Dear Mr. Sharma,
I hope this message finds you and the family well.
Just a quick response to the point (well made) re: the Tharoor article. Like you, I do not hold Mr. Tharoor in any high standing, opinion or regard. He is generally viewed as a suck-up (pardon my French!) and a UN pawn to US government interests, with personal advancement as his singular motive. Pity, that those controlling the media in India, are so ignorant to obvious political opportunists.
Back in my undergraduate years (1885-89), I did a 3 month internship at the UN in N.Y. and since an uncle of mine was well positioned (UN Res. Ambassador for China and Honk Kong), I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Tharoor (then a junior UN staffer) over a couple of formal functions………..I was a young man of 21 and impressionable - I found Mr. Tharoor to be a very eager beaver, willing to please and bend over backwards for certain parties…………your comments brought back a flood of forgotten memories! On a brighter note; I had easy access to the UN and the General Secretary’s staff at the time and as a young enthusiastic intern, managed to impress many a diplomat…my internship was repeated the following summer. I’ll never forget the “sumptuous” & subsidized $2 breakfast at 1 UN Plaza…these chaps had it good!!
The USA was a very different place at the time. Of course, Mr. Tharoor’s ultimate goal of Gen. Sec. never materialized …………probably just as well!
Warm Regards,
Dear Viraj,
Thanks for your mail.
It was really encouraging that our views match.
I have been reading Tharoor's column in the Times of India for some time and I realized that he is just playing to the UN gallery. Earlier, we had no choice but to read their crap. Now, thanks to the Internet and the blogs, we can give a reply to them.
Your message to me this week was marked personal. I don't post anything marked personal on our blog. However, I would like to put your views without putting your name, if you have no objection.
People should know, everybody does not agree with Tharoor.
We are all well here.
The little baby seems to be sleeping quite a lot.
My son, Ajay, should be going to USA sometime in Jan/Feb.
He works for Cognizant Technologies, and they are sending him for their project.
Bye for now.
Warm regards
Dear Mr. Sharma,
Thanks for writing; yes, we certainly share the same thoughts on the likes of Tharoor and for Tharoor to be commenting on religion is nothing less than endorsing hypocrisy as a virtue!
I respect the regard you have for personal messages; do go ahead and post my views on Tharoor in a manner you deem acceptable. The world is increasingly being misled by flaky opportunists and the media has become the Devil’s advocate………the straightforwardness, necessary political guile and magnanimity of Gandhi, Churchill and others seems like a lost dimension of human history.
Glad to know that the family and the little one are doing well. Where in the States will Ajay’s work take him – it would be nice to know – we could talk at the very least!
More on hearing from you.
Warm Regards,
Dear Viraj,
I'll give my son's details when he goes and ask him to contact you.
One of our blog readers (not a Goethalite) has sent the following message.
"Thanks Mate for posting my note on your precious blog! It warmed this old Brit's heart to be acknowledged by a youngster like you - Cheers lad!
Been reading on and your recent post (continuing w/religion, Christian schools and all this tamasha (hope I have that right) in India - In a nutshell:
Can't really remove the spots from a leopard. They may get older and fainter but the spots will always be the same spots, so I am sure other than adapted attributes the physical appearance and culture will remain the same, People! This Tharoor chappie and my earlier reference to Rodrigues/Moronha - these blokes are Indian by George! Religion and citizenship do not change one's natural roots - what's the fuss - learn to get along as Indians.
We (with due apologies) ruled India for two centuries and made a bloody mess of it! The Tharoor’s and Moronhas haven't realized that Euros (whites) remain a very race oriented group - now accommodating for economics- no other reason. India can only unite when "wannabees' come on board. South Indian Christianity and foreign citizenship do not automatically convert to entry into the "Euro cub", less the "good old boys circle". Wake up India and unite.
This old Imperialist of 84 years, reaffirms his affinity for the Indian masses - having suffered for centuries - will rise and resist- and we only have ourselves to blame don't we?
Kind Regards,
Charles Winchester (The Third)
BTW: Had a wonderfully nostalgic ride on the Darjeeling District- Standing Legacy - The young man, Dr. Thacker seems like a pukka chap! Do you know the lad?"
Your article has impressed him.
If you wish, you could interact with him.
Thanks Mr. Sharma,
Looks like our blog is getting noticed! I read Mr. Winchester’s note – will write and acknowledge his kind compliments (could you send me his e-mail address?)
I look forward to chatting with Ajay when he visits the States.
Best to the family.
Dear Viraj,
His mail ID is
Ajay will be going to New Hampshire.
I'll give his contact details when he actually leaves.
These independent opinions count not the opinions which are just to please the western nations.
