Mohan Murti
A few days ago I was in a panel discussion on mergers and acquisitions in Frankfurt, Germany, organised by Euroforum and The Handelsblatt, one of the most prestigious newspapers in German-speaking Europe.
The other panellists were senior officials of two of the largest carmakers and two top insurance companies — all German multinationals operating in India.
The panel discussion was moderated by a professor from the esteemed European Business School. The hall had an audience that exceeded a hundred well-known European CEOs. I was the only Indian.
After the panel discussion, the floor was open for questions. That was when my “moment of truth” turned into an hour of shame, embarrassment — when the participants fired questions and made remarks on their experiences with the evil of corruption in India.
The awkwardness and humiliation I went through reminded of The Moment of Truth, the popular Anglo-American game. The more questions I answered truthfully, the more the questions get tougher. Tougher here means more embarrassing.
European disquiet
Questions ranged from “Is your nation in a coma?”, the corruption in judiciary, the possible impeachment of a judge, the 2G scam and to the money parked illegally in tax havens.
It is a fact that the problem of corruption in India has assumed enormous and embarrassing proportions in recent years, although it has been with us for decades. The questions and the debate that followed in the panel discussion was indicative of the European disquiet. At the end of the Q&A session, I surmised Europeans perceive India to be at one of those junctures where tripping over the precipice cannot be ruled out.
Let me substantiate this further with what the European media has to say in recent days.
In a popular prime-time television discussion in Germany, the panellist, a member of the German Parliament quoting a blog said: “If all the scams of the last five years are added up, they are likely to rival and exceed the British colonial loot of India of about a trillion dollars.”
Banana Republic
One German business daily which wrote an editorial on India said: “India is becoming a Banana Republic instead of being an economic superpower. To get the cut motion designated out, assurances are made to political allays. Special treatment is promised at the expense of the people. So, Ms Mayawati who is Chief Minister of the most densely inhabited state, is calmed when an intelligence agency probe is scrapped. The multi-million dollars fodder scam by another former chief minister wielding enormous power is put in cold storage. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chairs over this kind of unparalleled loot.”
An article in a French newspaper titled “Playing the Game, Indian Style” wrote: “Investigations into the shadowy financial deals of the Indian cricket league have revealed a web of transactions across tax havens like Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, Mauritius and Cyprus.” In the same article, the name of one Hassan Ali of Pune is mentioned as operating with his wife a one-billion-dollar illegal Swiss account with “sanction of the Indian regime”.
A third story narrated in the damaging article is that of the former chief minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda, who was reported to have funds in various tax havens that were partly used to buy mines in Liberia. “Unfortunately, the Indian public do not know the status of that enquiry,” the article concluded.
“In the nastiest business scam in Indian records (Satyam) the government adroitly covered up the political aspects of the swindle — predominantly involving real estate,” wrote an Austrian newspaper. “If the Indian Prime Minister knows nothing about these scandals, he is ignorant of ground realities and does not deserve to be Prime Minister. If he does, is he a collaborator in crime?”
The Telegraph of the UK reported the 2G scam saying: “Naturally, India's elephantine legal system will ensure culpability, is delayed.”
Blinded by wealth
This seems true. In the European mind, caricature of a typical Indian encompasses qualities of falsification, telling lies, being fraudulent, dishonest, corrupt, arrogant, boastful, speaking loudly and bothering others in public places or, while travelling, swindling when the slightest of opportunity arises and spreading rumours about others. The list is truly incessant.
My father, who is 81 years old, is utterly frustrated, shocked and disgruntled with whatever is happening and said in a recent discussion that our country's motto should truly be Asatyameva Jayete.
Europeans believe that Indian leaders in politics and business are so blissfully blinded by the new, sometimes ill-gotten, wealth and deceit that they are living in defiance, insolence and denial to comprehend that the day will come, sooner than later, when the have-nots would hit the streets.
In a way, it seems to have already started with the monstrous and grotesque acts of the Maoists. And, when that rot occurs, not one political turncoat will escape being lynched.
The drumbeats for these rebellions are going to get louder and louder as our leaders refuse to listen to the voices of the people. Eventually, it will lead to a revolution that will spill to streets across the whole of India, I fear.
Perhaps we are the architects of our own misfortune. It is our sab chalta hai (everything goes) attitude that has allowed people to mislead us with impunity. No wonder Aesop said. “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to high office.”
(The author is former Europe Director, CII, and lives in Cologne, Germany.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
One for the road

Hello Radheshyam,
All is well down here in Australia - The attached photograph includes Keith Wallace, Jeff Hyde and Myself at a recent get together. As you can see all of us continue to age gracefully, I think ??
Marc Sayce
Seeing the drinks in each of their hands I thought it appropriate to attach the following sent by Pradeep Mohan
What is Alcohol?
Alcohol is obtained after breaking down natural sugar of grain into C02, ethanol or ethyl alcohol and residual content. Yeast from grains and vegetables changes the binto alcohol. From the cheapest beer to the most expensive wine or after dinner liqueur, all alcohol is made with the same fermentation process. The different colours, tastes, potency's and flavours come from the different fruits or vegetables used as well as the additives, by-products and diluting substances employed during the fermentation process.
What is single malt?
Single malt is so-called because the malt comes from a single distillery. It is a whisky refined by a single distillery, using malted barley as the only grain ingredient. Each distillery has its own distinct taste, flavour and style and single malts bear that. Some world-renowned single malts are Glenfiddich, Glenmorangie, Glenlivet, Glenkinchie and if you move into the rare varieties,PortEllen,Dalmore,Glenfarclas,IsleofJura,Knocdhu,Lagavulin,Laphroig,Macallan,Oban,Taliskar,Cragganmore. Enjoying a single malt is a connoisseur's job and you have to learn to be one. A single grain, as distinct from a single malt, is a grain whisky made at one distillery, while the single malt is made with barley.
What is Blended Whisky?
Blended whisky is a mixture of single malt whiskys and
ethanol derived from grains. Developed for those who could not stomach the strong taste of whisky, it is a combination of malt and grain whiskys. First distilled and bottled by Andrew Usher in Edinburgh in the early 1860s, it turned out to be softer, lighter and more palatable. The character of the whisky is determined not only by the proportions of malt and grain whisky, but also by the ages of the individual whiskies and the manner in which they are combined to bring out the finest qualities in each other. Most whisky drunk across the world is blended whisky. Famous Grouse, Bells, Teacher's, Whyte & Mackay and Johnnie Walker are a few that are well-known.
What is the difference between Whisky and Whiskey?
Alcohol, malted or not, made from grain which is produced in Scotland is called WHISKY, while it is called WHISKEY if it is produced in USA or Ireland. American whiskey is called Bourbon and is made from grain. Bourbon is at least 51 per cent corn or maize. Scotch whisky is generally double distilled, while Irish whiskey is generally distilled three times. Wheat whisky is the rarest whisky. Rye whiskies are mostly popular within the US. Scotch whisky is whisky that has been distilled and matured in Scotland for at least three hours in oak casks.
Why should you never drink on an empty stomach?
Experts say eating food before drinking retains alcohol in the ~ where it is absorbed slowly into the blood stream. This gives the liver more time to break the alcohol down. Otherwise, it is directly absorbed without being broken down into simpler compounds into the blood stream. This can be harmful for the liver and general health. The kick comes when the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream directly and slows down the central nervous system. The absorbed alcohol blocks some of the commands the brain sends to the body; hence the reflexes and reactions are slower.
Does drinking water before or between drinks help you hold your drink better?
Dehydration causes your blood volume to go down and alcohol will cause it to go down further. So make it a habit to drink enough water before you go out for a hard drink. Experts say in case of alcohol consumption, the bigger you are the better it is. Big people have a larger quantity of blood, so alcohol they take in is more diluted as it mixes with the blood. Women are generally smaller than men. They also have proportionately more fat and less water in their bodies and so the entration of alcohol in their blood is higher for the same amount drunk.
What goes better with Whisky - Water or Soda?
Whisky is preferred with water more than soda as soda is carbonated water and it kills the taste of whisky. But real connoisseurs of whisky like to have it neat or with water on side or with two cubes of ice.
What is Cognac?
The wines of Poitou, La Rochelle and Angoumois, produced from high quality vineyards, were shipped to Northern Europe where they were enjoyed by the English, Dutch and Scandinavians as early as the 13th century. In the 16th century, they were transformed into eau-de-vie, then matured in oak casks to become Cognac.. That was the start of the adventure for a town, which was to become the capital of a world famous trade. Cognac is a living thing. During its time in the oak casks it is in permanent contact with the air. This allows it to extract the substances from the wood that give both its colour and its final bouquet. Ageing is indispensable if an eau-de-vie is to become Cognac. It takes place in casks or barrels that hold between 270 and 450 litres. The natural humidity of the cellars, in which the casks are stored, with its influence on evaporation, is one of the determining factors in the maturing process. With the balance between humidity and dryness, the spirit becomes mellow and ages harmoniously.
Making Cognac is the work of the Master Blender. Applying strict control, experience and intuition, he subtly blends eaux-de-vie of different ages and crus, producing a Cognac that through the years will not only retain its own personality, but will also keep a place in the heart of the consumer.
