Hello Raju,
Thanks for your mail and I appreciate your suggestion.
It would be very easy for me to keep quiet like the rest of the country and let things develop as they are.
I also know that what I say is not going to change things much.
But we cannot be like ostrich's and bury our heads in the sand hoping the storm would pass over.
We are having problems and violence in Orissa and Karnataka.. We can either keep quiet and let things go one or we can give and mould opinions.
I am receiving different opinions from Christians and others on the topic I have raised. Let us have a fair discussion without any rancour for after all we are all from the same school. Let us have their views and let them know our views.
If you note I have not attacked any religion.
All religion preach peace.
It is only the way some convert people claiming that their religion is superior, is what I have objected to.
My objection is conversion.
I have nothing against anybody after all Hindu's believe we are all sons of ONE God and all religions lead to Him.
Hello Mr. Sharma
I have always admired your timely emails and news; which has been a way for me to connect with the "Old Goats" I appreciate your initiative in this matter, and your time you devote every week. But, today in having read your e-mail, I would kindly ask you that you deviate from any religious bias or opinions. I don't doubt your professionalism at all, but I think such an e-mail is going to hurt a lot of readers. I have no intention in getting into a debate about this matter, but I hope you will understand why I have a suggestions as such for you.
Raju Sinha
Msg from Br. James
Dear Radheshyam,
Its a pity that Christian Missioneries also includes the Christian Brothers. There are some denominations under the banner of 'Christian' who got this wrong idea that only Jesus is the incarnation of God and who go around preaching that Jesus is the only way. That is not a Chtristian thinking. It was the case some 50 years ago. Now Catholics believe that Hindus have their own way, Muslims have their own way of reaching God.
We catholics respect all who believe in any God and are begining to respect unbelievers also. But their are some denominations under the banner of 'Christian', sponsored by Americans, by the name of Evangelists, Baptists and Protestants [UK based] and some others who crazily and dangerously convert. We catholics, preach about Jesus and barely are able to follow his teachings; but we never force anyone to become catholics. In fact when someone comes to us and tells us that he wants to be a Christian we cross-check him to see if he has any ulterior motive and dissuade him as much as possible by asking him to first go for a three-year course before he makes any such decision. So kindly do not associate conversions with Christians but associate them with certain narrow-minded Christian denominations only.
Thank you.
Br. james
Msg from Thondup Sherpa
Dear Thondup,
It is beyond my comprehension how this is possible.
The earth revolves on its axis in 24 Hrs.
This would be possible only if the earth slowed down its speed to give you 12 additional hrs of sunshine.
On the other hand, just as in leap years we add one day and after every 400 years we add one day to synchronise the Gregorian calendar year with the solar year it would be possible if internationally they have agree to add 12 hrs to the day. But that does not mean additional 12 hrs of sunlight. But how they could do that also is beyond me since am would become pm in the timing of clocks.
Can one of you pls check out whether this is for REAL !!!!! If it is then do the following countires lose or gain 12 hours of sunshine ( not that it would matter to those in the Artic Circles / Sweden / Norway )
Subject: October 17, 2008 Sun will rise for 1.5 days(36 hours)
"Coming October 17, 2008 the sun will rise continuously for 36 hrs (1.5 days). During this time the American countries will be dark for 1.5 days.
It will convert 3 days into 2 big days. It will happen once in 2400 yrs.
We're very lucky to see this. Forward it to all friends."
Google: 17/10/2008, 17th October 2008, 3 days into 2 big days, American countries will be dark, Consequence of Global Warming, earth's rotation and revolution, NASA, October 17 2008, once in 2400 years, sun will rise for 1.5 days, sun will rise for 1.5 days(36 hours), sun will rise for 36hours.
15th Sept 08
Dear Chief,
I clicked the "Reply All" icon because I do not know whether there are invisible addressees in the mail and I for one would like to proclaim loud and clear that I am with you 100%. As for the brickbats it is prickheads who throw them. Let me tell you , and if there are any others out there then YOU too, my story.
After passing out of school I was seriously contemplating converting to Catholicism. None of the Brothers in school had preached, leave alone preach, none of them had even remotely hinted at conversion. It was just that I saw the yeoman service they did and my intellignece , or the little of it that I had, pushed me towards Christianity. And mind you I came from a very very staunch TIbetan Buddhist family where weekly pujas at home were the rule. Even then my parents never forced religion down our throats but it was there for all of us children to see. The nearest I got to being pushed towards Christianity in school was when I was chosen to sing in the school choir - during Mass and Benediction. But then so were a lot of other scruffy Nepalese and Bengalee boys...anyway to get on with the story. What changed me was 2 incidents
Incident # 1 : During the College summer holidays I was accosted on the street in Kalimpong one day by a Christian missionary - must have been from one of the more rabid Protestant tribes. He literally collared me by my shoulder and thundered " Do you believe in Jesus ? " Sheer fright or perhaps bloody mindedness at being manhandled made me retort "No I am a Buddhist" " Then you will burn in hell. All those who do not worship Jesus will burn in Hell. All those of you who worship the Devil will burn in Hell for all Eternity ". That was very very offensive and a very different side of Christianity - something I had never even seen, let alone imagined.
