You call it ` nice `, I call it one of the `` MOST POWERFUL `` photographs I have seen.
It makes a statement that somewhere ``we are all equal, brother ``.
What a lesson for youngsters , what a lesson for the College/ Business School students.
What a lesson in CLASS APART behavior for guys like us who call ourselves First/Business Class travelling Corporate Guys or Bankers.
What a lesson for anybody.
I wish we Indians, especially our Ministers, would learn something about behavior from Obama Barrack.
For the sake of our world , I wish this man succeeds like no other US President has ever done.
Thanks & take care
Life is not how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
You won't see this photo on CNN. Everyone is too busy showing the Queen being touched. This was a moment of "touching" that won't be forgotten by this bobby.

"This is the most powerful photo in the series. Remember they are not supposed to shake hands, but the two brothers couldn't resist the historic moment. The black royal cop never imagined in his wildest dream that he would usher a black American president into the British corridors of power. Nice."
The above has been sent by Partha Sen Gupta.
I don't have much to say after seeing the picture.
Partha has said it all.
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