Back row...l to r :
Chris Bell,Gordon Storey, Errol Wickens, Peter Lardner,Vivian Goves, Hugh Porter,
Seated: Glenn Storey, Frank Porter, Matt Lobo, Nelson Flavien, Roger Storey
Missing in this group : Errol Goves, Keith Goves, Brian Sweeney, Evan Cooper, Roger deLima,John Hart,Errol Ackoy.....and I may have miss Mea Culpa and E&OE !!!!
Hello ! Fellow Goethalites and Friends,
The Anglo-Indian Community hold an INTERNATIONAL REUNION every three years which takes place in different Continents.
The 1995 and 2010 Reunions were held in Perth.
It was an activity-filled occasion that went from .
25/9/10 Meet & Greet Gloucester Park
26/9/10 Concert Perth Convention Centre
27/9/10 Swan Valley Wine Tasting Tour Lunch Whiteman Park
28/9/10 Bus Trip, Perth Highlights & Afternoon Tea at the Cultural Centre
29/9/10 Jam Session & Lunch Vasto Club
30/9/10 AM Symposium/AGM Vasto Club,PM Food Fair Vasto Club
1/10/10 Fremantle Day Tour
2/10/10 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service & Gala Ball Perth Convention Centre
THE ALL INDIA SCHOOLS REUNION was a Fundraising event for needy children in Kokata. The organiser is an Anglo Indian Lady, Jenny Busby who has been given the 'imprimatur' by the Perth A I Association to hold her function on MONDAY 27th September.
Excerpts from Jenny Busby’s Newsletter
All Schools Reunion – 27th September 2010 – what a night it was!
Chaotic to start with, then it became a night of Meeting and Greeting – friends and family catching up after years – there really isn’t a word that can describe the atmosphere in the hall that night. It was just one Big Happy Family– people get amazed that we can relate to School Friends from years ago – catching up after 50 years as if 50 years ago was only yesterday – meeting new friends and talking like we’ve known one another for years, for all those who attended the function on the 27th. I don’t have to describe it – the feedback has been nothing BUT positive – everyone enjoyed, ate, drank, and drove home safely.
To quote Dr. Oscar C. Nigli, Ph.D., M.L.A., the show was a “runaway success”.
Good wishes and success for the night were sent from far and wide, across the world.
Br. Parton, who unfortunately due to ill health, could not attend, wished us success on the night. Brs. Beddoe and Ballantyne from St. Joseph’s Nainital sent their good wishes.
The attendees list was quite impressive too: BETWEEN 35/40 Schools from all over India were represented. Br. Pat Kelly from The Edmund Rice Organisation in Perth was there to get into the “mood of the night”,
Blair and Ellen Williams (Blair is the Founder and Chairperson of CTR) and resides in New Jersey, USA. Philomena Eaton, President, Calcutta Anglo-Indian Service Society, Dr. Oscar C. Nigli, Ph.d., M.L.A., from Tamil Nadu, and his partner,
Harry MacLure, his wife Jillian and the team from Anglos In The Wind, Chennai,.
Mr. Neil O’Brien, President-in-Chief of The All India Anglo-Indian Association, Joe Bailey, Charmaine and daughter Amaris from Canberra,Yolande Gibbons from Sydney.
There was a reason for this reunion – there always was a reason behind the plan – to help the less fortunate Anglo-Indians back home. All proceeds from this function will be going back to India to help with Education.
All the proceeds will be going to CTR (Calcutta Tiljallah Relief) So we have $14,000 – the magical figure.14,000 reasons to say Thank You, 14,000 reasons to be proud of the night, 14,000 dollars to give. Once again we proved we can have FUN with FRIENDS and still do FUNDRAISING. We have $14,000 to give CTR towards education.
Jenny Busby– Perth, W.A.
Goethals was well represented by Overseas and Australian ex-students.
Unfortunately a number missed out being in the group photograph. You can well imagine trying to round up a group that was circulating and catching up with ‘old’ friends and making new ones.
I would like to make special mention of Roger deLima who was admitted into hospital just days before the function..He showed his indomitable spirit when he welcomed the host of visitors that visited him.We wish him well.
We were the only group that sang our School Anthem with gusto and we lived up to our motto. OMNIA BENE FACERE
Jimmy Keir ( Hong Kong) kindly sent me a CD of his photographs and I will use my limited IT skills in posting them in stages !
I have received the above from sir, Mr. Lobo.
I felt it so important that I had to post it immediately.
How many of our boys did you recognize.
Sir and Nelson Flavien were easy.
Among the others, I could just recognize Hugh Porter by his curled lips and also because he was the ace sprinter of his time.
If I remember right he was in the red house.
I couldn't recognize any of the others.
See how many you recognize.
My name is Joss Goodall. My last year in Goethals was 1954 when I left for the UK. I was a close friend of Chris Bell and John Massey along with Hugh Porter. Have tried to contact them but without success. Any help would be appreciated. My email address is OR Many thanks
Your comment have been forwarded to all three of them and copy marked to you.
Hope you get a reply soon.
In school reunion I was interested to see the name Errol Wickens.
I was sure my Uncle Errol went to the Lawrence Military school,as there was no picture I could not substantiate his being there.
Kindest regards,
Peter John Wickens
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