Warm regards
Msg from Richard Johnson
Dear Radheshyam,
For a while now I have thought that I owe you an email. I have felt the need to explain why I have gone from being a regular contributor to your BLOG - sorry, the BLOG to my absence.
I must join the rest in congratulating you for your efforts in setting-up and maintaining the space. I follow it and I am informed by the political discussion. I enjoy reading what you write - the passion and the 'from the heart' voice. I don't take exception to any of the angles including the religious - I agree with you, it is the nature of the 'Internet space' which needs to be maintained - free expression (within limits of course) and one should feel free to respond - a few have.
As far as my contributions are concerned, I feel much the same as when I last wrote to you. Given the nature of my work, I am involved in heavy and serious academic discussion for a lot of the time and I was contributing to the BLOG in a very personal and reflective level. I was interested in being involved in a community of discussion around that level - reminiscing and sometimes trying to make sense of the 'then and now'. I believe there could be space for that to happen on the BLOG but there needs to be more interacting on that level. In fact I find there is very little interaction. That is not a criticism - just an observation. However, I still feel that given the passion and seriousness of the political commentary, the other genre of reminisces doesn't quite fit. As I said before:
I'm having a few doubts - mixed feelings... I look at my last contribution to the blog and I'm not sure what to think ... It's about holidays and publishing and recommending holiday reading ... On one level, I feel embarrassed - the entry look vacuous - frivolous - empty... It is surrounded by entries on life and death - murder - terrorism - serious and heavy politics... I am certainly not suggesting how and what people should write - I am just questioning what I am writing.
Yours was the only response to the 'Passing the Baton' idea. Which again raises the issue of interacting. I know how busy people are and it is all a matter of priorities ... etc. I certainly don't feel disappointed about all of that - it is another reality...
I would love to have joined you on November 9 in Kolkata - and to catch up with those guys - Babs (Gazi), NG, Arjun, Manosh, Joe D'Silva, hope Mohan is there, SK and NG...
I am going to Mumbai on November 15 (to December 8) with a large group of teachers from Melbourne - they are going to be teaching there for that time ...I am going to catch-up with Desmond Oliver (1962) whom I got in touch with through the BLOG...
I must say, I always feel free to hop in again and say my piece - that's important and that's another feature of the space you maintain - Congratulations ...and Thank You.
Best Wishes to you and your family,
Dear Richard,
Thanks for your mail. It’s been a really long time for both your mail and for you writing in our blog.
Do write about your travels with photographs.
Nothing is trivial. That is why every now and then I put something lighter when th matters become serious. Our boys who too may find our blog becoming too serious send most of the lighter material.
I wish you could come slightly earlier, by a week, so that you too could participate. I am still hoping you can make it.
Another topic I had mentioned earlier you could write about was the scope of education in Oz and Nz. It would benefit many of our new boys and others too. J K Ghosh had particularly asked for the information for his landlord.
As far as interaction of our boys is concerned, I too am disappointed.
Except for a few who send mails & contributions, all the others are conspicuous by the deafening silence they produce. They should realize that there might be boys who would like to hear from them. Even our school maintains a silence. They could at least inform everybody of events & happenings going on there.
Br. Beddoe is a busy man, I understand but he could depute somebody to inform us.
I have also modified the blog set-up so that any messages from Goethals could go to that heading for everybody to read.
Do write, I look forward to your mails.
Msg from Savika
I received this letter and learnt that you attended North Point School but what year? At the moment I am gathering infos from you Pointer gents and have gathered a lot. So since your mail reached me then may I request (found some info in your blog at
Your brief bio?
Now these are what I needed. Sorry some are in cap lock I copied from my notes and I need them big text for my eyes.
NATIONLAITY:-- I guess Indian
BIRTHDAY:-- Please, date / month and year.
MARITAL STATUS:-- Married to .. if you have or don't have children.
ANNIVERSARY:-- If you wish me to let others know so that they may wish you on that day.
RESIDENT:-- Full postal address or if you want just city, state and country. EG. Los Angeles, CA, USA / Mumbai, India.
HOME or CELLULAR PHONE NO(S).:-- Or your phone no. easiest to contact you.
OCCUPATION:-- As shown in your blog is Purchase Consultant. Not retired yet since your are already 60?
EMAIL:-- Got it
BIO:-- From year to year attended North Point School
CLASSMATES:-- At lease 5 most popular friends.
Many thanks and hope to see your respond in my inbox soon.
Hello Savika,
Thanks for your mail.
Sorry, I was not in North Point.
I was in Goethals throughout my schooling days, 1955 to 1965.
However, one of our boys, Ralph Reeves, from Goethals, followed up in St. Josephs' College, Darjeeling.
