True to his word, he contacted us after coming over to Kolkata.
We had a small reunion at KARCO, N G Kar's family restaurant at New Market.
Being a non-veg place I went there for the first time and was astonished to see it was so big.
M.Gasper, Leslie Mascarenhas, Anup Daw, Arun Shroff, Joe D'Silver, Manos Choudhury, Uppal Biswas, Arjun Biswas, Dipak and his wife Kajal, and I were there. I was the junior-most. The others, all class mates, picked up the pieces from where they had left off at the last meeting. Mr. & Mrs N G Kar were the gracious hosts, as always.
It is always good seeing old school boys.
Dear Radheshyam:
Congratulations on the new addition to the family. You have created quite a following with this blog. Moreover, you have a lot to offer without offending anyone.Too bad the Goethals reunion in Kolkata will be in November. We will be in Kolkata end of November for a month & I will definitely get in touch with you & other Goethalites. Here are some of the boys I have met there: Anup Daw, Arun Shroff, Anthony Gasper, Mohan Shivdasani, Bobby Choudhury, Leslie Mascarenhas, Nelson Flavien, N.G. Kar, Samir Sarkar, & other names I can't remember. Hope to have a get-together
Dipak Roy - 1961

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