Hon. Narendra Modiji,
Prime Minister, Government of India,
South Block, Raisoni Hill,
New Delhi.
Sub- To implement One Rank One Pension to widows of martyrs & retired Armed forces
Dear Sir,
During election campaign you had assured the widows of martyrs & retired defence personnel’s mothers & sisters that, after winning the elections you would implementing the One Rank One Pension scheme as soon as possible. Your party’s agenda too had mentioned this. Your party has completed a year of power, but still the scheme One Rank One Pension, has not been implemented.
On 26.02.2015 the meeting of Ex-servicemen welfare Ministry was held under the chairmanship of Defence Minister, at Room no. 103, South Block, New Delhi. This meeting was attended by, defense Secretary,che three Vice Chiefs of Armed Forces, other senior officers from the Services Head Quarters & the concerned Joint Secretaries of the Ministry.
During the course of meeting, the Hon. Defence Minister reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to implement the OROP & that sufficient funds would be made available to ensure its timely implementation. He specifically indicated that the Finance Minister had also clarified that the figure of Rs.500 crore made available was only indicative & even if more funds are required, they would be made available. But so far there has been no action.
On the issue of OROP, citizens had filed petitions in the Supreme Court. The SC had directed the Govt. of India on 16.02.2015, to take decision regarding implementation of OROP, within three months’ time. No more time would be allotted now.
The SC had given time frame of three months to the govt. The Govt. has failed to take any decision in these three months’. The Govt. has not adhered to the SC’s directive. This is not in the interests of the govt.
Today many Retired Armed Forces Personnel’s receive very less pension due to non-implementation of OROP. The soldier after serving the motherland, is not able to lead his life with dignity. The Armed Forces martyrs have their widows and children left behind. Today these widows receive rupees Rs.4,000 to Rs.5000 Pension. How can these families survive, in this amount? How can they educate their children? The govt. must think about this seriously.
The armed forces personnel are serving the nation in severe conditions of 47 degrees temperature in the deserts, high mountainous ranges of Himalayas, Forests & snow clad regions across the borders of the motherland. But after retirement they are not able to lead the life of dignity due to low pension.
Being an armed forces personnel, I myself had lived a life in the snow clad mountainous regions of Himalayas. I had experienced harsh conditions in those days. One can never experience these conditions sitting in an air conditioned rooms. As the govt. is not sensitive about these hardships, the retired armed forces personnel’s, the widows of martyrs’, mothers, sisters, are leading a hard life due to low pensions.
You all Parliamentarians get amenities of railway, electricity, water, luxurious apartments and still feel that the salary of Rs.50,000 is to be raised to one lakh rupees, as it is inadequate. On one hand, the widows of martyrs & retired armed forces personnel are getting low pension of Rs.4,00 to Rs.5,000 and on the other hand, the salary of Rs.50,000 is too less and therefore should be raised to one lakh rupees. The person demanding salary of one lakh are the servants of the nation. Isn’t it going to give rise to social inequality? The Constitution says that the social inequality should not rise in the country.
The Land Acquisition Ordinance was opposed in the Rajya Sabha as well as by the farmers in different parts of the country, but it gets passed in the Lok Sabha with majority, but the one rank one pension bill is not passed, which is unfortunate. To raise the salary to one lakh rupees is against the interest of the country but when this suggestion is brought in the Parliament, it could get passed. You have the majority but there is lack of will. Before entering the pious temple of democracy you had bowed your head at the doorsteps; we countrymen thought that sanctity of this institute would rise. After you have got power & majority in the Parliament, you all are demanding a rise in salary to one lakh rupees; are these the holy thoughts to be addressed in the pious temple of democracy?