What is the difference between Scotch, Irish, Rye and Bourbon Whiskies?
Scotch Whisky is whisky, which has been distilled and matured in Scotland. Irish Whiskey means whiskey distilled and matured in Ireland. Whisky is distilled in Scotland from malted barley in Pot Stills and from malted and unmalted barley or other cereals in Patent Stills. The well-known brands of Scotch Whisky are blends of a number of Pot Still and Patent Still whiskies. Irish Whiskey distillers tend to favour three distillations rather than two, as is general in Scotland in the case of Pot Still whiskies and the range of cereals used is wider.
As regards Bourbon Whiskey, the United States Regulations provide: (i) that Bourbon Whiskey must be produced from a mash of not less than 51% corn grain; (ii) that the word 'Bourbon' shall not be used to describe any whiskey or whiskey-based distilled spirits not produced in the United States.
Rye Whiskey is produced both in the United States and Canada but the name has no geographical significance. In the United States, Rye Whiskey by definition must be produced from a grain mash of which not less than 51% is rye grain. In Canada, there is no similar restriction. The relevant Canadian Regulation states: 'Canadian Whisky (Canadian Rye Whisky, Rye Whisky) shall be whisky distilled in Canada and shall possess the aroma, taste and character generally attributed to Canadian Whisky.'
Canadian Whisky is in fact often referred to simply as Rye Whisky or Rye.
What is the Origin of VODKA?
Vodka is a drink, which originated in Eastern Europe, the name stemming from the Russian word 'voda' meaning water or as the Poles would say 'woda'. The first documented production of vodka in Russia was at the end of the 9th century, but the first known distillery at, Khylnovsk, was about two hundred years later as reported in the Vyatka Chronicle of 1174. Poland lays claim to having distilled vodka even earlier in the 8th century, but as this was a distillation of wine it might be more appropriate to consider it a crude brandy. The first identifiable Polish vodkas appeared in the 11th century when they were called 'gorzalka', originally used as medicines.
Medicine and Gunpowder
During the Middle Ages, distilled liquor was used mainly for medicinal purposes, as well as being an ingredient in the production of gunpowder. In the 14th century a British Ambassador to Moscow first described vodka as the Russian national drink and in the mid-16th century it was established as the national drink in Poland and Finland. We learn from the Novgorod Chronicles of 1533 that in Russia also, vodka was used frequently as a medicine (zhiznennia voda meaning 'water of life'). In these ancient times Russia produced several kinds of 'vodka' or 'hot wine' as it was then called. There was 'plain wine' (standard), 'good wine' (improved) and 'boyar wine' (high quality). In addition stronger types existed, distilled two ('double wine') or more times. Since early production methods were crude, vodka often contained impurities, so to mask these the distillers flavoured their spirits with fruit, herbs or spices.
The mid - 15th century saw the first appearance of pot distillation in Russia. Prior to that, seasoning, ageing and freezing were all used to remove impurities, as was precipitation using it in glass ('karluk') from the air bladders of sturgeons. Distillation became the first step in producing vodka, with the product being improved by precipitation using isinglass, milk or egg white. Around this time (1450) vodka started to be produced in large quantities and the first recorded exports of Russian vodka were to Sweden in 1505. Polish 'woda' exports started a century later, from major production centres in Posnan and Krakow.
From acorns to melon
In 1716, owning distilleries became the exclusive right of the nobility, who were granted further special rights in 1751. In the following 50 or so years there was a proliferation of types of aromatised vodka, but no attempt was made to standardise the basic product. Types produced included: absinthe, acorn, anisette, birch, calamus root, calendula, cherry, chicory, dill, ginger hazelnut, horseradish, juniper, lemon, mastic, mint, mountain ash, oak, pepper, peppermint, raspberry, sage, sorrel, wort and water melon! A typical production process was to distill alcohol twice, dilute it with milk and distill it again, adding water to bring it to the required strength and then flavouring it, prior to a fourth and final distillation. It was not a cheap product and it still had not attained really large-scale production. It did not seek to compete commercially with the major producers in Lithuania, Poland and Prussia. In the 18th century a professor in St. Petersburg discovered a method of purifying alcohol using charcoal filtration. Felt and river sand had already been used for some time in Russia for filtration.
Vodka marches across Europe
The spread of awareness of vodka continued throughout the 19th century, helped by the presence in many parts of Europe of Russian soldiers involved in the Napoleonic Wars. Increasing popularity led to escalating demand and to meet this demand, lower grade products were produced based largely on distilled potato mash. Earlier attempts to control production by reducing the number of distilleries from 5,000 to 2,050 between the years 1860 and 1890 having failed, a law was enacted in 1894 to make the production and distribution of vodka in Russia a state monopoly. This was both for fiscal reasons and to control the epidemic of drunkenness which the availability of the cheap, mass-produced 'vodkas' imported and home-produced, had brought about.
It is only at the end of the 19th century, with all state distilleries adopting a standard production technique and hence a guarantee of quality, that the name vodka was officially and formally recognized. After the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks confiscated all private distilleries in Moscow. As a result, a number of Russian vodka-makers emigrated, taking their skills and recipes with them. One such exile revived his brand in Paris, using the French version of his family name - Smirnoff. Thence, having met a Russian emigre from the USA, they set up the first vodka distillery there in 1934. This was subsequently sold to a US drinks company. From this small start, vodka began in the 1940s to achieve its wide popularity in the Western World.
What is the origin of GIN?
The first confirmed date for the production of gin is the early 17th century in Holland, although claims have been made that it was produced prior to this in Italy. In Holland it was produced as a medicine and sold in chemist shops to treat stomach complaints, gout and gallstones. To make it more palatable, the Dutch started to flavor it with juniper, which had medicinal properties of its own.
From Dutch courage to William of Orange
British troops fighting in the Low Countries during the Thirty Years' War were given 'Dutch Courage' during the long campaigns in the damp weather through the warming properties of gin. Eventually they started bringing it back home with them, where already it was often sold in chemists' shops. Distillation was taking place in a small way in England, but it now began on a greater scale, though the quality was often very dubious. Nevertheless, the new drink became a firm favourite with the poor. The formation by King Charles I of the Worshipful Company of Distillers, where members had the sole right to distill spirits in London and Westminster and up to twenty-one miles beyond improved both the quality of gin and its image; it also helped English agriculture by using surplus corn and barley. When King William III - better known as William of Orange - came to the English throne in 1689, he made a series of statutes actively encouraging the distillation of English spirits. Anyone could now distill by simply posting a notice in public and just waiting ten days. Sometimes gin was distributed to workers as part of their wages and soon the volume sold daily exceeded that of beer and ale, which was more expensive anyway.
The Gin Riots
The problem was tackled by introducing The Gin Act at midnight on 29 September 1736, which made gin prohibitively expensive. A license to retail gin cost £50 and duty was raised fivefold to £1 per gallon with the smallest quantity you could buy retail being two gallons. The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole and Dr.. Samuel Johnson were among those who opposed the Act since they considered it could not be enforced against the will of the common people.. They were right. Riots broke out and the law was widely and openly broken.. About this time, 11 million gallons of gin were distilled in London, which was over 20 times the 1690 figure and has been estimated to be the equivalent of 14 gallons for each adult male. But within six years of the Gin Act being introduced, only two distillers took out licenses, yet, over the same period of time, production rose by almost fifty per cent.
Respectability, High quality and Patronage
The Gin Act, finally recognized as unenforceable, was repealed in 1742 and a new policy, which distillers helped to draft, was introduced: reasonably high prices, reasonable excise duties and licensed retailers under the supervision of magistrates. In essence this is the situation, which exists today. These changes led to more respectable firms embarking on the business of distilling and retailing gin and it became the drink of high quality, which it has since remained. Many companies established themselves as well-to-do manufacturers, often becoming patrons for major enterprises; one such was the sponsorship of the attempt to discover the North West Passage 1829-33: the attempt failed, but the expedition did establish the true position of the North Magnetic Pole.
Gin had been known as 'Mother's Milk' from the 1820s but later in the century it became known as 'Mother's Ruin', a description perhaps originating from the earlier 'Blue Ruin' of the prohibition era in the previous century.
What is Tequila?
First the history: Tequila was first distilled in the 1500-1600's in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. Guadalajara is the capital of Jalisco and the city of Tequila was established in about 1656. This is where the agave plant grows best.
The agave is not a cactus as rumoured, but belongs to the lily family and has long spiny leaves (pincas). The specific plant that is used to make tequila is the Weber blue agave. It takes 8-12 years for the agave to reach maturity. During harvest, the leaves are cut off leaving the heart of the plant or pina which looks like a large pineapple when the jimadors are done. The harvested pina may weigh 200 pounds or more and is chopped into smaller pieces for cooking at the distillery. Tequila was first imported into the United States in 1873 when the first load was transported to El Paso, Texas. In 1973 tequila sales in the US topped one million cases.
