Note To Al l Hunters:
This is from a San Francisco newspaper

Folks, just remember as you read this, this person probably drives & votes.
AND, may have already reproduced.
God help America .
This helps explain why and how Nancy Pelosi got reelected.
This is from her district.
Sent by Prakash Bhartia.
I suppose the above news is similar to the following of the Facebook founder.
"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg faced up to this reality in announcing recently that he'd no longer eat meat unless he'd killed the animals himself. This of course means, according to him, that he's reduced his meat consumption substantially. He then proceeded to slaughter some animals with a knife held in his own two hands. He's presumably eaten these animals.
Many Americans expressed shock at the act and sympathized with the animals he killed. Some condemned Zuckerberg, accusing him of being cruel."
Does it make any difference to the animal as to who had killed it?
By the way, I have found Facebook to be too intrusive.
One message sent by anybody is bounced about umpteen times trough all your friends group and shows up in your mailbox.
I have stopped reading all Facebook notifications and would like to completely withdraw from Facebook.
Can anyone guide me how I can withdraw completely.
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