In support of Lokpal & Lokayukta Bills, the public had come out on roads to express their discontent against the Congress govt. Under public pressure the govt. had to pass these laws. The President too had signed these laws. Last year I had wrote to you several letters regarding implementation of Lokpal & Lokayukta & Land Acquisition bills, but the govt. hasn’t replied me yet. Neither Lokpals nor Lokaayuktas are appointed. I had written to Congress govt. several times to pass the bills of Lokpal & Lokayukta, but since it ignored it, the public agitated in support of Lokpal & Lokayukta and crores of people participated. Once more I am planning to start a countrywide ि on the points of one rank one pension & land acquisition ordinance, for the welfare of farmers & soldiers. I am confident of public support & participation in this agitation. Many times I have repeatedly said that our agitation is not against any political party or any individual. For the last 30 years, I have been agitating for the benefit of the society & nation &its development. This time too, the agitation would be with selfless attitude & non-violence. The agitators would not be from any political party. However, during the agitation if any one wishes to join, we can’t stop them. But on the dais of the agitation, there won’t be anyone from any political party. On one side, you, as our PM is giving slogan of ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’ but on the side, you are neglecting them.
Once again I request you to provide the citizens of this democratic nation, their rights, which they are eligible to. It’s the responsibility of the govt. to restore citizens’ their rights. It’s unbecoming of the govt, that the citizens have to come on the roads & agitate to get their rights. My next letter would contain the dates of agitation in Delhi & other parts of the country.
Thanking You,
K. B. Alias Anna Hazare
Hon. Narendra Modiji,
Prime Minister, Government of India,
South Block, Raisoni Hill,
New Delhi.
Sub- To implement One Rank One Pension to widows of martyrs & retired Armed forces
Dear Sir,
During election campaign you had assured the widows of martyrs & retired defence personnel’s mothers & sisters that, after winning the elections you would implementing the One Rank One Pension scheme as soon as possible. Your party’s agenda too had mentioned this. Your party has completed a year of power, but still the scheme One Rank One Pension, has not been implemented.
On 26.02.2015 the meeting of Ex-servicemen welfare Ministry was held under the chairmanship of Defence Minister, at Room no. 103, South Block, New Delhi. This meeting was attended by, defense Secretary,che three Vice Chiefs of Armed Forces, other senior officers from the Services Head Quarters & the concerned Joint Secretaries of the Ministry.
During the course of meeting, the Hon. Defence Minister reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to implement the OROP & that sufficient funds would be made available to ensure its timely implementation. He specifically indicated that the Finance Minister had also clarified that the figure of Rs.500 crore made available was only indicative & even if more funds are required, they would be made available. But so far there has been no action.
On the issue of OROP, citizens had filed petitions in the Supreme Court. The SC had directed the Govt. of India on 16.02.2015, to take decision regarding implementation of OROP, within three months’ time. No more time would be allotted now.
The SC had given time frame of three months to the govt. The Govt. has failed to take any decision in these three months’. The Govt. has not adhered to the SC’s directive. This is not in the interests of the govt.
Today many Retired Armed Forces Personnel’s receive very less pension due to non-implementation of OROP. The soldier after serving the motherland, is not able to lead his life with dignity. The Armed Forces martyrs have their widows and children left behind. Today these widows receive rupees Rs.4,000 to Rs.5000 Pension. How can these families survive, in this amount? How can they educate their children? The govt. must think about this seriously.
The armed forces personnel are serving the nation in severe conditions of 47 degrees temperature in the deserts, high mountainous ranges of Himalayas, Forests & snow clad regions across the borders of the motherland. But after retirement they are not able to lead the life of dignity due to low pension.
Being an armed forces personnel, I myself had lived a life in the snow clad mountainous regions of Himalayas. I had experienced harsh conditions in those days. One can never experience these conditions sitting in an air conditioned rooms. As the govt. is not sensitive about these hardships, the retired armed forces personnel’s, the widows of martyrs’, mothers, sisters, are leading a hard life due to low pensions.
You all Parliamentarians get amenities of railway, electricity, water, luxurious apartments and still feel that the salary of Rs.50,000 is to be raised to one lakh rupees, as it is inadequate. On one hand, the widows of martyrs & retired armed forces personnel are getting low pension of Rs.4,00 to Rs.5,000 and on the other hand, the salary of Rs.50,000 is too less and therefore should be raised to one lakh rupees. The person demanding salary of one lakh are the servants of the nation. Isn’t it going to give rise to social inequality? The Constitution says that the social inequality should not rise in the country.