There are two basic types of tequila, 100% blue agave (cien por ciento de agave) tequila and mixto. The 100% blue agave tequilas are distilled entirely from the fermented juice of the agave. All 100% agave tequilas have to be distilled and bottled in Mexico. If the bottle does not say 100% blue agave, the tequila is mixto and may have been distilled from as little as 60% agave juice with other sugars.
Grades of Tequila:
• Blanco: 100% agave tequila that is un-aged and untreated with additives.
• Reposado: 100% agave, "rested" tequila that has been stored in oak between two months and one year.
• Anejo: 100% agave, aged tequila that has been stored in oak at least one year.
• Mixto blanco: mixto tequila that is unaged.
• Mixto reposado: mixto tequila that has been stored in oak between two months and one year.
• Mixto anejo: aged mixto tequila that has been stored in oak at least one year.
• Joven abocado: mixto tequila that has been treated with additives to achieve an effect similar to aging.
How many types of Beer are available to Drink?
Here are the different styles you may come across at our stores or your favourite local brew pub.
Ale - originally liquor made from an infusion of malt by fermentation, as opposed to beer, which was made by the same process but flavoured with hops. Today ale is used for all beers other than stout.
Alt - means "old". A top fermented ale, rich, copper-coloured and full-bodied, with a very firm, tannic palate, and usually well-hopped and dry.
Amber Beer - an ale with a depth of hue halfway between pale and dark.
Barley Wine - dark, rich, usually bittersweet, heavy ales with high alcohol content, made for sipping, not quaffing.
Bitter - the driest and one of the most heavily hopped beers served on draft. The nose is generally aromatic, the hue amber and the alcoholic content moderate.
Bock - a strong dark German lager, ranging from pale to dark brown in colour, with a minimum alcoholic content of about 6 percent.
Brown Ale - malty beers, dark in colour and they may be quite sweet.
Burton - a strong ale, dark in colour, made with a proportion of highly dried or roasted malts.
Christmas/Holiday Beer - these special season beers are amber to dark brown, richly flavoured with a sweetish palate. Some are flavoured with special spices and/or herbs.
Dopplebock - "double bock." A stronger version of bock beer, decidedly malty, with an alcoholic content ranging from 8 percent to 13 percent by volume.
Hefe-Weizen - a wheat beer, lighter in body, flavour and alcohol strength.
Ice Beer - a high-alcohol beer made by cooling the beer during the process to below the freezing point of water (32 degrees Fahrenheit) but above that of alcohol (-173 degrees Fahrenheit).. When the formed ice is removed and discarded, the beer ends up with a higher alcohol-to-water ratio.
India Pale Ale (IPA) - a generously hopped pale ale.
Kolsch - West German ale, very pale (brassy gold) in hue, with a mild malt flavour and some lactic tartness.
Malt Liquor - most malt liquors are lagers that are too alcoholic to be labelled lagers or beers.
Muncheners - a malty, pale lager distinguished from the darker, heavier Munich Dark beers by the term "dunkel".
Octoberfest/ Maerzen/Vienna - a copper-coloured, malty beer brewed at the end of the winter brewing season in March.
Pale Ale - made of the highest quality malts, the driest and most highly hopped beer. Sold as light ale or pale ale in bottle or on draft as bitter.
Pilsner - delicately dry and aromatic beers.
Porter - a darker (medium to dark reddish brown) ale style beer, full-bodied, a bit on the bitter side. The barley (or barley-malt) is well roasted, giving the brew a characteristic chocolaty, bittersweet flavour.
Stout - beer brewed from roasted, full-flavoured malts, often with an addition of caramel sugar and a slightly higher proportion of hops. Stouts have a richer, slightly burnt flavour and are dark in colour.
Sweet Stout - also known as milk stout because some brewers use lactose (milk sugar) as an ingredient.
Wheat Beer - a beer in which wheat malt is substituted for barley malt. Usually medium-bodied, with a bit of tartness on the palate.
And….. don’t know how correct this is
–A Common message to everyone who says drinking is bad.
Here are the advantages of each brand that people drink….
DCSL EXTRA SPECIAL Protects your heart, prevents constipation, Blocks diarrhoea, Improves lung capacity, Cushions joints
WHITE DIAMOND Combats cancer Controls blood pressure Saves your eyesight Shields against Alzheimer's Slows aging process
BLUE LABEL Aids digestion, Lowers cholesterol, Protects your heart, Stabilizes blood sugar, Guards against liver disease.
DOUBLE DISTILLED Battles diabetes, Lowers cholesterol, Helps stops strokes, Controls blood pressure, Smoothes skin.
OLD RESERVE Protects your heart, Quiets a cough, Strengthens bones, Controls blood pressure, Blocks diarrhea,
RITZ Prevents constipation, Helps hemorrhoids, Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Stabilizes blood sugar.
RICHORT Controls blood pressure, Combats cancer, Strengthens bones, Protects your heart, Aids weight loss.
HANNEPIER Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Stabilizes blood sugar, Boosts memory, Prevents constipation.
FRANKLIN Strengthens bones, Saves eyesight, Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Controls blood pressure.
VSO Combats cancer, Prevents constipation, Promotes weight loss, Protects your heart, Helps hemorrhoids.
GALLERY Saves eyesight, Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Supports immune system.
RED RUM Saves eyesight, Protects your heart, Prevents constipation, Combats cancer, Promotes weight loss.
DARK RUM Protects against Prostate Cancer, Combats Breast Cancer, Strengthens bones, Banishes bruises, Guards against heart disease.
HANSEN Protects your heart, Combats Cancer, Ends insomnia, Slows aging process, Shields against Alzheimer's.
BLACK WHITE Promotes weight loss, Protects your heart, Lowers cholesterol, Combats Cancer, Controls blood pressure.
RED LABEL Aids digestion, Soothes sore throat, Clears sinuses, Combats Cancer, Boosts immune system.
BLACK LABEL Promotes weight loss, Helps stops strokes, Lowers cholesterol, Combats Cancer, Controls blood pressure.
GOLD LABEL Protects your heart, Boosts memory, Protects your heart, Combats Cancer, Supports immune system.
CHIVAS REGAL Aids digestion, Battles diabetes, Protects your heart, Improves mental health, Boosts immune system.
GRANTS Lowers cholesterol, Controls blood pressure, Combats cancer, kills bacteria Fights fungus.
GREEN LABEL Protects against heart attacks, Promotes Weight loss, Helps stops strokes, Combats Prostate Cancer, Lowers cholesterol.
REMUS MARTIN saves eyesight, Conquers kidney stones, Combats cancer .Enhances blood flow, Protects your heart .
V&A Combats cancer, Protects your heart ,Helps stops strokes, Promotes Weight loss, Kills bacteria.
NAPOLEON Heals wounds ,Aids digestion,Guards against ulcers, Increases energy,
Fights allergies
MENDIS Combats cancer, Protects your heart ,Controls blood pressure, Smoothes skin,
Stops scurvy
LEMON GIN Combats cancer ,Protects your heart, Controls blood pressure, Smoothes skin, Stops scurvy.
ORANGE GIN Combats cancer, Boosts memory, Regulates thyroid ,aids digestion,
Shields against Alzheimer's.
WHITE GIN Controls blood pressure, Lowers cholesterol, Kills bacteria, Combats cancer. Strengthens bones.
DRY GIN Lowers cholesterol, Combats cancer, Battles diabetes, prevents constipation.
Smoothes skin
CLASIC RUM Protects your heart, Promotes Weight loss, Combats cancer,Battles diabetes, Smoothes skin
VODKA Reduce risk of heart attack, Combats cancer, Kills bacteria, Lowers cholesterol, Fights fungus.
SMIRNOFF Supports immune systems, Combats cancer, Protects your heart, Straightens respiration
GALETINE prevents constipation, Combats cancer, Helps stops strokes, aids digestion,
Helps hemorrhoids
GOLD COIN Protects against heart disease, Promotes Weight loss, Combats Prostate Cancer ,Lowers cholesterol, Aggravates diverticulitis.
BACARDI Strengthens bones, Relieves colds, Aids digestion, Dissolves warts,
Blocks diarrhea
WHITE RUM Slows aging process, prevents constipation ,boosts memory, Lowers cholesterol, Protects against heart disease,
ILICITY ARACK Protects your heart, Battles diabetes, Conquers kidney stones, Combats cancer, Helps stops strokes.
POT ARRACK Combats cancer,Protects your heart
Well, three cheers for the drinkers.
The above treatise turns topsy turvey all that I have been taught.
One thing I notice that most of the drinks are combatants of cancer.
No wonder these people go down fighting.
However, I have not heard of drinkers dying of cancer.
Smoker, yes.
Drinkers - no.
They chose the faster mode, some road accident or cirhosis of the liver,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
This act of Maoist is unpardonable
Rajabandh (West Midnapore), May 28: Suspected Maoist sabotage today derailed a Mumbai-bound train from Howrah, causing five coaches to tilt into the path of a goods train on the parallel tracks and killing at least 80 people.
