with the Lokpal and how far is it a comfortable face of the Prime Minister," she added.
Responding to a question on Anna Hazare's crusade against corruption, Jayaprada said: "I respect Anna. Today Anna's health is very important for us. I respect his fight against corruption. At the same time, only five people around Anna are genuine. Those who are elected from the people and by the people are not genuine."
"An agreement has to take under consideration and you must have a faith on the democracy. The temple of Parliament should be respected," she added.
Meanwhile, both Houses of the Parliament were adjourned for the day with the opposition demanding a discussion on the anti-corruption campaign led by Anna Hazare.
Hazare's supporters and the government have earlier said during the weekend they are open to talks, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying there was a 'lot of scope for give and take'.
Moves to open talks come as the Bharatiya Janata Party is organising a nationwide protest against the government on Thursday. (ANI)
I had said earlier that actors would not support Anna. I thought I was proved wrong yesterday when a number of that band expressed solidarity with Anna. Jayaprada, thank God has proved me right. I thought actors had a change of heart. Oh!, I must inform you that Jayaprada has had quite a few tiffs with the income tax department for tax evasion.
However, let just ask Jaya why should they select a prime minister who can charges framed by the Lokpal against him.
We have to make a drastic overhaul in the way our candidates are selected so that such people do not become MPs leave alone occupy the PMs seat. Since actors and actresses are in the habit of evading tax, first of all actors and actresses should not become MPs, whether of the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha.
There have been exceptions. Sunil Dutt comes to mind immediately.
A battle we must not lose
" A battle we must not lose " - Pritish Nandy
Forget Anna Hazare. The Jan Lokpal movement can go to hell for all I care. Let us just look at the issues over which the battle between the Government and us citizens is being fought. And then let’s decide where we want to stand, each one of us, on the issue of corruption.
The first question is: Do corruption and bribery hurt you? If they do, do you want a solution? If your answer is yes to both, do you think such a solution lies with an independent authority? Or do you think a corrupt Government can fight corruption on its own, and within its own ranks? If your answer is no to that, then we need to create an independent institution to fight corruption. Right? Well, that’s precisely what Anna is asking for. He is asking for a Lokpal that the Government cannot influence nor manipulate. This is the first battle.
The second battle is over four things. One: Should the Prime Minister come under the purview of the Lokpal? Almost everyone I know thinks he should. A honest Prime Minister wouldn’t care. A dishonest one must be supervised. Or else, we will have cases like Bofors that will never ever be resolved. Two: Should Members of Parliament come under the Lokpal? I have not met a single person till date who thinks that our MPs are so honest that they need not be supervised. My guess is if a referendum is ever taken, Anna will get a 100% yes to this question, given what people think of our politicians and the standards of probity in public life. The third question is even more obvious: Do all public servants need to come under the Lokpal? My guess is India’s answer will be yes, yes, yes. Every day, in every area of our life and work, we are constantly harassed, intimidated and extorted by corrupt Government officers. The poorer you are, the worse is the torture. So yes, every public servant, every Government officer must come under the Lokpal. Question four: Who should give permission to file an FIR against a corrupt judge? If the Lokpal can look into corruption charges against the PM, the MPs and Government servants, isn’t it only logical to expect it to do the same against judges?
The third and final battle is over an even simpler thing: The Citizen’s Charter. Should every Government office have such a Charter which will clearly state which officer will do what work and in how much time? And should an officer who refuses to do his work in time or asks for a bribe to move a file be punished? The Government says a charter a fine but Government servants must not be penalised if they don’t do their work! Anna believes that officers not doing their work in time amounts to corruption and must face the same treatment. Isn’t it rather obvious what India thinks about this?
Do we really need a referendum on these simple, basic issues? I seriously doubt it. Every Indian will endorse the idea of a Lokpal as Anna and his team have envisioned it, with the help of thousands of Indians who have contributed online to the process of drafting the bill.
Yes, there are genuine fears that we should not create yet another monster out there, who will make life more difficult for us than it already is. But even that has been addressed rather adroitly by Anna’s team. It is a complex process, true but it also ensures that the choice is wisely made. And what if there are charges against the Lokpal? Well, there’s a provision there too. You can go straight to the Supreme Court and seek justice out there.