The Land Acquisition Ordinance was opposed in the Rajya Sabha as well as by the farmers in different parts of the country, but it gets passed in the Lok Sabha with majority, but the one rank one pension bill is not passed, which is unfortunate. To raise the salary to one lakh rupees is against the interest of the country but when this suggestion is brought in the Parliament, it could get passed. You have the majority but there is lack of will. Before entering the pious temple of democracy you had bowed your head at the doorsteps; we countrymen thought that sanctity of this institute would rise. After you have got power & majority in the Parliament, you all are demanding a rise in salary to one lakh rupees; are these the holy thoughts to be addressed in the pious temple of democracy?
In support of Lokpal & Lokayukta Bills, the public had come out on roads to express their discontent against the Congress govt. Under public pressure the govt. had to pass these laws. The President too had signed these laws. Last year I had wrote to you several letters regarding implementation of Lokpal & Lokayukta & Land Acquisition bills, but the govt. hasn’t replied me yet. Neither Lokpals nor Lokaayuktas are appointed. I had written to Congress govt. several times to pass the bills of Lokpal & Lokayukta, but since it ignored it, the public agitated in support of Lokpal & Lokayukta and crores of people participated. Once more I am planning to start a countrywide ि on the points of one rank one pension & land acquisition ordinance, for the welfare of farmers & soldiers. I am confident of public support & participation in this agitation. Many times I have repeatedly said that our agitation is not against any political party or any individual. For the last 30 years, I have been agitating for the benefit of the society & nation &its development. This time too, the agitation would be with selfless attitude & non-violence. The agitators would not be from any political party. However, during the agitation if any one wishes to join, we can’t stop them. But on the dais of the agitation, there won’t be anyone from any political party. On one side, you, as our PM is giving slogan of ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’ but on the side, you are neglecting them.
Once again I request you to provide the citizens of this democratic nation, their rights, which they are eligible to. It’s the responsibility of the govt. to restore citizens’ their rights. It’s unbecoming of the govt, that the citizens have to come on the roads & agitate to get their rights. My next letter would contain the dates of agitation in Delhi & other parts of the country.
Thanking You,
K. B. Alias Anna Hazare

Soldiers are expendable without financial
approvals and no outlays on used up soldiers – the govt policy?
June 12, 2015, 11:21
am IST V Mahalingam i
There is an unwritten
contract between the soldiering community and the people, represented by the
government of the day. Under the deal, the soldiers are expected to walk into
perilous and hazardous situations unhesitatingly and be prepared to risk their life
even at the cost of his family losing his support for the rest of their lives.
The government on the other hand is expected to take care of the veterans,
families of the soldiers and the disabled unquestioningly.
Soldiers of the Indian
Army and the helicopter pilots of the Indian Air Force carried out swift and
precise surgical strikes at two locations on June, 09, 2015, to inflict heavy
casualties to the North East militants, preempting a terror attack on the
Indian soil. In a country where the bureaucrat is unwilling to take a decision
for fear of being implicated in a scam, the soldiers went into the operations
knowing fully well that at the end of the day, they may not return alive. They
set aside all considerations about their family, parents or young children that
might have crossed their mind when they were ordered to participate in the
operations. To them their commitment to the country was all that
mattered. In a similar way, how does the government view their commitment to
the soldiering community?
Notice put up at the
Command Hospital (Western Command) says it all. This is the latest bureaucratic
salvo to pawn a soldier’s life in the name of exercising financial control,
supposedly a measure to exercise political control over the military. Had one
of those soldiers who participated in the operations landed in the hospital
with severe wounds, he would have faced the music of the bureaucracy.