Over 140 others were injured in the 1.25am tragedy near Jhargram, which the CPM held up as proof of a Trinamul Congress-Maoist nexus two days before the civic polls, prompting Mamata Banerjee, after what seemed like initial hesitation, to finger the Naxalites too
The train disaster, the worst in Bengal caused by subversion, comes days after the Maoists had targeted civilians in a bus in Chhattisgarh. Today’s carnage was apparently triggered by removal of the clips that fix the rails to the sleepers but a blast on the tracks has not been ruled out.
Railway officials said the goods train’s impact on coach S5 of the Howrah-Kurla Jnaneswari Express was so severe that its two walls “got pasted together”, sandwiching the passengers in between.
They added that the death toll could rise because till late in the evening, many were still trapped inside S3, S4, S5 and S6, the four non-AC sleeper coaches that took the brunt of the goods train’s impact.
Although 13 coaches had been derailed, only five had tilted towards the parallel tracks and got hit when the goods train arrived from the opposite direction within minutes.
The biggest train disaster on Bengal’s soil had taken place in August 1999 in North Dinajpur’s Gaisal, when two trains had collided and killed nearly 300 people, but it had been blamed not on sabotage but a signalling error.
State director-general of police Bhupinder Singh, who reached the spot this morning, did not confirm the blast and said that prima facie, the removal of the Pandrol clips over a stretch of 50 metres had led to the tragedy.
He said clips had been removed also from a roughly equal stretch of the parallel tracks but the goods train had rammed into the Jnaneswari’s coaches ahead of that part.
“There is a small crater near the tracks (of the Jnaneswari), but forensic experts would have to examine the spot to determine whether there had been a blast,” Singh said.
He added: “The People’s Committee has left behind posters saying it triggered this incident for the removal of the joint forces from here.”
Survivors and local people said more lives could have been saved had the rescue operations started earlier. Air force helicopters were deployed, for the first time in recent memory, to fly the injured to hospitals in Midnapore and Kharagpur around 6am.
Railway officials admitted that the affected coaches’ emergency widows were opened only around 4am —two hours and a half after the incident — to begin the process of pulling out survivors and bodies.
They said the Jnaneswari, which had left Howrah at 10.50 last night, had rolled out of Kharagpur station at 12.55am and met with tragedy 3km ahead of Sardiha. The goods train driver died in the collision but the Jnaneswari driver, B. Das, claims there was a blast.
Officials said that 15 minutes after the derailment, driver Das had called up Kharagpur station to report the disaster.
Within 20 minutes, Jhargram police superintendent Praveen Tripathi was at the spot with 50 CRPF jawans. Half an hour later, Kharagpur divisional railway manager Anil Handa arrived with doctors and emergency supplies.
The medical team began treating those in the compartments that had been derailed but not been hit by the goods train. The rescue operations began only around 4am, after generators had been set up to provide light and senior divisional commercial manager Manoj Kumar had arrived with rescue teams and volunteers.
As injured passengers were pulled out, doctors and nurses who had arrived from Jhargram and Kharagpur carried out emergency treatment.
Gas cutters, deployed to cut open grills, arrived even later. “If only the gas cutters had arrived earlier, perhaps my parents and my brother could have been saved,” said Altaf Ansari, 18, who had come to Calcutta from Nagpur to attend his aunt’s wedding.
As some questioned her decision to let trains run through Maoist areas at night, she said: “It’s a question of law and order and that is a state subject. What do I do?”
Railway officials contradicted Mamata’s claim that the Maoists would have known the goods train was approaching. “Unlike passenger trains, goods trains do not have fixed timings. It was just a coincidence that the goods train was passing just then,” an official said.
They added that trains did not exceed 75-80kmph while travelling through Maoist-affected areas, against a normal top speed of 110kmph.
This act of the Maoist cannot be condoned.
As long as they killed politicians, it was acceptable and I would say they were doing a commendable job in ridding mother earth of these vermins.
We accepted the killing of policemen sence they were protectors of the politicians.
We were shocked at the blowing up of the bus but anyhow accepted it since special polce officers were travelling in the bus.
But we will not accept the killing of the common man by derailing trains.
This is a dastardly act and is forcing us to the view that maybe Chidambaram was right. Maybe we will have to finish the Maoist.
I have to offer one suggestion.
If any person gives information to the police and the police act on it successfuly, the police should reward the person in cash and kind and remove him and his family from the area so that the Maoist cannot take revenge on him
Over 140 others were injured in the 1.25am tragedy near Jhargram, which the CPM held up as proof of a Trinamul Congress-Maoist nexus two days before the civic polls, prompting Mamata Banerjee, after what seemed like initial hesitation, to finger the Naxalites too
The train disaster, the worst in Bengal caused by subversion, comes days after the Maoists had targeted civilians in a bus in Chhattisgarh. Today’s carnage was apparently triggered by removal of the clips that fix the rails to the sleepers but a blast on the tracks has not been ruled out.
Railway officials said the goods train’s impact on coach S5 of the Howrah-Kurla Jnaneswari Express was so severe that its two walls “got pasted together”, sandwiching the passengers in between.
They added that the death toll could rise because till late in the evening, many were still trapped inside S3, S4, S5 and S6, the four non-AC sleeper coaches that took the brunt of the goods train’s impact.
Although 13 coaches had been derailed, only five had tilted towards the parallel tracks and got hit when the goods train arrived from the opposite direction within minutes.
The biggest train disaster on Bengal’s soil had taken place in August 1999 in North Dinajpur’s Gaisal, when two trains had collided and killed nearly 300 people, but it had been blamed not on sabotage but a signalling error.
State director-general of police Bhupinder Singh, who reached the spot this morning, did not confirm the blast and said that prima facie, the removal of the Pandrol clips over a stretch of 50 metres had led to the tragedy.
He said clips had been removed also from a roughly equal stretch of the parallel tracks but the goods train had rammed into the Jnaneswari’s coaches ahead of that part.
“There is a small crater near the tracks (of the Jnaneswari), but forensic experts would have to examine the spot to determine whether there had been a blast,” Singh said.
He added: “The People’s Committee has left behind posters saying it triggered this incident for the removal of the joint forces from here.”
Survivors and local people said more lives could have been saved had the rescue operations started earlier. Air force helicopters were deployed, for the first time in recent memory, to fly the injured to hospitals in Midnapore and Kharagpur around 6am.
Railway officials admitted that the affected coaches’ emergency widows were opened only around 4am —two hours and a half after the incident — to begin the process of pulling out survivors and bodies.
They said the Jnaneswari, which had left Howrah at 10.50 last night, had rolled out of Kharagpur station at 12.55am and met with tragedy 3km ahead of Sardiha. The goods train driver died in the collision but the Jnaneswari driver, B. Das, claims there was a blast.
Officials said that 15 minutes after the derailment, driver Das had called up Kharagpur station to report the disaster.
Within 20 minutes, Jhargram police superintendent Praveen Tripathi was at the spot with 50 CRPF jawans. Half an hour later, Kharagpur divisional railway manager Anil Handa arrived with doctors and emergency supplies.
The medical team began treating those in the compartments that had been derailed but not been hit by the goods train. The rescue operations began only around 4am, after generators had been set up to provide light and senior divisional commercial manager Manoj Kumar had arrived with rescue teams and volunteers.
As injured passengers were pulled out, doctors and nurses who had arrived from Jhargram and Kharagpur carried out emergency treatment.
Gas cutters, deployed to cut open grills, arrived even later. “If only the gas cutters had arrived earlier, perhaps my parents and my brother could have been saved,” said Altaf Ansari, 18, who had come to Calcutta from Nagpur to attend his aunt’s wedding.
As some questioned her decision to let trains run through Maoist areas at night, she said: “It’s a question of law and order and that is a state subject. What do I do?”
Railway officials contradicted Mamata’s claim that the Maoists would have known the goods train was approaching. “Unlike passenger trains, goods trains do not have fixed timings. It was just a coincidence that the goods train was passing just then,” an official said.
They added that trains did not exceed 75-80kmph while travelling through Maoist-affected areas, against a normal top speed of 110kmph.
This act of the Maoist cannot be condoned.
As long as they killed politicians, it was acceptable and I would say they were doing a commendable job in ridding mother earth of these vermins.
We accepted the killing of policemen sence they were protectors of the politicians.
We were shocked at the blowing up of the bus but anyhow accepted it since special polce officers were travelling in the bus.
But we will not accept the killing of the common man by derailing trains.
This is a dastardly act and is forcing us to the view that maybe Chidambaram was right. Maybe we will have to finish the Maoist.
I have to offer one suggestion.
If any person gives information to the police and the police act on it successfuly, the police should reward the person in cash and kind and remove him and his family from the area so that the Maoist cannot take revenge on him
Friday, May 28, 2010
Issuance of passports to get faster, reach you in 3 days
New Delhi: Foreign Minister S M Krishna is going to inaugurate four Passport Seva Kendras, as part of the Passport Seva Project, in Karnataka on Friday. From now on, regular passports will be issued in three days and tatkal ones the same day.
According to Government sources, across the country there will 77 such centers by the end of this financial year, which will issue tatkal passports to applicants within hours.
Currently, issuance of passports takes 45 days. The Passport Seva Project aims to issue passports in three days. Earlier this month, the external affairs ministry was blamed by a parliamentary panel for failing to meet the deadline for the project, which was to be launched in July last year.
