Saturday, May 31, 2008

Messages from Old Boys 24

Msg from Ganesh Purohit
Dear Ganesh

You are right; we should not hang them before they are found guilty.
It is only that the police are so inept in catching culprits when they are well connected, that people have lost confidence in them. It is only when the media and the conscious people raise their voices that the police take action.
In Kolkata too we have the same problems.
Hospitals do not admit seriously ill patients citing various excuses. It is only when the papers raise the issue are those patients. I now seems that it is better to first go to the newspaper office and then to the hospital, if you have a serious problem.
It is only when the police and other officials do not do their duty that people start raising doubts on their impartiality.


Just thing about the Noida case...let's not hang the Talwar parents before they are found guilty. Police are known for manufacturing anything so save their skin....

Msg from Arlene Barber

Dear Arlene,
Keith Hayward was my classmate.
He now lives in Australia with his wonderful family.
There are quite a few of our old Goethals boys living in Australia.
Keith's mail ID is
You can try both of them.
I won't mark a copy of this mail to him.
I would like you to surprise him.
I am glad to be of some help.
Best regards


Dear Radheshyam,

You may be surprised to hear from me, as I am neither an 'old boy' nor from Goethals but your mail to Peter caught my eye. I have been looking for the Hayward brothers for some time now but forays into the Net have brought no results, i.e. till I saw your mail. Would love to make contact with them if you could forward an e-mail id. We were neighbors years ago in Hastings, Calcutta till they immigrated. Pl help.

Many thanks,

Arlene Barber (nee Blanche)

Msg from Richard Johnson

Dear Radheshyam,

You will be pleased to know that I have another 'nibble' at the 'Baton' project - Saurabh Pramanik ( has started a conversation - I hope he keeps at it - I have replied and will continue to be in touch with him.

Just a small matter which I should refer to ... from your last email - I am not retired - as yet - I work full time as an academic at Deakin University. I love my work and I guess that's what makes me continue...

Warm regards


Dear Richard,
The picture and the text are truly inspirational.
I had mentioned the blog idea in one my weekly mails to all our boys.
They will take time to flower and come up with their pieces.
You, I and all the other pre-65 batch boys are retired or semis retired and have all the time in the world to take fast action.
The younger lot is still working and earning their bread and butter and will only respond with a bit of cajoling. Some who may have bad experiences at Goethals will not respond at all or rather they will be hindrances rather than facilitators. We have to be just patient and be after them to get them to sit down and write.
Every week it would be good if you let me know the number of responses you have received so that I can mention that in the mails.
Yours is a very good idea, we must patiently nourish it.
Best regards


Dear Radheshyam,

As promised, this is the image and text that I find inspirational - I thought about it when I read your 'Baton piece', it is part of a larger set.

I wondered what you would think about this idea: Given that only a limited number of Goethalites have access to the blog and actually read what goes on, maybe the 'Baton' idea could be posted by mail to a massive list of Goethalites. Maybe Basant and Rajah would have access to such a mailing list. For economic reasons, it would best be done from India. I would have to find out how much it would cost and then see if it is doable. What do you think?

I am in touch with Jeff (Knight) - I sent him the info on the blog...



Msg from Ralph

Hey Radesh,
Thanks for the news update and the pictures. They were great. I particularly liked the lock gates in Scotland. I work in an environment, which involves lock gates all the time, but these are pretty conventional gates, not so high tech like those.
Got a chance to communicate with Jeff Dessa my classmate and he is just a hop step and jump from Toronto in Chicago. I should be calling him sometime soon.
Willy, CS and self should be meeting sometime in June. Is Manual D'Gama here in Toronto too? Would you know? Jeff thought he would be. No idea.
Anyway, take care and thanks once again.
My best regards,


Anonymous said...

Hi Folks
Recently formatted computer and have lost some contacts.
Anyone have contact for Colleen Blanche from Hastings, Calcutta.
Kind Regards
Richard Hayward

Chirag said...

Is that same colleen who acted in a movie?