One more wheel inserted
within the already existing ring to confuse, delay and deny legitimate medical
treatment to a soldier when he lands in a hospital with pain and agony. The
serving soldiers, their families, military veterans, the disabled including the
war disabled and a soldier’s widow are the ones who come to the Military
Hospitals or ECHS and then get referred to Command Hospitals for specialist
opinion and treatment.
The ordeal gets started
after a specialist examines the patient, goes through a few important test
results and prescribes medicines. The Military’s medical supply chain does not
stock a number of medicines primarily on considerations of infrequent usage and
cost considerations. Shortages also occur in some limited supply and frequent
usage medicines. Such medicines are locally purchased within the financial
powers of the Commandant of the Hospital concerned on as required basis based
on the recommendations of the Specialists. Such purchases are controlled and
monitored by the head of the hospital.
With the introduction of
the Integrated Financial Advisor (IFA), every time a patient including those
admitted in the hospital is required to be administered some medicine
which is not available in the hospital’s pharmacy, the process for procurement
of the medicine will have to be set in motion.
The purchase procedure
envisaged will involve obtaining administrative approval of the competent
authority, getting three quotations, preparation of comparative cost tables and
forwarding a comprehensive case with full justification explaining the disease,
the need and the urgency of the medicine’s requirement besides the quantum of
medicines being sought to be purchased. This will amount to the
preparation of a statement of case for onward transmission to the IFA for
approval. The procedure will require an officer to process and coordinate
documentation relating to medicine purchases besides a computer, printer,
photocopier, additional stationery and a clerk to handle correspondence and
keep a tag of the letters and files being sent around. A courier with a two
wheeler would be a requirement to move letters and files from one end to the
The IFA cannot be
expected to be a one man army. He would need a clerk and a peon to convey files
and letters from his office to the other. His location in relation to the
hospital and the requirement of sending files from one place to the other would
have its own implications in terms of a vehicle for movement and the inevitable
time delay. If the IFA is required to be located within the hospital premises,
an office will have to be found for housing him and his staff and that will be
at the cost of patients’ requirements, the purpose for which the space would
have been constructed. One is not clear if the IFA concerned would be
exclusively designated to exercise control over the hospital or will be looking
after the hospital in addition to his other assignments. That will have
implications on his priorities and the time required for scrutiny and according
financial approval.
One cannot also expect
the IFA to be a signing machine. Being accountable to his own department the
IFA would definitely want to satisfy himself of the need for the said medicines
besides the possibilities of administering cheaper medicines. The dosage, the
quantity proposed to be purchased and the cost factor will also be a matter of
his concern before according approval. Being a general cadre bureaucrat, he
would neither be wiser about the disease, the treatment, medicine nor the cost.
IFA would therefore have
no option but to raise queries to understand the requirement. Being a
specialised subject the officer processing the medicine purchase would have to
refer the file to the specialist concerned for his clarification. The onus of
educating the IFA and making him understand the requirement will then fall
squarely on the specialist. Thus the specialist doctor will start writing
notes on the file to explain the case. Three to four cases in a day will keep
the doctor sufficiently busy to subordinate and side track his primary job to
the new found bureaucratic ordeal. In the process, one would have to be
prepared for the file to keep moving back and forth.
Has the government taken
into account the additional establishment, additional expenditure, space, time
delays and its effect on the lives and comfort of patients, frustration and
morale of the soldiering community, the rift that it will cause between the
civil and military and the costs involved in instituting this spoke? How would
all this save tax payer’s money? Would it be a mistake to call this a hare –
brained initiative in the wrong direction? One thing is clear – the government
trusts a junior generic bureaucrat much more than an experienced and a
professional medical officer of the defence services with about 20 to 25 years
of service!
As for patient, he is
still in pain awaiting financial approval for the medicine. The doctors would
only be distributing excuses and sympathy to keep him going. Since this
procedure is also applicable to expendables, one can expect the hospitals to
remain partially cleaned and dirty. Since halfhearted sanitation is not
acceptable in operation theatres, essential and lifesaving operations may have
to be delayed awaiting cleaning and other expendable material.