If you are interested in that, I can give his contact details or ask him to contact you, as you wish. He may know some of the school boys of his period.
Msg from Ajit Roy
Dear RS,
You have forgotten to send the list of ex-Goethalites residing or having business contacts in the UK, Europe and Africa. Please send your list soon.
Today's Hindustan Times newspaper reports that the charm of the USA has faded after the open declaration of the recession and the failure of some leading companies recently although the events had commenced two years back. Indians are applying for jobs in India. Your son has either departed or shall be departing soon. Please advise him to keep in close touch with you as companies are closing down without notice in the USA and according to VISA rules NRIs are not permitted to accept alternate employment other than the one declared by them when applying for the VISA.
I hope you and your family are okay. I wish to know the level of recovery attained by Manju. Please convey my regards and prayers for her speedy and comfortably recovery.
I am okay.
Bye for now.
Dear AK,
Thanks for the warning for my son.
He is actually being sent to USA by his company, Cognizant Technology, so there is nothing to worry.
Manju is still with her plaster. It will be cut on the 27th.
I hope the bone joins properly.
I'll look forward to meeting you all on the 9th.
The following is reference to Mr Mahadevan’s article on Prsoselytization on 21.10.200
Dear Sir,
You have won the argument. Congratulations!
With love,
Dear ….,
It is not a question of who wins or who loses.
It is man who wins if he is allowed to live in the faith he was born.
Mankind has many problems, which are to be given priority over who believes in which faith.
Any person who is poor or suffering is a human being first and then what religion.
Everybody who is born is first a human being. It is only we make him a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian.
If any aid that is brought into India, whether from USA, UK or Saudi Arabia and it was used for the benefit of all poor, there would be no problems.
It is only when they use it to benefit any particular community does suspicion rise.
This is what I would like to tell our government.
Any scheme to alleviate the poverty should not be religion or caste oriented.
It should help ALL THE POOR.
We have 300 million people living below BPL, i.e. less than Rs 300/- per month.
We should see how we could improve their lot, without changing their faith.
Msg from Safiul Huda
CONGRATULATIONS!!! What wonderful news.
Incidentally, just this weekend I was at a party celebrating the birth of a grand daughter to a friend. I feel such a mixture of feelings for you newly minted grandpas-- jealous, true, but much more, happy for you. All my blessings for a long, happy, healthy life for your grandchild and, of course, for you also so that you may long enjoy grandfatherhood.
It has been months since I accessed my gmail. Had quite forgotten I had a gmail address.
Hello Safiul,
Thanks for your wishes.
Yes, it has been a long wait to become a grandfather.
When you are young, you don't realize their importance. It is only when you age that you accept. their value
My father used to say, children are the principal and grandchildren are the interest.
For businessmen, interest is more important than the principal for he knows that if he is getting his interest payment, his principal is safe.
When you hold the grandchild in your arm you start planning how you will start playing, behaving, teaching him/her, especially in the Indian context where there is a strong family bond.
I am still waiting for your articles for our blog.
You are making it a long wait.
I hope you and the family are well and you have finished with your latest quite-often taken vacations.
The only vacation I take is the one I take once a year when I go to my Guruji's ashram in Ahmedabad in July. This year it was a horrible experience which I have already related in my letters.
Now that the US elections are on your heads, do write and tell us all about them.
If the media is to be believed, Obama will race through without a contest.
Msg to Br James
Dear Br. James,
I was shocked to read in the papers today of the events that have occurred in Siliguri while you were in the ambulance with Br. Thomas and Valentine Gahatraj.
It speaks of the hooliganism of the CPM when they do not leave even the sick people in ambulances.
I am extremely sorry that this has occurred and hope you will get over the traumatic events soon
How is Br. Thomas now? It did not give how he is.
I hope he is well and wish him speedy recovery.
Warm regards
Dear Br. James,
This is further to my mail of yesterday regarding Br. Thomas.
I understand from the papers that he is a diabetic and also an asthma patient.
If Br. Thomas does Pranayam, his asthma can be cured, so at least he will obtain relief for 50% of his problems.
I know how draining asthma is.
My mother was an asthma patient and so was a distant uncle.
When I used to awake at night I used to see them sit with a pillow in front of them as support, breathing strenuously. I used to feel so helpless.
I presume that that may be the condition of Br. Thomas.
I will tell you the procedure to be followed.
When he is not having an attack, he should do as follows.
1 Close his right nostril with the thumb of his right hand and take a deep breath through his left nostril.
2 Hold the breath for a second.
3 Close his left nostril with the middle and ring fingers of his right hand and release the breath through his right nostril.
