One mischief maker by the name of Kishore Chatterjee tried to derail it by sending annoying e-mails. However, the strong reactions he drew from other members quietened him down.
The strong turnout also showed Kishore that nobody believed him.
It was the most pleasant gathering I have attended since 2007 pre centenary gathering. Of course it excludes the Centenary trip and the trip to Sikkim, both of which were memorable, thanks to Ranjan.
Yes, we missed Ranjan at yesterday's gathering. I know, it must have been something very important which must have kept him away otherwise he is not the one to miss such gatherings.
The occasion was graced by our President, Mr. K K Chirimar, looking all health and hearty. However, next Wednesday, he is undergoing an operation to remove two cists from his kidney. I gave him our good wishes on behalf of all our boys, all over the world, that he would come out well and hearty to guide the Alumni for many more years.
Mr. Charles Hanneman, the Speaker of Meghalaya Assembly, was by chance in town and could also given us company.His beautiful wife also there.
There were boys (rather old men for they were all in my age group) from North Point and Mt Hermnan also attended and made us happy.
A number of wives attended the event with their spouses and made the evening even more colourful. I have tried to capture them on my camera but I know the camera can never do justice their actual personalities.
There was an enjoyable magic show by a magician which kept us enthralled.Rudra Roychowdhury also showed us one magic trick of the disappearance of one Rs 1000/- and appearance in other people's pockets.Unfortunately those boys did not return the Rs 1000.00 notes which appeared in their pockets.Of course, the note did not appear in some of the pockets.
This time I have tried to take photographs with batch boys so that our boys from far and near can connect with them.
I hope you enjoy the feast of photographs below as much as I enjoyed taking them.
I have taken quite a few movies of the dance floor and the magic show but I don't know how I can post those.
Bye for now.
I just saw A K Roy's mail to his batch mates informing of the events of last night.
Since I had missed some points, I thought I would just add AK's Mail, given below
Dear JK, SP, KK, RS,
I was just not mentally prepared to attend the GMS Alumni get-together at the Banquet Hall of Allenby Inn yesterday, the 5th March 2011. It's a quiet but busy locality off Elgin Road and opposite Woodburn Park.
Attendance was good, though some noticeable absentees did not escape my attention. DK and SP could not make it owing to exigencies. The Meghalaya Speaker, Mr. Hansda, of the 1976 Batch graced the occasion as he happened to be in Kolkata on a personal medical visit.
Jitendra Agarwal, who is presently officiating as the Secretary vice Ranjan Guha Mazumdar who resigned in October 2010, took a lot of pains to ensure that the evening was enjoyable with music, songs, dance, lottery, magic show and drinks, on payment, and delicious boufet dinner on the lawn.
Some announcements were made. Elections were to be held in April this year and a visit to GMS Kurseong in April end coinciding with the formation day of Goethals on April 28th many many years ago. The celebrations shall be held on the last Saturday and Sunday every year to allow all to enjoy and be back by Monday for work. The Kolkata Chapter lacks transparency which apparently lead to airing grievances on the net. Other than the financial aspects, the modalities of the functioning of the Alumni needs to be circulated to all the ex-Goethalites, members and non-members throughout the world.
RS may post many photographs of the evening. He has captured photographs, Batchwise, which may give a thrill to many on seeing known faces mellowed with age.
I reached home at 11.30 PM after dropping Amitava Guha at his DA Block residence.
Bye for now.

Great Pics. Thanks Radheshyam. Atul
Dear RS,
Wonderful photos - thanks for sharing. Recognized the following: Bobby/Supriya Choudhury, NG/Nandita Kar (glad to see both well now), Omprakash Agarwala, Vinod Kapur, Arun Gazi (met the last three in January 2010after leaving Goethals in December 1961), Anthony Gasper, Manas Chowdhury, & yours truly RS. One photo looked like Mascarenhas, but I can be wrong. Missing in action were Anup/Rupa Daw, & Arun Shroff!
Keep up the good work with this blog. Regards.
Dipak Roy
I was lucky to be in Kolkata and join the dinner. It was really a great evening.
Thanks everyone for making this a gala event.
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