What happens if the
patient dies because of the delay in the treatment or surgery? What about the
pain and his physical discomfort? Who will be accountable? None need to fear
because soldiers are expendable and one does not need financial sanction or
approval for causing pain or expending a soldier’s life.
A soldier is tasked to
assault across a minefield against an enemy entrenched in a well prepared
position. He is commissioned to go on a patrol and walk into a position held by
the enemy to ascertain his location, the layout of his defences, etc., as
happened in the case of Captain Saurabh Kalia. No questions are asked or
financial approvals obtained before launching a soldier on such risky and
dangerous tasks. If unfortunately he happens to sacrifice his life in the
mission or is captured as a Prisoner of War, the government shows no scruples
by disowning the soldier.
Take the case of a PIL filed
by Lt Gen JS Arora of 1971 fame in 1999
before the Gujarat High Court. The litigation sought that the 54 Prisoners of
War believed to be in held in Pakistani jails be not treated as ‘presumed dead’
but treated as ‘on duty’ for all purposes till the notional date of their
retirement so that the next of kin could receive financial benefits as
applicable to a serving soldiers. The litigation also sought that the issue of
release of prisoners from Pakistani jails be taken up with international
institutions for justice.
Accepting his plea the
High Court in 2011 directed the government to grant all service and retirement
benefits to such Prisoners of War by treating them as being alive, and more
importantly, directed the government to approach the International Court of
Justice on the issue of non-release of our Prisoners of War. Guess what the
government did? Instead of implementing the court order, the government filed
an appeal on 02 May 2012 in the Supreme Court against the Gujarat High Court
ruling and obtained a stay order. Is this not iniquitous and disgraceful? The
government seems to have made up its mind to abandon the desolate families of
soldiers who had died, gone missing, held as Prisoners of War or the survivors
and spend no more money on them. Isn’t this the reason why though compelled to
retire at an early age no ‘golden handshake’ kind of package or enhanced
pensions are paid to soldiers unlike public sector or bank employees?
Will anyone in the
world, excepting the suicide bomber, be prepared to risk their lives and make
the supreme sacrifice knowing fully well that the government will make their
families run around in circles over legitimate financial and other support
after their demise? Wouldn’t the government’s inaction to the atrocities
committed on Captain Saurabh Kalia expose the reality that if something similar
happens to him he too would be abandoned as in the case of Captain Kalia and
his family consigned to a state of penury and misery? Can a country hope to
build a motivated fighting force ready to make the supreme sacrifice with this
approach of the government? Make no mistake; we are moving the fighting forces
of the country back to 1960s.
A respected bureaucrat
and a nationalist MR Sivaraman, IAS, who when informed of the development
states: “As a responsible former finance secretary of the largest state in
India for 5 years and the longest serving revenue secretary to the government
of India with around 30 years of experience in state government, national,
international and private sector finance, if the notification is true, the
officer who framed these rules should be hanged on the nearest tree or shot for
endangering national security”. He goes on to add “In my view the Chief should call for its immediate
withdrawal and if they do not do so resign in protest”.
The Service Chiefs have an
obligation to care for and safeguard the interests of the soldiering community.
They have abdicated their responsibility by acting as a mere post office.
Imagine the impression of the Chief that this inaction would have created in
the minds of the rank and file. Is this good for the Army’s morale and the
relationship between the commander and the commanded?
Did the Prime Minister or
the defence minister order this bottleneck? I am sure they have not. Certainly
this is not part of ‘Good Governance’. Who then is responsible for creating
this hurdle? The political leadership needs to realise that such inappropriate
actions will drown them in the discontent and anger thus generated amongst the
Will the Prime Minister
and the defence minister initiate appropriate action to reverse the orders? Can
they do it? Many veterans feel that though the Prime Minister has a vision, he
appears to lack the ability to reign in the bureaucracy which believes that
politicians come and go but they are the face of continuity and hence the real
government. It is a test for the country’s leadership.
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