Incident # 2 : A year later I was hearing a sermon by HH the Dalai Lama. This was in Bodha Gaya. He was preaching to a crowd of more than a few thousands. It was mainly followers of the Tibetan Buddhist with a sprinkling of foreigners (those were the days of the Hippies and the Flower Children) What HH had to say was " Religion is like music. To some Western Classical music is sweet, to some Indian Classical music appeals to the soul. And to some they find that the modern songs touch their hearts. Whatever it is the important thing is that music speaks to the heart and soul. So is it with religion. Just like no person is superior or inferior to another due to his music preference so is it with religion. Embrace that religion which speaks to your heart. And if there any amongst you today who finds that the music of Hinduism or Christianity speaks more clearly to your heart then I urge you go and embrace that religion. And go with my blessings".
The first incident spoke of weaknes ,fear and insecurity; the second incident of confidence and wisdom. That is when I was reconverted back to my own religion.
Yes there are fanatics and fundamentalists in Buddhism too. But what is most offensive is the forcible conversion of poor and ignorant people . In Japan in the 1700s they were known as rice Christians ( converted because they would receive rice to stave off death from hunger ). You must have heard about the Spanish Conquistidores. Did you know that their method of justifying their pillage of the South American Indian tribes was very much like what is being done today ( though the methods today are not as blaise or barefaced ). The Spanish army would march upto the walls of the Fort / Village / City. Then one of the Spanish would read out a long letter in LATIN asking the INDIANS to either come out to parley or to surrender. And then at the count of THREE if the Indians did NOT respond then
they would be justified in attacking the village / fort and putting all the INDIANs to death etc. The bloody Spanish soldiers themselves did not understand Latin then how the hell would the Indians ? After all this the leader would call upon the priest and the monk would then bless the soldiers and exhort them in the name of God , Christianity and King. The Christians had their Jehad before the Mussalman did.
As for MF Hussain and his so called supporters of freedom of Art etc... You are correct... would he dare do the same with a Mohammedan Prophet ( there are more than one of them ) leave alone Allah. NO NO and NO a thousand times. It is because Hinduism and Buddhism are tolerant that we get shafted. The 10 metres plus Bamiyan statues of Buddha were demolished by the Taliban - did anybody make any real protest ? Some cartoonist in Denmark draws a cartoon and all of the Muslim world is up in arms !!!!! Sit back and think perhaps there is some lesson here. I for one see one - when you are confident and strong in your belief then all these things do not make a difference. But when you are unsure of yourself then even the slightest sound is enough to send you scrambling. It is like the confident husband and the impotent one. A man who is confident of keeping his wife happy in bed and at home does hound her every step. Whereas the impotent husband is forever scared that his wife will run away with the driver or the milkman or even the postman !!!!!
And every little incident is misconstrued as an affront to his masculinity. Poor buggers..
So take heart Chief. We are much stronger than that. While I also absolutely condemn any acts of violence against people of other religions I do not approve of conversion by stealth, deceit or monetary cooercion. It seems that these people have targets to meet in terms of the number of converts... something like corporate targets. These people give religion a bad name. I only wish their Heads at their Head Offices would take a hard look at their SOP - Standard Operating Procedures - and realise the harm they are doing to their own cause. With a little patience I am sure they will be able to win willing hearts - not coerced stomachs. And to top it all the fracas in St stephens has only aggravated the matter.
Best regards
To the Captain of my House
Msg from Sir, Mr. Lobo

Four trams with an international look will hit the Calcutta tracks around Mahalaya. Metro takes a sneak peek into the refurbished trams, which were launched at Nonapukur depot on Monday.
Exterior: The classy colour combination and the transparent roofs and windows will provide visual relief to Calcuttans tired of seeing the iron junks that ply on the tracks now. The driver, too, gets a glass cabin.
Interior: Bucket seats with cushion take the place of their stiff wooden predecessors. The class system, too, goes, with fans in both compartments. The fans have become smaller but are better placed and more efficient, according to Calcutta Tram Company (CTC) engineers.
Technology: CTC chief engineer C.S. Bhattacharjee says the four trams are “refurbished versions of the old ones”. There are no technological improvements in the new vehicles, each of which has been developed at a cost of Rs 11,50,000 at the Nonapukur depot.
