The following is one secret held closely by the US Government.
When the USA attacked Iraq to locate and destroy all WMD, the world thinks no WMDs were found. Actually the USA found 1343 WMDs which were destroyed under the personal supervision of President Bush..
Why didn’t they divulge the secret?
They did not want to embarrass his oily friends in Iraq.
Mission accomplished, President Bush then turned his attention to China.
He voiced his doubts that China too was having WMDs.
So on his visit to China he wanted to check for himself.
In the picture below you see President Bush personally searching for WMD’s. behind the Chinese President’s back.

China’s President was not amused.
During the return visit of the Chinese President, when President Bush again wanted to raise the point of WMDs, the Chinese President nipped Bush’s intentions in the bud and told him “Hand’s off our WMDs”
In the picture below you can see the Chinese President rebuffing President Bush demand to search for WMDs

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