We have read reams on the above so I won't discuss the incident.
Who is responsible?
I agree with all who say the state government is responsible.
Our state government has allowed the police to become an impotent force.
They have allowed the police to become unionised like every other organisation in Bengal. Thus the government cannot take any action on any indiscipline by members of the police.
In 32 years the police have become, mute spectators to all the atrocities carried out by the left front cadres. They take no action unless instructed by their masters. They say "not taking action" is also an action.
Now that Mamata's stars are rising, they are following the same policy in allowing the atrocities of her cadres.
The left front has drilled into the police that they should only obey the cadres.
The police is so inactive that just 100 persons, strategically placed at important crossings can make a bandh successful in Kolkata.
Just 10 persons can sit on rail lines with a party flag and bring the entire railway system in Bengal to a standstill. Our railway minister who soon hopes to occupy the chief minister's chair has done a PhD is rail roko.
I see no end to Bengal's sorrow.
On one side is the devil who has created all the mess in Bengal.
and on the other side is the devil who is following the same footsteps as the original devil.
With such a record of inaction how can you expect the police to act differently.
While a whole lot of armed policemen and officers were present, GJM thungs and murderers could come unchallenged and kill Tamang.
Are you surprised?
I am not.
This was waiting to happen
I would suggest that the GJM be drven out of Darjeeling district just as Ghising was driven out earlier.
We have a very able administrator in our governor.
He should personlly appoint advisors and look after Darjeeling directly.
All politicians stand discredited and should not be allowed to have anything to do in Darjeeling.
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