“We could have increased the maximum speed but chose not to. Trams that we see on the roads can comfortably do 40 kmph,” he said.
The new models will have uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which would allow fans and lights to run for 45 minutes even if there is no power supply, added Bhattacharjee.
Plus: The new trams will have a pair of powerful headlights. There will also be indicators to signal whether the vehicle will go left or right.
But: Calcuttans musn’t get too excited. Of the 260 trams that CTC owns, only 130 ply in the city as many routes have been discontinued. Only four trams of the new model are being introduced, so spotting one on the road will be quite a task. There are plans to commission another 10 trams of the new model.
Msg from Charles Tresham
Subject: Re: FW: Breaking News: Mayhem in Mangalore - Churches Attacked
Let's not develop a persecution complex over what is probably an isolated incident. There's always an element of fanaticism in every religion and in my experience Hindus are as God fearing and respectful of other religions as Christians are.
There is only one God although He may go by different names in different countries. However, I believe there is only one Heaven and one Hell and we're all going to meet up in one or the other!
See you all in Heaven.........I hope!
Charles Tresham
Msg sent by J A Kingsley
Mayhem in Mangalore - Churches Attacked
Mangalore Sept 14, 2008: In an incident that has shocked the peace loving Christians of Mangalore, a group of persons claiming to be from the RSS group have entered the Adoration Monastery Chapel at Milagres and desecrated the blessed sacrament and broken everything they could get their hands on.
Fr. Prakash Monteiro from the Bishop's house speaking to Mangalorean.com informed that the incident occurred at 10:15 am today. He said the miscreants entered the chapel by breaking two windows. The chapel is being run by the cloistered carmel sisters, where Sr. Mary Carmel is the Mother Superior.
Speaking to Mangalorean.com, the nuns of the Cloistered Carmel said that a group of youth about eight in number barged into the chapel around 10:15 am and started attacking everything in sight. The cloistered nuns were inside the enclosure and heard the sounds. There were about three lay people praying in the chapel. One of the persons who was praying caught hold of the youth who was climbing the altar and tried to stop him from breaking the sacrament but he did not succeed. The nuns said the sacrament fell on the floor and broke. The miscreants then went on a rampage and broke the crucifix, the oil lamps, the vases on the altar and then proceeded to destroy the statues

Msg from Roy Joseph
Dear Roy,
Hari Om!
Thank you for your suggestions.
You surprise me.
I really admire your guts.
Here, I am saying that we are completely satisfied with our religion and you try to convince me to follow your religion.
I can assure you, I have nothing against Jesus Christ or the Christians. What we object is conversions.
We consider Jesus Christ as a guru and we Hindus respect all gurus.
As far as son of God is considered, our religion says that all us humans are sons and daughters of the One and only God. There is no separate God for the Hindus or Muslims or the Christians or Sikhs or Jews or for that matter any other person of any religion. He is Father of even the communists and the atheists and they are His sons, whether they like it or not.
If a prodigal son denies the existence of his father, does the father become non-existant..
No my friend, by saying that Jesus is the one and only God, and only Christians are his children, you are being unjust to Him.
You do not understand even your own religion.
My God is formless and yet He is in every form
He is in everything and everything is Him.
Once you understand this, you will realize that you don't have to convert anybody.
By converting people, you are playing politics and trying to gain strength by increasing your population.
This is what Aurangzeb did when he forcibly converted Hindus into Muslims and this is what Richard the Lion hearted tried to do when he lead the crusades.
Please let us stay in our own religion, we are perfectly satisfied.
And don't try to convert us.
By the way, why don't you come over sometime to Kolkata and I will teach you how to do Pranayam, yoga and Dhyan so that you can have a more puposeful and peaceful life here and now instead of waiting for the here -in-after.
Yours sincerely
Dear Radheshyam,
Thank you for your mail.
I would have loved to agree with your views! However, though I am a Christian, I have descended from Malayalee Hindu ancestors and so the view expressed in your mail seems to me to suggest (though it was put in a modern context in your mail) that my ancestors' decision to become followers of Jesus Christ was immature, ill-advised, impulsive or even worse, taken by swallowing an economic 'bait!
Does this not amount to insulting my forbears? Who gave this authority?
In similar circumstances would not the leaders of those radical groups who claim to represent the Hindu majority in this country today, have been up in arms against some common 'enemy' by being 'outraged' at the insult, real or imaginary, intentional or unintentional, to the ancient kings and rulers of our glorious land? Have not such comments provoked the 'ire' of such elements in the past ? Have we, even civilized and educated people, suddenly lost all our memory of the outrage we felt when we read about the several instances of riots and destruction of public property perpetrated by these elements on such issues? Have our hearts been hardened against the people we now perceive as 'them' who are not part of 'us'?