So why are we arguing so much over this Bill? Why is the Government digging its heels in and refusing to listen to us citizens? Why must Anna go on a hunger strike all over again to press home the point that corruption must be fought back? I guess it’s a question of both ego and fear. No one likes to give up the power they have, and certainly not the Government. In fact, it’s always trying to interfere more and more in our lives, grab more and more authority, more and more space. And fear? Well, I guess we all know the answer to that. This is possibly the most corrupt Government we have ever had. It has good reason to be scared.
The above has been sent by Pradeep Mohan.
I don't think I need explain any further.
Pritish Nandi is a very reputed columnist and I fully endorse what he says.
Forget Anna Hazare. The Jan Lokpal movement can go to hell for all I care. Let us just look at the issues over which the battle between the Government and us citizens is being fought. And then let’s decide where we want to stand, each one of us, on the issue of corruption.
The first question is: Do corruption and bribery hurt you? If they do, do you want a solution? If your answer is yes to both, do you think such a solution lies with an independent authority? Or do you think a corrupt Government can fight corruption on its own, and within its own ranks? If your answer is no to that, then we need to create an independent institution to fight corruption. Right? Well, that’s precisely what Anna is asking for. He is asking for a Lokpal that the Government cannot influence nor manipulate. This is the first battle.
The second battle is over four things. One: Should the Prime Minister come under the purview of the Lokpal? Almost everyone I know thinks he should. A honest Prime Minister wouldn’t care. A dishonest one must be supervised. Or else, we will have cases like Bofors that will never ever be resolved. Two: Should Members of Parliament come under the Lokpal? I have not met a single person till date who thinks that our MPs are so honest that they need not be supervised. My guess is if a referendum is ever taken, Anna will get a 100% yes to this question, given what people think of our politicians and the standards of probity in public life. The third question is even more obvious: Do all public servants need to come under the Lokpal? My guess is India’s answer will be yes, yes, yes. Every day, in every area of our life and work, we are constantly harassed, intimidated and extorted by corrupt Government officers. The poorer you are, the worse is the torture. So yes, every public servant, every Government officer must come under the Lokpal. Question four: Who should give permission to file an FIR against a corrupt judge? If the Lokpal can look into corruption charges against the PM, the MPs and Government servants, isn’t it only logical to expect it to do the same against judges?
The third and final battle is over an even simpler thing: The Citizen’s Charter. Should every Government office have such a Charter which will clearly state which officer will do what work and in how much time? And should an officer who refuses to do his work in time or asks for a bribe to move a file be punished? The Government says a charter a fine but Government servants must not be penalised if they don’t do their work! Anna believes that officers not doing their work in time amounts to corruption and must face the same treatment. Isn’t it rather obvious what India thinks about this?
Do we really need a referendum on these simple, basic issues? I seriously doubt it. Every Indian will endorse the idea of a Lokpal as Anna and his team have envisioned it, with the help of thousands of Indians who have contributed online to the process of drafting the bill.
Yes, there are genuine fears that we should not create yet another monster out there, who will make life more difficult for us than it already is. But even that has been addressed rather adroitly by Anna’s team. It is a complex process, true but it also ensures that the choice is wisely made. And what if there are charges against the Lokpal? Well, there’s a provision there too. You can go straight to the Supreme Court and seek justice out there.
So why are we arguing so much over this Bill? Why is the Government digging its heels in and refusing to listen to us citizens? Why must Anna go on a hunger strike all over again to press home the point that corruption must be fought back? I guess it’s a question of both ego and fear. No one likes to give up the power they have, and certainly not the Government. In fact, it’s always trying to interfere more and more in our lives, grab more and more authority, more and more space. And fear? Well, I guess we all know the answer to that. This is possibly the most corrupt Government we have ever had. It has good reason to be scared.
The above has been sent by Pradeep Mohan.
I don't think I need explain any further.
Pritish Nandi is a very reputed columnist and I fully endorse what he says.
People’s Parliament
Anna Hazare Versus The People Of India
Raja Murthy
22 August 2011
IF a few thousand slogan-screaming people taking to the streets over the weekend may be seen as support to Anna Hazare’s version of an anti-corruption campaign, then by the same measure, a few hundred million Indians staying put at home may be seen as grave misgivings about methods Hazare is using or misusing to fight corruption.
Most certainly, we want a corruption-free India. But Hazare’s process to eradicate corruption is also threatening to eradicate democracy.
