James Keir with John Hart

Mr Yonzon, D"Abreu,J Keir, A Roy, J Hart

All the above photographs have been kindly sent by Mr. Lobo from his vast collection.
He has promised to send more such gems soon. I have also requested him to write in our blog.
I have given below the latest batch of mesages received.
I was really surprised to receive Clifton's mail.
The last time we had seen each other was on the train journey back from Goethals after the Chinese aggression in 1961 (forty seven years ago). We had to vacate the school in early November because of blackouts.
I am posting all the messages being recived so that each of you can connect with your batch mates.
Msg From Clifton D’Aubney (1961)
Hi Clifton,
It was a pleasure receiving your mail.
I have often wondered what had happened to all of you.
I am happy that technology is assisting in renewing old friendships.
The last time we were together was during the journey back from Goethals after the Chinese aggression in 1961.
We left school early November as Chinese planes had started flying over Darjeeling and we had to have blackouts at night.
Quite a few of our boys did not return to school after that year as they were not sure when the war would stop and they did not want to waste a year.
I think it was sometime in January that the Chinese withdrew unilaterally and we could go back to school normally.
We carry unforgettable memories of the centenary celebrations in Goethals. I have captured some of the moments which you may have seen on our blog.You will get back quite a lot of information in the blog.
Boys are gradually opening up and sending, uploading photographs as they become aware of the blog.
I hope our photographs with you will also soon come up through somebody.
I have given all my details in a form which I had earlier sent and which I am sending to you now. I am also sending a blank form for you to fill up and send back as a record for all the old boys of Goethals.
After filling the form you should save it and then attach the saved file with your mail.
Best regards
Hi Radheshyam
Stumbled upon your blog during my idle time at work while surfing the net. You wondered what had become of me along with a few others. I have very distant memories but, happy ones from my time at Goethals 1957-1962. I left Goethals in 1962 as we (family) were emigrating to the UK. Having been in England since 1963 I have had no contact with anybody from Goethals and therefore my memory for names and class mates have become a little hazy. I do recall that it was a very pleasant, happy and privileged experience being at Goethals. There are a number of names your blog has jogged my memory with i.e. Mr Lobo, Bro. Walsh, Bro. Fitzpatrick etc. I can also recall colleagues like Johnson, Brady’s, Hayward and many more on your sight.
I did encounter someone from Canada who was visiting a relative during the spring/summer in the UK who attended Goethals (not during my time, he was much younger). I am unable to recall his name, the person he was visiting is called Mick who attended St Vincent’s. I was informed then that there was going to be a reunion of Goethalites. Unfortunately my wallet and commitments prevented me from attending.
I think your blog is extremely interesting and most of the experiences and memories of former GMS pupils fills me with pride and happiness.
I would appreciate if anyone out there remembers me could drop me a email and let me know of some of the experiences we shared together. As I have mentioned before I have had no contact with my own peer group since 1963 from Goethals to share, recall or remind me of those glorious days.
I have been married to my second wife Jackie for 18 years, we have 2 children Robert aged 17 and Jessica aged 16. I also have a son from my previous marriage Stuart aged 24. I am a Civil Servant working as an Immigration Officer at Gatwick Airport London.
Does anyone have a class photo with me in it? My wife and dear mother would love to have sight of it. Unfortunately my late father threw all our old photographs from India away by mistake.
All the best.
Cliff D’Aubney
The above is the E mail ID of Clifton in case any of our class mates would like to contact him. I have intentionally not written it in the normal form so that spammers do not harvest it.
Msg from U L Mehta
Dear Upendra,
Yes, I know you too were in BIT, Mesra.
When I joined in 1966, you were in the final year.
M L Juneja was also with you.
On one occasion, I was almost ragged by Juneja and other seniors but you had come to my rescue.
Thanks, I can say now. At that time I could not express it.
Dear Radheshyam,
Attached are my details.
I note with interest that you have also graduated from
BIT Mesra, like me, in Mech. Engg.
I was there from 1962 to 1967.
Your blogs are good and interesting. Do keep up the
good work.
U L Mehta
Msg from Dr Santosh Agarwal
Dear RS, thanks a lot for sending all the emails re GMS and really lively ones, here are my details
AGRAWAL Dr Santosh 1959 1969
At present in Kolkata as a Consultant Pediatrician
Msg from Jeff Knight
Hi Radheshyam
I was not able to open the original message – I guess the company I work for has put a block on these items sent via email. Anyway my details are added into the table below.
Msg from Graham Hope Thomson
Many thanks for your various e mails and inclusion of yours old boys excel sheet which I return filled in. Whilst I appreciate the Family tree idea I don’t think my family's details would be relevant hence these are left unfilled
Kind regards
Graham Hope-Thomson
Msgs from Mr. Matt Lobo
Hari Om Sir,
Thanks for the beautiful photographs.
You have really kept them well. I have selected some and am posting them this Sunday on the blog.
We can put the names, but let the boys search for their photos and try to remember he names, it is more exciting, testing your memory.
It is very easy to post the photos on the blog once you get the hang of it.