The Passport Seva Project, based on a public-private partnership model, is a Rs. 1,000 crore project, which was given to TCS in October 2008.
The verification list will be forwarded to the district police chief, soon after the application is submitted, according to the new system. After that it will be segregated station wise and will be forwarded to the respective police stations on the same day
I don't know whether Mr Krishna lives in a different world.Being a minister of course he does. He does not know the world of the common man.
The verification will still be done by the police which is one of the most corrupt wing of the government.
From personal experience I can say that they never do any verification.
They never go to verify.
They call the house owner to the police station and demand money.
If he coughs up well and good.
If he doesn't, his papers are sent back with a remark which does not allow a passport to be issued.
Unless corruption is removed from all wings of the government, these plans of the government will just remain pipe dreams.
According to Government sources, across the country there will 77 such centers by the end of this financial year, which will issue tatkal passports to applicants within hours.
Currently, issuance of passports takes 45 days. The Passport Seva Project aims to issue passports in three days. Earlier this month, the external affairs ministry was blamed by a parliamentary panel for failing to meet the deadline for the project, which was to be launched in July last year.
The Passport Seva Project, based on a public-private partnership model, is a Rs. 1,000 crore project, which was given to TCS in October 2008.
The verification list will be forwarded to the district police chief, soon after the application is submitted, according to the new system. After that it will be segregated station wise and will be forwarded to the respective police stations on the same day
I don't know whether Mr Krishna lives in a different world.Being a minister of course he does. He does not know the world of the common man.
The verification will still be done by the police which is one of the most corrupt wing of the government.
From personal experience I can say that they never do any verification.
They never go to verify.
They call the house owner to the police station and demand money.
If he coughs up well and good.
If he doesn't, his papers are sent back with a remark which does not allow a passport to be issued.
Unless corruption is removed from all wings of the government, these plans of the government will just remain pipe dreams.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
True Love
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him.. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled
as he patted my hand and said,
'She doesn't know me,
but I still know who she is.'
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love
I want in my life.'
True love is neither
physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best
of everything they have.
Sent by Arun Shroff
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him.. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'
He smiled
as he patted my hand and said,
'She doesn't know me,
but I still know who she is.'
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love
I want in my life.'
True love is neither
physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best
of everything they have.
Sent by Arun Shroff
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
"Johnny Johnny, " "Yes Papa!"
Sent by Keith Hayward.
That name Hayward must be very familiar with people who like their drinks to be stronger than Cokes and Pepsis. So this idea
But the person who thought out this name for whisky must be a genius.
Many of you may remember coming home and being asked, "What have you been drinking"
Well, now you can honest to God and with a straight face tell them "Nothing", meaning "Kuch Nahi"
You wouldn't be lying and your conscience won't be thumping like mad.
That's what I call sinning without the pangs.

That name Hayward must be very familiar with people who like their drinks to be stronger than Cokes and Pepsis. So this idea
But the person who thought out this name for whisky must be a genius.
Many of you may remember coming home and being asked, "What have you been drinking"
Well, now you can honest to God and with a straight face tell them "Nothing", meaning "Kuch Nahi"
You wouldn't be lying and your conscience won't be thumping like mad.
That's what I call sinning without the pangs.

Art from Dust
A few months back we had seen a video of a Japanese artist, a lady, making beautiful movong pictures from just sand flowing on top of glass.
Here is something more on similar lines.
(a) WASH ME?...... or
(b) Do a pretty drawing?
THIS is SCOTT WADE. Check out what he does with the dirty cars by carefully and artfully removing portions of the dirt. According to his web site, he lives real close to a dirt road in San Marcos , Texas

Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
-- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
The above pictures have been sent by Viraj Thacker
God has made the earth self suffcient in everything.
He just gives it energy in the form of sunlight and everything else moves so systematically that His imperceptible hand is not noticed behind everything and people start to believe God does not exist.
What is waste for one of his creations is life giving for another.
We may think that the fly or mosquito is a nuisance and feel that they have no purpose.
But they too have a purpose.They give us cholera and malaria and death. And unless there is no death, there will not be any creation.
If you think of it, even Kasab and his gang who attacked on 26/11 was part of God's plan. They gave death, which, is a part of creation.
Of course, this form of death where one human kills another is not accepted by our society and so Kasab has been awarded the death penalty. But still, it was in God's plan.
In the name of the Father, the Son or the Holy Ghost. That is what Christians say.
We say Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh; the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer.
From the tiniest which we cannot see with the most powerful microscopes to the mightiest which we cannot even comprehend, is all His creation.
In the photos above we see creation at work from a useless? piece of dust.
Nothing is wasted in this world.
We just have to find its use.
Here is something more on similar lines.
(a) WASH ME?...... or
(b) Do a pretty drawing?

Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
-- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
The above pictures have been sent by Viraj Thacker
God has made the earth self suffcient in everything.
He just gives it energy in the form of sunlight and everything else moves so systematically that His imperceptible hand is not noticed behind everything and people start to believe God does not exist.
What is waste for one of his creations is life giving for another.
We may think that the fly or mosquito is a nuisance and feel that they have no purpose.
But they too have a purpose.They give us cholera and malaria and death. And unless there is no death, there will not be any creation.
If you think of it, even Kasab and his gang who attacked on 26/11 was part of God's plan. They gave death, which, is a part of creation.
Of course, this form of death where one human kills another is not accepted by our society and so Kasab has been awarded the death penalty. But still, it was in God's plan.
In the name of the Father, the Son or the Holy Ghost. That is what Christians say.
We say Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh; the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer.
From the tiniest which we cannot see with the most powerful microscopes to the mightiest which we cannot even comprehend, is all His creation.
In the photos above we see creation at work from a useless? piece of dust.
Nothing is wasted in this world.
We just have to find its use.
Another Feather in Mamata's Cap
14 bogies of Rajdhani Exp derail, no casualty
Last updated on: May 25, 2010 08:48 IST
Fourteen bogies of New Delhi-Guwahati Rajdhani Express derailed near Katihar in Bihar early on Tuesday morning, railway sources said.
No casualty has been reported, but some passengers have been reportedly injured.
A railway official told that the bogies derailed between Nawgachia and Kharik railway stations near Katihar.
"The derailment disrupted rail traffic," the official added.
Officials refused to comment on the cause of derailment
Another feather in Mamata Banerjee's cap.
The faster she is divested of the Railway Minister's portofolio, the better it will be for the railways and the travelling public.
Why should the whole of India suffer because of her narrow one point programme of occupying the C M's chair in Bengal.
Bengal has no choice but India does have other more capable people who cn fill that chair.
Last updated on: May 25, 2010 08:48 IST
Fourteen bogies of New Delhi-Guwahati Rajdhani Express derailed near Katihar in Bihar early on Tuesday morning, railway sources said.
No casualty has been reported, but some passengers have been reportedly injured.
A railway official told that the bogies derailed between Nawgachia and Kharik railway stations near Katihar.
"The derailment disrupted rail traffic," the official added.
Officials refused to comment on the cause of derailment
Another feather in Mamata Banerjee's cap.
The faster she is divested of the Railway Minister's portofolio, the better it will be for the railways and the travelling public.
Why should the whole of India suffer because of her narrow one point programme of occupying the C M's chair in Bengal.
Bengal has no choice but India does have other more capable people who cn fill that chair.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pastor's Business Card
The doctors below must have made you angry instead of curing your ills.
So let the pastor apply his balm.
Sent by sir, Mr. Lobo
A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.
Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote 'Revelation 3:20' on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10..'
Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads, 'I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.'
Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones?
They still are! Pass it on
'A cheerful heart is good medicine'
So let the pastor apply his balm.
Sent by sir, Mr. Lobo
A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.
Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote 'Revelation 3:20' on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, 'Genesis 3:10..'
Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads, 'I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.'
Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones?
They still are! Pass it on
'A cheerful heart is good medicine'
Bihar IMA Association up in arms against the centre.
IMA Bihar to oppose Centre’s move to dissolve MCI
Patna,(BiharTimes): The Bihar Chapter of the Indian Medical Association has unanimously decided to oppose what it said the Centre’s “undemocratic” move of dissolving the Medical Council of India.
The IMA also decided to bring all associations and federations of medical practitioners across the country on one platform and take the fight to streets if he Centre did not cancel its decision on MCI.
Addressing a Press conferene here on Saturday IMA national coordinator Dr N Appa Rao, said a delegation of doctors would meet the President and Prime Minister to request them to take back the decision.
He said that in this connection they would meet various leaders of opposition parties, chief ministers and MPs.
Dr Rao said that the MCI was established in 1934 under the Medical Council of India Act. The Act was repealed and the MCI was reorganized in 1956 to maintain the professional standard of the medical education in India. The government can not dissolve it for the misdeeds of a single person.
Dr Basant Singh, Dr Vijay Shankar Singh, Dr Sahajanand Prasad Singh, Dr Manju Geeta Mishra, Dr Sachchidanand Kumar, Dr A K Thakur, Dr Narendra Prasad, Dr Harihar Dikshit and Dr S L Mandal, Dr Ramesh Prasad Singh and Dr Ashok Kumar Yadav were present on the occasion.