In a free country, no individual can obstinately claim that he and his supporters alone know what is best for everybody else. This is what Hazare and his colleagues are doing, in rejecting any alternative path in discussion and debate that does not agree to their version of the proposed Lokpal bill.
Hazare may not realise it, but he is actually betraying the trust the people of India are expressing in him. The mass support against corruption that we are seeing is inspiring. It’s yet another wonderful indication that the future of this ancient civilization is in safe hands of the younger generation. Anyone with unshakable conviction that India is on the threshold of a golden age, will have unshakable faith in India’s young people. They are a better generation than their parents and teachers; and the generation that follows this young generation will be even better citizens in the path of progressive evolution of India.
But the discomfort arises over how Hazare is misusing the growing support against corruption, holding a gun to his own head and threatening the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy: “You agree to my point view, or go”. It’s not just an insult to democracy, but a gross betrayal of trust of thousands of young people supporting Hazare. They support Hazare’s campaign against corruption because they know he is not corrupt. Hazare has strong credibility in his anti-corruption campaign ~ unlike some highly corrupt media houses publishing banner headlines on Hazare’s anti-corruption campaign, while daily indulging in gross corruption by selling editorial space like advertisements.
One particular media house prominently supporting Hazare’s campaign, has in recent years institutionalised corruption. This media house has the brazen audacity to openly sell editorial space from an in-house agency specially created for this purpose: to sell editorial content and publish photographs like advertisements. It’s outrageous corruption, a criminal fraud on the reader who is being sold adulterated news and views, and a blatant threat to democracy. It’s like a member of Parliament setting up an agency to sell his vote in Parliament to the highest bidder. And it’s a sickening joke that this hypocritical Mumbai-based media house should be carrying screaming headlines against corruption.
For a corruption-free India, Anna Hazare and his colleagues can also immediately contact the proprietors and senior management of this media house and ask them for details about whether they operate an in-house entity to sell editorial space.
For, a corruption-free India has to have a corruption-free media. “To straighten the crooked, you must first do a harder thing,” said the Buddha, “Straighten yourself.”
For a straight, honest government, the individual needs to be honest. Corrupt politicians don’t magically pop out of hell or out of fruit markets. They emerge from a corrupt society. A corrupt people will invariably have corrupt representatives. This is the ugly truth that that we as a nation have to face.
Here’s my favourite anti-corruption story: In the I990s, a friend who was a senior manager in the Oberoi Grand was transferred out of Kolkata. While packing up their apartment in Middleton Row, his wife was complaining bitterly on the phone to her sister and mother in New Delhi of the bribes she had to pay to get the cooking gas connection transferred. And she was ranting about corruption by talking through an illegal STD line she got by bribing a contact in the local telephone exchange. For a few hundred rupees monthly bribe, she saves a few thousand rupees in the expensive long distance phone call bills then. And she gets to complain long-distance about corruption, by even putting her illegal STD line on hold while she goes to the bathroom.
Before expecting the country to be corruption-free, each individual has to obviously first resolve to be uncompromisingly honest, whatever the cost. One makes mistakes in life, but obviously the willingness must be there to humbly accept one’s mistakes, and make honest efforts not to repeat the mistakes.
I cannot post anti-corruption messages on Facebook and Twitter, and then download pirated movies and music on the Internet, buy pirated books and CDs or black market tickets. If I start making excuses for my own corruption little or big, whether involving rupees ten or ten crore, then I have lost the right to point a finger at crooked politicians, who of course, have their own excuses for their corruption.
The finger that points at the dirt in others has to be first cleaned. Hazare generates such support because he has clean fingers. But is he misusing the rare credibility he has ~ by stubbornly insisting that only his version of the Lokpal Bill should be accepted as good for the entire country? He is also imposing a deadline before which his viewpoint alone must be accepted. This is what hijackers and terrorist hostage-takers do: “agree to my demands by this time, or else….”
Held hostage is the invaluable ongoing mass support against corruption. However corrupt this government may be, and however much it has bungled in dealing with Hazare, the government is not refusing to pass any Lokpal Bill. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has put in place a constitutional process to do so. The legislation may have its merits and demerits, plus and minus, delays and hurdles. But this process, involving constitutional checks and balances, is the foundation of democracy ~ whatever its imperfections. India has a street-smart electorate to deal with corruption, sooner or later. Self-appointed activists would do well to ensure that their limited-vision solutions do not endanger the freedom and rights of the people of India. It would be somewhat naive to think that only Hazare’s version of another anti-corruption law, or a kangaroo court, will instantly end corruption. And there is no guarantee that the new Jan Lokpal watchdog, of the exact breed Hazare wants, will not turn corrupt after a few months, or be manipulated by anti-national elements.
