Gurudev comes to Kolkata
Today, my Gurudev Shree Asharam Bapu came to Kolkata.
My family had gone to get his darshan at the airport.
We then went to our ashram at Garia and stayed there the whole day.
Tomorrow too we will be there.
Shree Asharamji Bapu and his main disciple Shree Suresh Anandji are seen in the picture above.
Msg from Karanvir Mehta
Hello Radheshyam,
Attaching here my personal details.
Great initiative and look forward to your messages.
Kind regards
Msg from K T Bhutia
Dear Mr. R. Sharma,
Here is my filled form.
K T Bhutia (1984).
Msg from Richard Johnson
Hi Richard,
Sorry for the delay in replying.
It would be good if you and the other boys told us of Australia.
The different states and the political system.
I understand each state has a P.M.
The culture, industries. Universities, capitals. climate etc etc.
There are plenty of things we would like to know of Australia.
I am attaching below the mail I sent to Safiul and Mr. Lobo.
These two should help you to write in the blog
Do try writing.
You will find it is easy.
Dear Richard,
Yours is a very good idea and I shall put it on the blog this Sunday.
This is what I wanted, helping each other.
What exactly is tertiary education?
Could you please explain this for me and our other bloggers.
We have such a lot of resources in our power and it was all lying unutilized.
Thanks to technology, we are now able to harness those resources.
Yes, it is fascinating. Mr. Lobo also remarked the same when I told him that both my son's had arranged marriages.
We have strong family bonding.
My marriage in 1973 was also arranged and we are still going strong in spite of all the pushes and pulls in all directions.
For a marriage to last there must be compromise and understanding on both sides and one should throw away pride.
One can never expect and ideal partner.
The girl leaves her parents place like a tree being uprooted from the ground and placed in your house.
In the western system, she does this on her own free will and in our case with the parent's consent.
Just as you expect her to look after your parents, you should also look after her parents.
You must remember, children are great copiers.
They will observe how you treat your parents and they will treat you the same.
Whenever, I face any situation, I always go back and think how was this done in our family and then I also do it accordingly..
Yes, there is a lot of cultural difference.
Writing on the blog is quite simple.
I have explained how in one of my mails to Safiul Huda and Mr. Lobo quite lucidly.
You should have no problem after going through that.
I am always there to help you.
Dear Radheshyam,
I know you have given me permission to write in the Blog - I couldn't - I'm sure it's my fault - I must be missing something... Here's what I wanted to say, please add it in, if you don't mind. Sorry to give you an extra job...
The suggestion that this could be a space where recipes may be shared leads to another broader question: What else may be shared in this pace? Radheshyam did suggest in an earlier email: 'if you have marriageable children, you could give some details of the children so that we could help each other. Marriages are made in Heaven, I know. But God uses humans to arrange them.' Why not, I thought, if that's what may be useful, so be it. However, I must say, I found that quite amusing - being away from India (in Australia) since 1969 and also being a grandfather I am two generations away from that agenda! How fascinating though, in this blog I am part of an inter-cultural and inter-generational discussion - a rare opportunity!
So, back to my question about what else can be shared in this space? Reminisces and pictures are great but maybe we could also contribute and nominate an area(s) that we could share. For example, on my last trip to India (for the 07 reunion) I had many requests for information about university courses in Australia.. I have been working in university education in Australia since 1980 (Should I have admitted that?). If ex-Goethalites want information or advice in that area, I may be able to help. Specifically, I am in 'Teacher Education' - undergraduate to PhD levels. I am based in Melbourne. Help in matters to do with 'university education' can be taken quite broadly - I am happy for it to be taken as such. Please contact me directly via my email:RJJATDEAKINDOTEDUDOTAU I am based in Melbourne.
Not new - just an idea
I think there may be an optimum length of a message on a blog I think I have overdone my limit
Thank you Radheshyam.
Msg from Ralph Reeves
Hi Ralph,
I do not have the details of either Leslie or Michael. But let us see. I'll put their names in the blog this Sunday and see if we get some response.
I have given some of the persons in 1968 batch.
You may be interested in contacting them.
1968 Chieh Steve Pan
1968 Farrokh Behrana
1968 Ralph Reeves (Yours)
Happy reunion.
Chimmi’s site, www.goethalsmemorialschool.com has quite a lot of information of old boys of Goethals.
You could go search on it.
Hey Radheshyam,
I am trying to contact a few of my old friends from Goethals. One of them is Leslie Sealy. Would you know of his whereabouts? Also, please give me the website to obtain a database for all students from the past years with their latest addresses and telephone numbers. Some names may ring a bell and I could be living close to them in Canada. I would like to contact those from here and keep in touch with the others. Your help would be a great appreciation. Robert Wallace has still not replied to my email. I am sure I had the right address in Aussie. Any trace on a Michael Rodrigues as well. He was my batch mate and a close friend.
My best regards,
Ralph Reeves
Msg from Praveer Prasad
Dear Praveer,
I have so far got the details of two boys besides you of 1997 batch.
They are Karan Choudhury and Akash Kushwani.
I will send other ID's as they come.
Happy reunion
Dear Mr. Radheshyam,
Thank you for your efforts...
I would like to get in touch with the Goethalites who were there during my time that is from 1989 to 1997. So is it possible that the mail ids and phone nos. be shared within our group
I would be grateful for your help
Praveer Prasad
Msg from Anuj Malhotra
Thanks Anuj.
Yours is the 19th form received
Dear Mr. Sharma,
Attached is the form as required by you. Great work being done. Keep it up!!
Msg from Bishan Dewan
Hi Radheshyam,
My details attached. I think you’re doing a great job. Keep it going.
Waiting for your updated database.
Best Regards.
Bishan Dewan
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