The above reactions are on expected lines.
Bihar was known to be the most corrupt state in India.
After Nitish Kumar came things have changed but it seems he has not been able to reform the doctors.
I lived in in Patna for three years so I should know.
I have commented of the doctors in North India but the doctors in Bihar are the worst lot. So how could they allow a diminution in their power. They have a genuine fear. The MCI has been dissolved and they know the IMA would be the next target for the IMA has become an organisation of back scratchers.
It has become a great club where every member helps the others earn money and the patient may go to hell.
The general public supports the government in cleaning up the rot that has set in and take it to the logical next step of dismantling the IMA.
Does it surprise you when we have incidents like those in Peerless Hospital a few days? It does not surprise me.
The anger against the injustice and arrogance of doctors gradually builds up in the masses and when it reaches breaking point, the dam bursts.
The house surgeons go on strike, some people are arrested and then everything is back to normal.
The doctors arrogance and injustice again rises while the grade IV employees in the hospitals run the show until the next incident.
I would suggest the central government put the income tax people after the doctors who were present in the meeting. I am sure they must have amassed wealth beyond their grandfather's imagination.
Patna,(BiharTimes): The Bihar Chapter of the Indian Medical Association has unanimously decided to oppose what it said the Centre’s “undemocratic” move of dissolving the Medical Council of India.
The IMA also decided to bring all associations and federations of medical practitioners across the country on one platform and take the fight to streets if he Centre did not cancel its decision on MCI.
Addressing a Press conferene here on Saturday IMA national coordinator Dr N Appa Rao, said a delegation of doctors would meet the President and Prime Minister to request them to take back the decision.
He said that in this connection they would meet various leaders of opposition parties, chief ministers and MPs.
Dr Rao said that the MCI was established in 1934 under the Medical Council of India Act. The Act was repealed and the MCI was reorganized in 1956 to maintain the professional standard of the medical education in India. The government can not dissolve it for the misdeeds of a single person.
Dr Basant Singh, Dr Vijay Shankar Singh, Dr Sahajanand Prasad Singh, Dr Manju Geeta Mishra, Dr Sachchidanand Kumar, Dr A K Thakur, Dr Narendra Prasad, Dr Harihar Dikshit and Dr S L Mandal, Dr Ramesh Prasad Singh and Dr Ashok Kumar Yadav were present on the occasion.
The above reactions are on expected lines.
Bihar was known to be the most corrupt state in India.
After Nitish Kumar came things have changed but it seems he has not been able to reform the doctors.
I lived in in Patna for three years so I should know.
I have commented of the doctors in North India but the doctors in Bihar are the worst lot. So how could they allow a diminution in their power. They have a genuine fear. The MCI has been dissolved and they know the IMA would be the next target for the IMA has become an organisation of back scratchers.
It has become a great club where every member helps the others earn money and the patient may go to hell.
The general public supports the government in cleaning up the rot that has set in and take it to the logical next step of dismantling the IMA.
Does it surprise you when we have incidents like those in Peerless Hospital a few days? It does not surprise me.
The anger against the injustice and arrogance of doctors gradually builds up in the masses and when it reaches breaking point, the dam bursts.
The house surgeons go on strike, some people are arrested and then everything is back to normal.
The doctors arrogance and injustice again rises while the grade IV employees in the hospitals run the show until the next incident.
I would suggest the central government put the income tax people after the doctors who were present in the meeting. I am sure they must have amassed wealth beyond their grandfather's imagination.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
158 people die in plane crash at Mangalore
Air India flight touches down near halfway mark

May 22: An Air India Express flight from Dubai overshot the hilltop runway at Mangalore’s Bajpe airport today, fell onto a wooded valley some 200 metres below and burst into flames, killing 158 people including 23 children and babies.
India’s third-worst air crash, and its first major one in a decade, left behind suspicions of pilot error at one of the country’s most picturesque but trickiest airports, its “tabletop” runways precariously perched atop a plateau with their ends dropping off into thick-green gorges.
Eight passengers survived the 6.05am accident almost miraculously, jumping out through a crack in the fuselage as Flight IX 812 hit a concrete navigational aid called a localiser at the end of the runway and broke into two.
“We had no hope to survive, but we survived,” G.K. Pradeep, an Indian technician employed in Dubai, said.
Some others among the 160 passengers and six crew members may have leapt into the fire, stoked by aviation fuel gushing out of the wings, as they tried to clamber out through the same “hole”.
Airport sources said the Boeing 737-800’s 53-year-old pilot Zlatko Glusica, a British national of Serbian origin, had 10,200 hours of flying experience but apparently miscalculated the “landing threshold” and brought the plane down too late.
Instead of landing within the first 1,000-1,300 feet of the 8,300ft-long runway, he touched down almost near the halfway mark although the visibility was a healthy 6km, the sources said. The aircraft lost control on the dry, concrete runway, a burst tyre worsening matters if some of the survivors are right.
There had been no distress signal from the pilot although one survivor mentioned “turbulence” before landing. Veteran pilots suspect that Glusica probably braked hard instead of attempting a “go around” — that is, take off at once, gain enough height and approach once more to land correctly.
Accidents of this kind, known as “runway excursions”, are fairly common but today’s led to tragedy because of the tabletop runway, experts said.
The world aviation body has urged all airports to build 1,000ft-long safety extensions at the end of each runway. Those with little room for extension have been advised to install soft ground layers — known as arrestor beds — to slow planes.
The Mangalore runway has a “spillover area” of only 300ft to slow overshooting planes, and there are conflicting claims whether it is a bed of sand.
One of Parkinson's Law says that if we expect an accident to happen, it is bound to happen.
From records and comments it is obvious that this accident was waiting to happen.
This airport on a plateau demanded that everything was perfect and it allowed no room for error. That I suppose is asking too much from human beings.
The pilot Zlatko Glusica had made 19 earlier landing on this airport.
He failed on the 20th.
If it had not happened on the 20th it may have occured later, say at the 45th.
And this is not the first or going to be the last.
I understand Mr. Moily too has a narrow escape some years ago when his plane too ran off the airport but was saved by some boulders which stopped the plane from falling off the cliff.
This plane and its passengers were not so lucky.
This airpoort should be discarded immediately for passenger services.
It may be used by the IAF where smaller strips are required for take off and landing

May 22: An Air India Express flight from Dubai overshot the hilltop runway at Mangalore’s Bajpe airport today, fell onto a wooded valley some 200 metres below and burst into flames, killing 158 people including 23 children and babies.
India’s third-worst air crash, and its first major one in a decade, left behind suspicions of pilot error at one of the country’s most picturesque but trickiest airports, its “tabletop” runways precariously perched atop a plateau with their ends dropping off into thick-green gorges.
Eight passengers survived the 6.05am accident almost miraculously, jumping out through a crack in the fuselage as Flight IX 812 hit a concrete navigational aid called a localiser at the end of the runway and broke into two.
“We had no hope to survive, but we survived,” G.K. Pradeep, an Indian technician employed in Dubai, said.
Some others among the 160 passengers and six crew members may have leapt into the fire, stoked by aviation fuel gushing out of the wings, as they tried to clamber out through the same “hole”.
Airport sources said the Boeing 737-800’s 53-year-old pilot Zlatko Glusica, a British national of Serbian origin, had 10,200 hours of flying experience but apparently miscalculated the “landing threshold” and brought the plane down too late.
Instead of landing within the first 1,000-1,300 feet of the 8,300ft-long runway, he touched down almost near the halfway mark although the visibility was a healthy 6km, the sources said. The aircraft lost control on the dry, concrete runway, a burst tyre worsening matters if some of the survivors are right.
There had been no distress signal from the pilot although one survivor mentioned “turbulence” before landing. Veteran pilots suspect that Glusica probably braked hard instead of attempting a “go around” — that is, take off at once, gain enough height and approach once more to land correctly.
Accidents of this kind, known as “runway excursions”, are fairly common but today’s led to tragedy because of the tabletop runway, experts said.
The world aviation body has urged all airports to build 1,000ft-long safety extensions at the end of each runway. Those with little room for extension have been advised to install soft ground layers — known as arrestor beds — to slow planes.
The Mangalore runway has a “spillover area” of only 300ft to slow overshooting planes, and there are conflicting claims whether it is a bed of sand.
One of Parkinson's Law says that if we expect an accident to happen, it is bound to happen.
From records and comments it is obvious that this accident was waiting to happen.
This airport on a plateau demanded that everything was perfect and it allowed no room for error. That I suppose is asking too much from human beings.
The pilot Zlatko Glusica had made 19 earlier landing on this airport.
He failed on the 20th.
If it had not happened on the 20th it may have occured later, say at the 45th.
And this is not the first or going to be the last.
I understand Mr. Moily too has a narrow escape some years ago when his plane too ran off the airport but was saved by some boulders which stopped the plane from falling off the cliff.
This plane and its passengers were not so lucky.
This airpoort should be discarded immediately for passenger services.