“The people’s Parliament is supreme,” Hazare declared over the weekend. But India has only one people’s Parliament, where laws are made or changed. And Hazare is not a member of it. Instead, he is issuing threats to the people’s Parliament, and to the government that the people of India elected, to fully agree to his views within the deadline he has imposed.
Hazare, and his good-intentioned core supporters, should set aside their ego and carefully introspect whether they are getting carried away by the mass support. Every right-thinking Indian would support Hazare’s noble anti-corruption objectives, and his volition to selflessly serve India. But Hazare and his colleagues have to realize that their autocratic methods are creating a cure that is far more dangerous than the disease.
The above is from what was once my favourite newspaper, "The Statesman"
It has tried to present a balance view, however, I do not agree with it.
We, the people of India have waited 64 years for the politicians to do something to end their own corruption but they have never cared to do that.
Corruption has gone from strength to strength until water started flowing above the head when we had the G and CWG scams. In one respect we should thank Suresh Kalamadi & Co and A.Raja for what they did for it made the Indian people lose patience with its leaders. Yet the politicians did not take any action, shrugging it off as a result of coalition dharma. It was left to the august Supreme Court to force the CBI to act. By itself the CBI would not have taken action as it was under the same politicians.
No matter now the PM says now that they will pass a strong Lokpal bill but the bill they have presented to the Standing Committee is full of loopholes and has been termed as "Promotion of Corruption" bill rather than a "Prevention of Corruption"
I am sory, but I and millions of others who are on the street supporting Anna do not agree with you. This is the only way the government will act.
This is not the end. Civil society should take up the people's representation act to see that scums, scoundrel,smugglers, extortionists, rapists, murderers do not become our representatives. They have initiate processes so that we can reject all the candidates if found unsuitable and also to withdraw elected members who do not perform.
We cannot give blank cheques with 5 years validity anymore so that they can do what they want citing that Parliament is Supreme. It is, if the parliamentarians act that way. They do not.
They cite that our founding fathers like Dr. Ambedkar knew what they were doing when they wrote the Constitution.. Unfortunately those people did not take into consideration that such scoundrels would become peoples representatives. They were only aware of the colleagues who were around them, the Freedom Fighters.
They are also citing technical difficulties saying that they have to follow procedures which are more than 300 years old. What rubbish!! Man makes the rules and not the other way round. When it came to the declaration of Emergency, they could do it within three days. When parliamentarians wanted to increase their salary, they could get the bill passed in three days. They are just waiting and watching to see how long the people demonstrate with Anna.They are just watching how long Anna lasts. Which will fail first, the support or Anna's health.
We are lucky, the people have adopted this peaceful way to get their way instead of the path followed by Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya and other Muslim countries.
Raja Murthy
22 August 2011
IF a few thousand slogan-screaming people taking to the streets over the weekend may be seen as support to Anna Hazare’s version of an anti-corruption campaign, then by the same measure, a few hundred million Indians staying put at home may be seen as grave misgivings about methods Hazare is using or misusing to fight corruption.
Most certainly, we want a corruption-free India. But Hazare’s process to eradicate corruption is also threatening to eradicate democracy.
In a free country, no individual can obstinately claim that he and his supporters alone know what is best for everybody else. This is what Hazare and his colleagues are doing, in rejecting any alternative path in discussion and debate that does not agree to their version of the proposed Lokpal bill.
Hazare may not realise it, but he is actually betraying the trust the people of India are expressing in him. The mass support against corruption that we are seeing is inspiring. It’s yet another wonderful indication that the future of this ancient civilization is in safe hands of the younger generation. Anyone with unshakable conviction that India is on the threshold of a golden age, will have unshakable faith in India’s young people. They are a better generation than their parents and teachers; and the generation that follows this young generation will be even better citizens in the path of progressive evolution of India.
