9th Place Goes To:

8th Place Goes To:

7th Place Goes To:

6th Place Goes To:

5th Place Goes To:

4th Place Goes To:

The BRONZE Medal Winner:

The SILVER Medal Winner:

YES - her helmet is ............
.............................. worn backwards
. and finally,
here is our 2009 Women Drivers Awards
*** GOLD Medal Winner ***

WOW! How the...Oh never mind. CONGRATULATIONS!
This concludes the 2009 Women Drivers Awards Ceremony.
Thanks to all our contestants for giving us all a reason to laugh & smile.
Sent by Prakash Bhartia
How do women manage to do it?
Is it in their genes or are they thinking of something else while driving or are they concentrating too much on the driving instead of driving casusally like men do.
I wouldn't know for I too don't know how to drive a car.
If you remember when you first started riding a bicycle and were learning to ride.
You may have seen a big stone in the middle of the road and decided to avoid it.
However, the more you tried to avoid it, the more your cycle was pulled towards it as if by a gravitational force until you finally hit it fair and square.
I suppose women to try to avoid some land mark and then go and hit it plump in the middle.
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