Dear Radheshyam,
Easter Greetings to you and your family.I know it is a Christian feast but Hope and Newness of Life is universal, and this is the message of Easter.
I was wondering if you could send the following message via your blog/'msgs from old boys', as I am not familiar with such tech.--
"Mt. Carmel, the Novitiate (Training house) of the Christian Brothers in Kurseong will be celebrating its Centenary in May this year. Many of those who joined Mt. Carmel in the 50's and 60's attended School in Goethals and would be known to quite a few ex-Goethalites. Not all persevered, but those of us who did, will be gathering in Mt Carmel for a couple of days of prayer, reminiscing,rejoicing and camaraderie. Those who studied in GMS and will be attending are: Br. Joe (Philip) Pinto (1962 batch), now Congregation Leader; Br. Stanny (Gerard) Alvarez(1961 batch)- Provincial Team member; Br. Ceddy (Greg) Fernandes (1961 batch); Br.Freddy (Martin) Fernandes (1963 batch); Br. Gordon (Francis) Gale, Br.Philip (Cyril) Christopher (1966 Batch), Br.Vinod (Gabriel) Thomas (1969 Batch). Apart from those of us who completed our schooling in GMS will be other CB's who passed through Carmel having completed their schooling in other CB Schools around the country. The oldest ex-Carmelite brother attending will be Br. Peter Gomez who joined Carmel in 1947. He is 86 years old!
Coincidentally five of us, Br. Joe Pinto,Br. Kevin Ward, Br. Al Ballantyne, Br. Ceddy Fernandes and Br. Freddy Fernandes will be celebrating their Golden Jubilee (50 years)as Christian Brothers. It will be an occasion for us to express our gratitude to God, the many Brothers who influenced our lives, the fine spirit that we enjoyed attending Goethals, especially the companionship our class-mates and also the many pupils in various schools whom we have taught - and learned from- over the years. We would very much appreciate a share in the prayers of all the GMS staff and students , past and present."
I'm attaching a few snaps which may be of interest.
God bless
With every good wish,
Br.F.Martin Fernandes, cfc
St.Mary's Orphanage

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