It may be used by the IAF where smaller strips are required for take off and landing
Daylight murder in front of police is Darjeeling
Butchery of dissent

We have read reams on the above so I won't discuss the incident.
Who is responsible?
I agree with all who say the state government is responsible.
Our state government has allowed the police to become an impotent force.
They have allowed the police to become unionised like every other organisation in Bengal. Thus the government cannot take any action on any indiscipline by members of the police.
In 32 years the police have become, mute spectators to all the atrocities carried out by the left front cadres. They take no action unless instructed by their masters. They say "not taking action" is also an action.
Now that Mamata's stars are rising, they are following the same policy in allowing the atrocities of her cadres.
The left front has drilled into the police that they should only obey the cadres.
The police is so inactive that just 100 persons, strategically placed at important crossings can make a bandh successful in Kolkata.
Just 10 persons can sit on rail lines with a party flag and bring the entire railway system in Bengal to a standstill. Our railway minister who soon hopes to occupy the chief minister's chair has done a PhD is rail roko.
I see no end to Bengal's sorrow.
On one side is the devil who has created all the mess in Bengal.
and on the other side is the devil who is following the same footsteps as the original devil.
With such a record of inaction how can you expect the police to act differently.
While a whole lot of armed policemen and officers were present, GJM thungs and murderers could come unchallenged and kill Tamang.
Are you surprised?
I am not.
This was waiting to happen
I would suggest that the GJM be drven out of Darjeeling district just as Ghising was driven out earlier.
We have a very able administrator in our governor.
He should personlly appoint advisors and look after Darjeeling directly.
All politicians stand discredited and should not be allowed to have anything to do in Darjeeling.

We have read reams on the above so I won't discuss the incident.
Who is responsible?
I agree with all who say the state government is responsible.
Our state government has allowed the police to become an impotent force.
They have allowed the police to become unionised like every other organisation in Bengal. Thus the government cannot take any action on any indiscipline by members of the police.
In 32 years the police have become, mute spectators to all the atrocities carried out by the left front cadres. They take no action unless instructed by their masters. They say "not taking action" is also an action.
Now that Mamata's stars are rising, they are following the same policy in allowing the atrocities of her cadres.
The left front has drilled into the police that they should only obey the cadres.
The police is so inactive that just 100 persons, strategically placed at important crossings can make a bandh successful in Kolkata.
Just 10 persons can sit on rail lines with a party flag and bring the entire railway system in Bengal to a standstill. Our railway minister who soon hopes to occupy the chief minister's chair has done a PhD is rail roko.
I see no end to Bengal's sorrow.
On one side is the devil who has created all the mess in Bengal.
and on the other side is the devil who is following the same footsteps as the original devil.
With such a record of inaction how can you expect the police to act differently.
While a whole lot of armed policemen and officers were present, GJM thungs and murderers could come unchallenged and kill Tamang.
Are you surprised?
I am not.
This was waiting to happen
I would suggest that the GJM be drven out of Darjeeling district just as Ghising was driven out earlier.
We have a very able administrator in our governor.
He should personlly appoint advisors and look after Darjeeling directly.
All politicians stand discredited and should not be allowed to have anything to do in Darjeeling.
Friday, May 21, 2010
MBAs going the doctor's way
Goldman Harvard recruit pledges to take ethics oath
BLOOMBERG New York, 20 May
When Larry Estrada graduates from Harvard Business School next week, he’ll begin work at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. He’ll do so only after taking an oath.
Estrada, 30, joined about 150 fellow business school students and faculty worldwide to campaign for the acceptance of an MBA ethics pledge modelled on the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors. The aim is to get as many as 6,000 graduates at 50 MBA programs to swear they won’t put personal ambitions before the interests of their employers or society.
Created last year by Harvard Business students to counter a growing public mistrust of business, the oath is being championed by Nitin Nohria, the newly appointed dean of the school. After the global financial crisis, Bernard Madoff’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme and scandals at Goldman Sachs, there has never been a better time for managers to rethink their role in society, said Rich Leimsider, director of the Aspen Institute’s Centre for Business Education, in New York, which is helping to coordinate the movement.
“One of the things we’re hoping to do is force hundreds of thousands of people in business to talk about and think about their responsibilities,” Leimsider said. “Nitin has given Harvard a huge head start in that direction.”
484 MBAs
Last year, 484 new MBAs at Harvard Business School, in Boston, took the pledge, inspired partly by an article by Nohria and Harvard professor Rakesh Khurana, in the October 2008 issue of the Harvard Business Review, calling for a code of ethics for managers. About another 1,500 took it at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, and the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, and at other US management schools, Leimsider said.
“For me, it was a stake in the ground, to say here are my values, here’s what I believe in,” said Estrada, who plans to work as an investment manager for Goldman Sachs in Seattle. “When I have a tough decision, I want to be in a position where I have my own personal oath.” Not all Harvard Business students support the oath. About 45 per cent of the graduating class of 886 last year didn’t take it, and a similar share won’t this year, either, Estrada said.
The oath is “the knee-jerk reaction by business apologist to the current financial crisis,” Justin McLeod, 26, a Harvard Business student, wrote in the Harbus, a school publication.
Nitin Nohria, the newly appointed dean of the Harvard Business School, championed the oath
It seems the MBA boys are emulating the wrong people.
The doctors taking the hippocrates oath has become a joke, at least in India. It has now become an oath taken by hypocrites.
Here is part of the oath:
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is harmful and mischievous.
I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such advice; likewise, I will not give a pessary to a woman to induce abortion.
I will live my life and practice my art with purity and holiness.
I will not cut persons suffering from 'the stone', but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this skill. Whatever houses I enter, I will enter for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption, and especially from the seduction of females or males, of free persons or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in connection with my professional practice or not in the life of men, which should not be made public, I will not divulge, considering that all such knowledge should remain secret.
Now you judge for yourself whether the doctors on Northern India are following the oath.
Presntly the doctors in northern India do all the things that Hippocrates would be ashamed of and they are not there to serve the people but to serve themselves.
How then can you expect the MBAs to be different and be honest to their profession
The above is just a gimmick.
It looks as if Nitin Nohria who too heppens to be from India, his name is a giveaway, wants to get his name into the record books like Hippocrates.
The above is from the Businsess Standard of 21st May, 2010
BLOOMBERG New York, 20 May
When Larry Estrada graduates from Harvard Business School next week, he’ll begin work at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. He’ll do so only after taking an oath.
Estrada, 30, joined about 150 fellow business school students and faculty worldwide to campaign for the acceptance of an MBA ethics pledge modelled on the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors. The aim is to get as many as 6,000 graduates at 50 MBA programs to swear they won’t put personal ambitions before the interests of their employers or society.
Created last year by Harvard Business students to counter a growing public mistrust of business, the oath is being championed by Nitin Nohria, the newly appointed dean of the school. After the global financial crisis, Bernard Madoff’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme and scandals at Goldman Sachs, there has never been a better time for managers to rethink their role in society, said Rich Leimsider, director of the Aspen Institute’s Centre for Business Education, in New York, which is helping to coordinate the movement.
“One of the things we’re hoping to do is force hundreds of thousands of people in business to talk about and think about their responsibilities,” Leimsider said. “Nitin has given Harvard a huge head start in that direction.”
484 MBAs
Last year, 484 new MBAs at Harvard Business School, in Boston, took the pledge, inspired partly by an article by Nohria and Harvard professor Rakesh Khurana, in the October 2008 issue of the Harvard Business Review, calling for a code of ethics for managers. About another 1,500 took it at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, and the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, and at other US management schools, Leimsider said.
“For me, it was a stake in the ground, to say here are my values, here’s what I believe in,” said Estrada, who plans to work as an investment manager for Goldman Sachs in Seattle. “When I have a tough decision, I want to be in a position where I have my own personal oath.” Not all Harvard Business students support the oath. About 45 per cent of the graduating class of 886 last year didn’t take it, and a similar share won’t this year, either, Estrada said.
The oath is “the knee-jerk reaction by business apologist to the current financial crisis,” Justin McLeod, 26, a Harvard Business student, wrote in the Harbus, a school publication.
Nitin Nohria, the newly appointed dean of the Harvard Business School, championed the oath
It seems the MBA boys are emulating the wrong people.
The doctors taking the hippocrates oath has become a joke, at least in India. It has now become an oath taken by hypocrites.
Here is part of the oath:
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from whatever is harmful and mischievous.
I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such advice; likewise, I will not give a pessary to a woman to induce abortion.
I will live my life and practice my art with purity and holiness.
I will not cut persons suffering from 'the stone', but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this skill. Whatever houses I enter, I will enter for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption, and especially from the seduction of females or males, of free persons or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in connection with my professional practice or not in the life of men, which should not be made public, I will not divulge, considering that all such knowledge should remain secret.
Now you judge for yourself whether the doctors on Northern India are following the oath.
Presntly the doctors in northern India do all the things that Hippocrates would be ashamed of and they are not there to serve the people but to serve themselves.
How then can you expect the MBAs to be different and be honest to their profession
The above is just a gimmick.