First try to write some plain text in Word and then copy and paste it. This way you can write and edit as you want and when you are ready with the article, you can post it.
This will also require the minimum net time
Since the blog is in html script, what you write in Word will not appear the same in the blog.
Tables written in Word will come as plain words, not in tabular form.
The invitation you may have received would guide you in entering the blog
For posting an article, you click on NEW POST.
You can paste whatever you have written in the page which comes up.
There are 7 icons on top of the page including Insert) b(bold), i(italic), link, quote, Add Image, Add video.
When you click on Add image, a new page comes with heading Add Image from Your computer or URL.
You browse through the computer files and select the file for uploading.
You can select the layout, left, centre or right and click on Uplaod Image.
When the Image is Uploaded, DONE appears.
When you click on Done, the image comes up on the page you had written on.
When article is completed you click on PUBLISH POST.
For seeing what you have written or photographs uploaded, you can move between edit, compose and preview.
I think this is enough for today's tuition.
I talked to Basant Lama regarding the Video
The official video seems to have been made but Basant is not very happy with it.
It is 3 hours long and not very well edited.
I have asked Basant Lama to send us some copies.
I have also asked Arjun Biswas to make a copy for me of the video you gave him.
A bypass has been done on Nelson but Manos could not contact him as Nelson had changed his residence, post his operation. But Manos says the operation was done well and he is fine.
Manju finally did not go the Bhubaneshwar.
She will wait for Guruji in Kolkata.
Bye for now.
Some oldies to begin with sent via bigpond. You can select those that will be suitable for the blog.
I have the names of my 1949 classmates, if required!!!!
I may need your assistance in posting photos directly on the blog site but truthfully, I’d prefer to stick to letting you select and post what I send you through personal mail.
Dubai was COOL and cold for the locals but ideal for me.
I need to invest in a scanner so that I can send you feature articles .
Any news of the official video?
I tried contacting NELSON FLAVIEN'S Family, on my last day in Kolkata when I was told that he had just been in hospital (heart). Please phone MANOS CHOWDHURY and pass on news of Nelson's condition.
I have arrived in sterile Australia after 5months without a single ailment and I have picked up a cold !!!!!I need my "nimboo pani" !
I say my Hari Om regularly and do think of you and the Family, especially Manju who is an exemplary Woman.
Take care
Hari Om sir,
Manju has been asking me for the last one week whether you had reached Oz.
Every time she says the Om during prays, she thinks of you.
Having you here with us those three days was a real pleasure for all of us. We can't express how much.
Only thing missing was Guruma (Myrna). Next time you must bring her also.
We are all really pleased to receive your mail and to know you have reached home all safe and sound.
It was a real hectic schedule that you went through.
How was your visit in Dubai? Hope everything was well there too.
Manju has come back from Hyderabad. There too she was lucky this time. She was able to speak to Guruji.
She will be going to Bhubaneshwar on the 7th as Guruji will be coming there and then Guruji will come to Kolkata around the 15th.
We have been really blessed these last two months.
I have sent you an invitation, sir, to join in our blog.
You may have received it.
You can now write directly in the blog and also upload the photographs you have taken.
If you have any problem, I can guide you.
Hope you do write. I would be very happy and so would all our other schoolboys.
I have also invited Jeff knight and Richard Johnson to write in the blog. Quite a few of our boys are from Australia. We should keep connected with them too.
Last 4 or 5 days has become very cold.
We have had to wear sweaters and use blankets at night.
During your stay here, we were lucky to have very pleasant weather.
Namaste to you and Guruma.
Hi ! Radheshyam
I'm back safe and sound (mentally) in Oz after a 10 hour flight and have heaps of people to thank for the wonderful holiday I've had ...not a day's illness which can be attributed to you generous, loving and hospitable family and friends who took such good care of me.
The old cliché...."not enough words to express " Thank You" but thank you again!!
Our home is in turmoil at the moment as Myrna wanted to surprise me by having the interior painted but it is just quarter done with shrouded furniture strewn all around the house...add to this, is the hot spell that shows no sign of letting up.
Human nature is so difficult to please and I should be the last to grumble having just returned from India. BUT !!!
I'll be attempting to send you some photos.. met up with two 1957 batch, last evening.
Warm" greeting to Manju, Ajay, Shalini and self
Msg from Saikat Sarkar
Enclosed are my details. Must say this is a great initiative....
Msg from Praveer Prasad
Dear Mr. Radheshyam,
Thank you for bring us (Goethalites) together, otherwise we would have never known about each other. We praise you for your efforts.
Attached below are my personal details.
Praveer Prasad
Msg from Prashant Koirala
No, I do not plan to have all the info on a searchable database on the net.
These databases may get into wrong hands and create more problems for all of us.
I propose to keep all the data with me to make available to our boys whenever they need the info. If Br. Beddoe agrees, a copy of it will be handed over to the school so that if anybody wants, he could also contact the school for info.
I hope this should help everybody.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Are you planning on having all this info. in a searchable database?
Thanks again!
Prashant Koirala
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