But the discomfort arises over how Hazare is misusing the growing support against corruption, holding a gun to his own head and threatening the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy: “You agree to my point view, or go”. It’s not just an insult to democracy, but a gross betrayal of trust of thousands of young people supporting Hazare. They support Hazare’s campaign against corruption because they know he is not corrupt. Hazare has strong credibility in his anti-corruption campaign ~ unlike some highly corrupt media houses publishing banner headlines on Hazare’s anti-corruption campaign, while daily indulging in gross corruption by selling editorial space like advertisements.
One particular media house prominently supporting Hazare’s campaign, has in recent years institutionalised corruption. This media house has the brazen audacity to openly sell editorial space from an in-house agency specially created for this purpose: to sell editorial content and publish photographs like advertisements. It’s outrageous corruption, a criminal fraud on the reader who is being sold adulterated news and views, and a blatant threat to democracy. It’s like a member of Parliament setting up an agency to sell his vote in Parliament to the highest bidder. And it’s a sickening joke that this hypocritical Mumbai-based media house should be carrying screaming headlines against corruption.
For a corruption-free India, Anna Hazare and his colleagues can also immediately contact the proprietors and senior management of this media house and ask them for details about whether they operate an in-house entity to sell editorial space.
For, a corruption-free India has to have a corruption-free media. “To straighten the crooked, you must first do a harder thing,” said the Buddha, “Straighten yourself.”
For a straight, honest government, the individual needs to be honest. Corrupt politicians don’t magically pop out of hell or out of fruit markets. They emerge from a corrupt society. A corrupt people will invariably have corrupt representatives. This is the ugly truth that that we as a nation have to face.
Here’s my favourite anti-corruption story: In the I990s, a friend who was a senior manager in the Oberoi Grand was transferred out of Kolkata. While packing up their apartment in Middleton Row, his wife was complaining bitterly on the phone to her sister and mother in New Delhi of the bribes she had to pay to get the cooking gas connection transferred. And she was ranting about corruption by talking through an illegal STD line she got by bribing a contact in the local telephone exchange. For a few hundred rupees monthly bribe, she saves a few thousand rupees in the expensive long distance phone call bills then. And she gets to complain long-distance about corruption, by even putting her illegal STD line on hold while she goes to the bathroom.
Before expecting the country to be corruption-free, each individual has to obviously first resolve to be uncompromisingly honest, whatever the cost. One makes mistakes in life, but obviously the willingness must be there to humbly accept one’s mistakes, and make honest efforts not to repeat the mistakes.
I cannot post anti-corruption messages on Facebook and Twitter, and then download pirated movies and music on the Internet, buy pirated books and CDs or black market tickets. If I start making excuses for my own corruption little or big, whether involving rupees ten or ten crore, then I have lost the right to point a finger at crooked politicians, who of course, have their own excuses for their corruption.
The finger that points at the dirt in others has to be first cleaned. Hazare generates such support because he has clean fingers. But is he misusing the rare credibility he has ~ by stubbornly insisting that only his version of the Lokpal Bill should be accepted as good for the entire country? He is also imposing a deadline before which his viewpoint alone must be accepted. This is what hijackers and terrorist hostage-takers do: “agree to my demands by this time, or else….”
Held hostage is the invaluable ongoing mass support against corruption. However corrupt this government may be, and however much it has bungled in dealing with Hazare, the government is not refusing to pass any Lokpal Bill. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has put in place a constitutional process to do so. The legislation may have its merits and demerits, plus and minus, delays and hurdles. But this process, involving constitutional checks and balances, is the foundation of democracy ~ whatever its imperfections. India has a street-smart electorate to deal with corruption, sooner or later. Self-appointed activists would do well to ensure that their limited-vision solutions do not endanger the freedom and rights of the people of India. It would be somewhat naive to think that only Hazare’s version of another anti-corruption law, or a kangaroo court, will instantly end corruption. And there is no guarantee that the new Jan Lokpal watchdog, of the exact breed Hazare wants, will not turn corrupt after a few months, or be manipulated by anti-national elements.
“The people’s Parliament is supreme,” Hazare declared over the weekend. But India has only one people’s Parliament, where laws are made or changed. And Hazare is not a member of it. Instead, he is issuing threats to the people’s Parliament, and to the government that the people of India elected, to fully agree to his views within the deadline he has imposed.
Hazare, and his good-intentioned core supporters, should set aside their ego and carefully introspect whether they are getting carried away by the mass support. Every right-thinking Indian would support Hazare’s noble anti-corruption objectives, and his volition to selflessly serve India. But Hazare and his colleagues have to realize that their autocratic methods are creating a cure that is far more dangerous than the disease.