It looks as if Nitin Nohria who too heppens to be from India, his name is a giveaway, wants to get his name into the record books like Hippocrates.
The above is from the Businsess Standard of 21st May, 2010
New Treatment for Angina and Bypass
This is a new theory which has come to my knowledge
very recently and I thought that I should also share with you all.
A few days back my Friends Father in law was admitted
in a nursing home due to severe chest pain.
He had an attack in 1997 and was undergoing normal treatment.
Due to the sudden pain just 15 days back we once
again got him admitted in a private nursing home at Kandivali, Mumbai.
The doctors later suggested for Angiography.
We conducted the Angiography at Hinduja Hospital
and knew from the reports that he has multiple blockages.
The doctor told that he cannot undergo Angioplasty
due to several blockages but suggested 'By Pass Surgery'.
The same day evening we bought him home since the
doctor suggested that his heart is very weak and we can
perform the by-pass only after 15 - 20
In the mean time we were discussing this issue with
our relatives and friends, we got this new information
from one of our family friends.
There is a new therapy in the market which is known as -
Chelation Therapy. Or Calation Therapy.
According to this therapy any patient who has to undergo
by-pass need not undergo the same.
The patient is given appx. 18 bottles of blood where in
some medicines are injected along with it.
The blood cleans the system and removes all the blockages
from the heart.
The no. of bottles may increase depending upon the age
factor and health of the patient.
The cost of the blood per bottle would be appx. Rs.2,500/-
The treatment takes of appx. 1 month.
There are only 4 doctors in India and one of them is
Dr.Dhananjay Shah at Malad (Mumbai) another at Karnataka.
He has a list of patients who had to undergo by-pass
from Lilavati, Hinduja and other major hospitals but
after undergoing the above treatment they are absolutely
fine and leading a normal life.
I give below the Doctor's details for your info:
Dr.. Dhananjay Shah.
Hospital Tel: 0091-22-2889 2089 0091-22-2889 2089
0091-22-2889 2089 0091-22-2889 2089..
Mob: 98194 39657 98194 39657.
Email: shahdhananjay@ rediffmail. com
Dr Hiten Shah
Integrative Cardiac -Vascular Clinic Heart Rehab Centre
230, Satyam Mall, Ashirwad Poly Clinic, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad,,
380015, Gujarat,India
Tel: +91 09998848590 +91 09998848590 +91 09998848590
+91 09998848590 or 9898077966 9898077966
Fax: 07940067882
Phosphatidylcholine therapy for traetment of blockage i
n artery like to treat heart attack, restenosis after
angioplasty or bypass surgery, leg gangrane, stroke,
dementia, less blood supply, metal toxicity
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Tel: 91 22 28773777 91 22 28773777 91 22 28773777 / 09869035111
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Dr Nirupa Mehta
Oxymed Hospital , 320/E; 9A Main, 40 Cross, 5 Block, Jayanagar,
Bangalore , 560041, Karnataka , India
Tel: 080-56533273 080-56533273; 9986162526 9986162526
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Dr.B.Ayaz Akber
Oxymed Hospital No:6,First Main Road, Kasthurba Nagar, Adyar,Chennai -
600 020, 600020, Tamil Nadu (madras), India
Tel: 044-24452753 044-24452753
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Dr.Vidyut.K. Shroff
1-C, Mahavir, Lajpatrai Road , Vile Parle [W], Mumbai, 400056,
Maharashtra , India
Tel: 91-22-26133889 91-22-26133889 91-22-26133889 ; 91-22-26631157
91-22-26631157 91-22-26631157 91-22-26631157
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Safe Health
6-3-1100/5, TVS Suzuki Lane , Raj Bhavan Road . Hyderabad , 500 082,
Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel: 040 2341 4418 040 2341 4418
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Dr. Rathna Alwa MD, M.R.C.P. .
428, 9th. main road, HRBR layout, 1st. block, Kalyan Nagar,
Bangalore-560043, India .
Tel: 5455166 / 5454025
Treatments :
Acupuncture, Chelation Therapy
This has been sent by Shivatosh Deb.
I think this treatment is revolutionary and may change our concept of bypass surgery making many of our top surgeons redundant.I hope so as they have been minting money.
I would request any of our readers who have undergone these treatments first hand to give us their reports so that we have more confidence.
P..sst, I'll tell you a secret.
If it is good, I too may have it done. After all I have had two Angina operations done and the next time will have to be a bypass and this process may be a God gift.
This is a new theory which has come to my knowledge
very recently and I thought that I should also share with you all.
A few days back my Friends Father in law was admitted
in a nursing home due to severe chest pain.
He had an attack in 1997 and was undergoing normal treatment.
Due to the sudden pain just 15 days back we once
again got him admitted in a private nursing home at Kandivali, Mumbai.
The doctors later suggested for Angiography.
We conducted the Angiography at Hinduja Hospital
and knew from the reports that he has multiple blockages.
The doctor told that he cannot undergo Angioplasty
due to several blockages but suggested 'By Pass Surgery'.
The same day evening we bought him home since the
doctor suggested that his heart is very weak and we can
perform the by-pass only after 15 - 20
In the mean time we were discussing this issue with
our relatives and friends, we got this new information
from one of our family friends.
There is a new therapy in the market which is known as -
Chelation Therapy. Or Calation Therapy.
According to this therapy any patient who has to undergo
by-pass need not undergo the same.
The patient is given appx. 18 bottles of blood where in
some medicines are injected along with it.
The blood cleans the system and removes all the blockages
from the heart.
The no. of bottles may increase depending upon the age
factor and health of the patient.
The cost of the blood per bottle would be appx. Rs.2,500/-
The treatment takes of appx. 1 month.
There are only 4 doctors in India and one of them is
Dr.Dhananjay Shah at Malad (Mumbai) another at Karnataka.
He has a list of patients who had to undergo by-pass
from Lilavati, Hinduja and other major hospitals but
after undergoing the above treatment they are absolutely
fine and leading a normal life.
I give below the Doctor's details for your info:
Dr.. Dhananjay Shah.
Hospital Tel: 0091-22-2889 2089 0091-22-2889 2089
0091-22-2889 2089 0091-22-2889 2089..
Mob: 98194 39657 98194 39657.
Email: shahdhananjay@ rediffmail. com
Dr Hiten Shah
Integrative Cardiac -Vascular Clinic Heart Rehab Centre
230, Satyam Mall, Ashirwad Poly Clinic, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad,,
380015, Gujarat,India
Tel: +91 09998848590 +91 09998848590 +91 09998848590
+91 09998848590 or 9898077966 9898077966
Fax: 07940067882
Phosphatidylcholine therapy for traetment of blockage i
n artery like to treat heart attack, restenosis after
angioplasty or bypass surgery, leg gangrane, stroke,
dementia, less blood supply, metal toxicity
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Tel: 91 22 28773777 91 22 28773777 91 22 28773777 / 09869035111
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Dr Nirupa Mehta
Oxymed Hospital , 320/E; 9A Main, 40 Cross, 5 Block, Jayanagar,
Bangalore , 560041, Karnataka , India
Tel: 080-56533273 080-56533273; 9986162526 9986162526
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Dr.B.Ayaz Akber
Oxymed Hospital No:6,First Main Road, Kasthurba Nagar, Adyar,Chennai -
600 020, 600020, Tamil Nadu (madras), India
Tel: 044-24452753 044-24452753
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Dr.Vidyut.K. Shroff
1-C, Mahavir, Lajpatrai Road , Vile Parle [W], Mumbai, 400056,
Maharashtra , India
Tel: 91-22-26133889 91-22-26133889 91-22-26133889 ; 91-22-26631157
91-22-26631157 91-22-26631157 91-22-26631157
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Safe Health
6-3-1100/5, TVS Suzuki Lane , Raj Bhavan Road . Hyderabad , 500 082,
Andhra Pradesh , India
Tel: 040 2341 4418 040 2341 4418
Treatments :
Chelation Therapy
Dr. Rathna Alwa MD, M.R.C.P. .
428, 9th. main road, HRBR layout, 1st. block, Kalyan Nagar,
Bangalore-560043, India .
Tel: 5455166 / 5454025
Treatments :
Acupuncture, Chelation Therapy
This has been sent by Shivatosh Deb.
I think this treatment is revolutionary and may change our concept of bypass surgery making many of our top surgeons redundant.I hope so as they have been minting money.
I would request any of our readers who have undergone these treatments first hand to give us their reports so that we have more confidence.
P..sst, I'll tell you a secret.
If it is good, I too may have it done. After all I have had two Angina operations done and the next time will have to be a bypass and this process may be a God gift.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Paper Sculptures
African Safari

Some beautiful pictures sent by Prakash Bhartia.
Unlike what the tourist who go on African safari, out Indian tourists just get to see some pug marks and some lump of s..t of elephants. Tigers are hardly ever sighted but the guides make all the appearance of a tiger in the viscinity when he suddenly tells you to keep quiet as there is a tiger nearby.
Then after some 10 minutes he tells you sheepishly that it seems it is not nearby. You can then go back and tell your friends we almost saw a tiger.
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