4 Now he should take a deep breath through his right nostril, close the right nostril and hold it for a second and then release it through his left nostril.
The whole process is repeated alternately for left and right nostrils.
He could do it initially for five minutes and later on increase it gradually to 15 minutes.
I can assure you, his asthma will be cured within one month and he will not have to go back to medicines.
I had explained the whole process in one of my earlier post on Health on our blog on 17.11.2007. You could have a look at that also.
I do hope Br. Thomas does the pranayam. He will be cured of asthma.
Msg from Merrill Smith
Hi Radheshyam:
I was looking through some of my old pictures & I came across this one of Matt Lobo & myself, since I don't have Matt's email address can you please forward it to him. The picture was taken in England some time in the late 1950 ties. Can you please give him my email address? We were both students at GMS in the 1940 ties
P.S. Congratulations on becoming a grand father. I enjoy reading your blogs & don't be discouraged by the few bad apples, majority of the people enjoy receiving you blog.
Cheers Merrill.

Forwarded to Sir, Mr. Lobo
Hello sir,
Here is a surprise for you from Merrill.
Msg from Partha Sengupta
This is to wish you and all your loved ones a very HAPPY DIWALI.
Good Wishes for pleasant & peaceful times ahead.
With regards
Thank you Partha,
I heartily reciprocate the felling for you and your family.
Warm regards
Msg from J K Ghosh
Dear RS,
Subha Bijoya and a Happy Diwali to you and your family.
I've just now sent a mail to AK. I don't know whether
SP is back from his Himachal tour. He has not contacted
me as yet. Go after him for purchasing a PC.
He can spend at least 2/3 hours on Sunday or on a
holiday, i.e. when he doesn't go to his shop.
The weather here is hot and cold, a good combination
for felling a person.
You seem to be very busy with your grand daughter.
Your PC is offline.
By the way, ex-Loreto Girls seem to be interested
in the blog. What about St. Helen girls? Aren't
they interested? It's a very good idea.
A lady's touch is always soothing.
What do you think?
You're certainly doing an excellent monitoring of the blog.
Have you ever thought of taking somebody under your
wing and training him in your absence?
Please don't mind my saying so. But the thought
arises in my mind sometimes.
Of course, articles will be there in the
blog, as long as Goethalites will be there.
But there should be a centrepiece around whom everyone
will circle, a person who will control the strings,
just as you are doing now. You're doing a
marvellous job.
A person with no bias.
Of course, all Goethalites are
unbiased balanced persons.
Then if we could have ex-students of
Victoria, Dow Hill and other schools of Darjeeling
it would be a super blog.
I'm really excited only thinking about it.
Please make an attempt so that the blog gets truly
international. A few good media people may also be
invited to send their opinions on recent issues and
events. It would be great. Think about it.
Well, bye for now.
Dear JK,
Thank you for your kind wishes, which I heartily reciprocate.
My Internet was down for about 3 hours.
It has just come on
I too was thinking on the same lines.
That is why I have added the sites of the Darjeeling and Kurseong Schools.
Let us see how we progress.
I know, there should be other persons also taking an active that is why I added more blog authors so that they could also write directly.
I do want somebody to be a bit more active so that the interest could be shared.
I would want people to search for jobs and also offer jobs on our blog for our boys.
I would also like our school to put up any notices or mention any activities they are undertaking.
It will take time
Msg from Dipak Roy
Dear Radheshyam:
Congratulations on the new addition to the family.
You have created quite a following with this blog. Moreover, you have a lot to offer without offending anyone.
Too bad the Goethals reunion in Kolkata will be in November. We will be in Kolkata end of November for a month & I will definitely get in touch with you & other Goethalites. Here are some of the boys I have met there: Anup Daw, Arun Shroff, Anthony Gasper, Mohan Shivdasani, Bobby Choudhury, Leslie Mascarenhas, Nelson Flavien, N.G. Kar, Samir Sarkar, & other names I can't remember. Hope to have a get-together with all of you. More later. If you have the phone number of any of these boys, pl. let me know. Thanks.
Dipak Roy
Dear Dipak,
Thanks for your good wishes.
It’s always good to hear from you.
I have Arun Shroff's contact details, Cell: 9831092076, Landline: 24001510
The others I'll get for you before you come to Kolkata.
We could have a smaller get-together after you come.
Warm regards
Dear Dipak,
Here are some more contact nos
Anup Daw 9831365491
Mohan Shivdasani 9830766426
Bobby Chowdhury 9830028853
N G Kar 9831082509
Samir Sarkar 9331841268
Best regards
Msg from Thondup
It seems Thondup made an error here.
Dear Swapan,
Here's wishing you and your family a Very
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