Hello Radheshyam,
Many thanks for your latest news letter, some very interesting information especially about The Curative Powers of Honey & Cinnamon sent in by Desmond Oliver.
Being a "senior" citizen, from time to time I do have the usual aches and pains and if Honey and Cinnamon can help to reduce the problem, so much the better.
Although Weight Loss does not affect me personally, I wonder what the dosage is. Do you think it is one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder
boiled in one cup of water. Any info you can give me will be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hello Ashley,
I am glad Desmond's mail will be helping all of us.
Cinnamon is a strong spice and we Indian's use it sparingly.
You could start with one tsp of honey and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. If it does not have any adverse affect you can gradually increase the dose.
during old age we should gradually go back to using natural healing herbs.
Haldi (turmeric) is one such herb.
If turmeric powder is available, you could take 1 tsp with 1/2 glass of warm milk, before going to sleep.
It is very beneficial for joint aches.
You could also take Aloe vera juice.15 ml in half a glass of warm water is very good for acidity, joint pains etc.
All the above have been tired by my family.
You can go ahead and use them.
My gurudev has also recommended Cinnamon for heart problems.
Warm regards
Msg from Mark Jonah
Thank you brother... I do enjoy your postings... Mark Jonah..Las Vegas, Nv. USA
Msg From S K Ganguly
Dear Mr. Radheshyam Sharma,
As I have left the Company in Saudi Arabia where I was working for the last 7 years, I will request you to kindly make a note of my new mail ID: gautamkganguly@gmail.com
Thanking you with best regards,
G. K. Ganguly
ISC 1974
Hello Gautam,
Your mail ID has been changed, as desired.
Wish you success in your new job.
Msg from Ranjan Guha mazumdar
Dear All,
Wishing you all a !!!! COLOURFULL HOLI !!!!
Ranjan Guha Majumder
Msg from Partha Sengupta
Nothing is impossible in life!!! SEE.......

21 yrs back in his grandma's place..

From one of the poorest family's chair to the most powerful chair in the world.....!!!
I had received the above photos's earlier too, I forget from whom. I wish to acknowldge that source too.
Msg from Karan Mehta
Dear Radheshyam,
hope all is well your side. With the elections coming up it is very interesting to read your update. Seems that unfortunatley nothing seems to change in how politics is done in India.
The recession has hit the airlines industry quite hard and the readers may have read recently that the European low cost carrier Ryan Air is contemplating charging £1 for passengeres who want to use the toilets during their flight. They would install a parking meter outside the toilet and to go in passengers would have to put in £1 coin.
Attaching a cartoon on some other initiatives they plan to take to increase their revenue.
Take care.

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