The above is from what was once my favourite newspaper, "The Statesman"
It has tried to present a balance view, however, I do not agree with it.
We, the people of India have waited 64 years for the politicians to do something to end their own corruption but they have never cared to do that.
Corruption has gone from strength to strength until water started flowing above the head when we had the G and CWG scams. In one respect we should thank Suresh Kalamadi & Co and A.Raja for what they did for it made the Indian people lose patience with its leaders. Yet the politicians did not take any action, shrugging it off as a result of coalition dharma. It was left to the august Supreme Court to force the CBI to act. By itself the CBI would not have taken action as it was under the same politicians.
No matter now the PM says now that they will pass a strong Lokpal bill but the bill they have presented to the Standing Committee is full of loopholes and has been termed as "Promotion of Corruption" bill rather than a "Prevention of Corruption"
I am sory, but I and millions of others who are on the street supporting Anna do not agree with you. This is the only way the government will act.
This is not the end. Civil society should take up the people's representation act to see that scums, scoundrel,smugglers, extortionists, rapists, murderers do not become our representatives. They have initiate processes so that we can reject all the candidates if found unsuitable and also to withdraw elected members who do not perform.
We cannot give blank cheques with 5 years validity anymore so that they can do what they want citing that Parliament is Supreme. It is, if the parliamentarians act that way. They do not.
They cite that our founding fathers like Dr. Ambedkar knew what they were doing when they wrote the Constitution.. Unfortunately those people did not take into consideration that such scoundrels would become peoples representatives. They were only aware of the colleagues who were around them, the Freedom Fighters.
They are also citing technical difficulties saying that they have to follow procedures which are more than 300 years old. What rubbish!! Man makes the rules and not the other way round. When it came to the declaration of Emergency, they could do it within three days. When parliamentarians wanted to increase their salary, they could get the bill passed in three days. They are just waiting and watching to see how long the people demonstrate with Anna.They are just watching how long Anna lasts. Which will fail first, the support or Anna's health.
We are lucky, the people have adopted this peaceful way to get their way instead of the path followed by Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya and other Muslim countries.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Study in Contrast

Mechanical Engineer -IIT Kharagpur
Job :-Tata Steel
Former IRS resigned from the Govt job(posted IT Commisioner's office)
Social Activist:-
Man behind (Right to Information Act).
LokPal bill
Awards Various Ashoka Fellow, Civic Engagement.
2005: 'Satyendra Dubey Memorial Award', IIT Kanpur for his campaign for bringing transparency in Government
2006: Ramon Magsaysay Award for Emergent Leadership.
2006: CNN-IBN, 'Indian of the Year' in Public Service
2009: Distinguished Alumnus Award, IIT Kharagpur for Emergent Leadership.
2010: Policy Change Agent of the Year, Economic Times Corporate Excellence Award along with Aruna Roy.
Fighting against corruption
.............He left his job in IRS to fight against corruption.
Education- failed to secure passing grades in National Economic Planning and Policy. Graduated any how because of external help.
Job:Ancestral political power and using it
Award: He is giving away awards not getting it
Fight: Against Indians sentiments
For him Terror attacks are a common thing...
We should not be worried of that.....let it happen(since they have ZZZ class security)
He will never talk about Govt. policies....and planning....since he
is not intelligent enough to grasp that.(claimed to be most eligible to be PM)
Won't talk about black money and corruption.
Will never talk in Parliament.
No political vision and goals for nation .
Trained well to fool poor villagers with safed kurta .and khadhi(doing same in UP and other places.)
Great Grandson OF Nehru,
Grandson of Indira Gandhi....
Son Of Rajiv Gandhi....
From Nehru - Gandhi Family.....
till now zero...
Sent by Kamlesh Kallani
Just compare the two people.
Who is better suited to be the PM of the country.
Yet, the bankrupt congress can look no furher than Rahul.
Because they do not trust each other.
Pranab, Manmohan, Kamal Nath, Salmann Kurshed, Digvijay Singh would start to fight against each other.
A mediocre person who would not even get a chaprasi's job in a private firm will be made PM of the country just because of his lineage.
That is why our country does not progress and what it has achieved is in spite of the politicians in general and the congress in particular.
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