But you know that you don't be concerned with my feelings, as I am a Christian and so, as taught and shown by the example of Jesus Christ, I am expected to turn the other cheek to you when I'm slapped on one cheek, and so indeed, even now I have already forgiven you with all my heart, as anyone would expect of me as a Christian! If you gain satisfaction by insulting me, I authorize you with love!
Again, as a Christian, I must always speak the truth and so I have to honestly admit that none of my feelings have been offended by your mail! This is because as a follower of Christ I have gained a little amount of His spiritual maturity and so I was able to understand that the views which you express as your own have been planted surreptitiously, i.e. even without your own knowledge, in your head! Your feelings have been injured by the sustained campaign of hatred and mistrust against Christians by some elements who are self-proclaimed representatives of the 'true' Hindu nationalist majority but you yourself know that their actions do not show that they have any Godly virtues. Does this not show that the sort of religion they represent has nothing to do with God? Yet their actions are sought to be justified in the name of outrage of 'religious' sentiments! Not just under religion, their actions would not even be treated as 'gentlemanly conduct' as per any standards. Still I am surprised that they managed to influence even you, though you were raised in a prestigious Christian boarding school, just like me, from your elementary school-days – and more so because I see that you are still proud of our school! And rightly so, I may add!
I do not know why my ancestors abandoned their anciently-held customs and beliefs under the Hindu religion. However, I am sure that such a change would have been very painful to them and I can understand that this is precisely the mental agony that any convert to Christianity experiences even today. No amount of 'economical' baits can compensate for the sense of isolation that they feel from their own kith and kin especially when they are ostracized for the reason of their conversion and are also denied their status of being a Scheduled Caste, as per the law of this land, for the sake of reservations in educational institutions and in job vacancies, by virtue of their conversion to Christianity.
What makes their suffering worse is that most of the 'traditional or orthodox Christians' (who have missed the very essence of Christ's teachings) do not accept such converts into their fold for the sake of intermarriage or for socializing!
I do not know what prompted my ancestors to undergo such sufferings consequent on their conversion to Christianity. However I do know, and of this I am very confident also, that after personally coming to the age of understanding, with enough education and the maturity that life's experiences bring behind me, besides having adequate means of livelihood (as just a lower middle-class Indian), I have consciously decided to continue, as per the decision taken by my ancestors, to have faith in Jesus Christ and to try to follow His teachings in my day-to-day life.
I feel deeply grateful to my ancestors now for taking what I am sure was a correct and momentous decision at that crucial point in their lives, which has conferred immeasurable blessings upon me, one of their descendants. Their sufferings on account of their decision to put their faith in Jesus in place of the Hindu deities, did not go in vain as it enabled me, their descendant, to be born into a Christian household and so I have been spared such sufferings and probably persecutions as well, faced by them which the recent Christian converts in many parts of our country are at present undergoing, as reported in the news.
I am also sure that even though I was born a Christian, if I were to be given an opportunity to decide on my own free will to convert back to Hinduism, the religion followed by my ancestors, and even if great wealth and incentives were to be extended to me to encourage me to do so, I would certainly not accept such an offer since the main issue involved is the salvation of my soul, and I believe from my heart that my soul is worth infinitely billions of time more than everything in this world today. Based on my faith in the Holy Bible as the Word of God, I am convinced that my soul can be redeemed only by the blood of Jesus paid in ransom for my sins and the sins of the whole world.
From my perspective the common mistake made by those who misunderstand true spirituality is that Christianity is viewed merely as a religion today. What is the religion of God? What is the religion of the Son of God? What the Christians believe is that Jesus is the Son of God who came for the salvation of the world from sin. I believe that His Words are infinitely above the value-systems of all human religions, including a 'Christian' religion which exists based merely to promote customs and rituals, howsoever ancient and emotionally satisfying they may seem. Jesus said, "God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in truth and in Spirit."
Jesus Christ Himself said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father, except by Me." By these Words only two options are available to the hearer - Jesus can either be dismissed as a liar or He can be believed in, as indeed He is, as the Son of God. During His time on this earth Jesus demonstrated with holiness and great power, through miracles and healing of diseases, even by raising dead persons to life, that He was perfectly what He claimed to be, truly the Son of God who came as an atoning Sacrifice to redeem the human race which is under the curse of eternal punishment and banishment from God's Presence. Further, Jesus died as atonement for these sins, from by being resurrected from His grave, He proved that He conquered death and that all the sins of mankind were forgiven by God the Father who raised His Son from the dead.
There is, as it was during His days on this earth, no allurement or compulsion to believe Him, accept Him as Lord and follow in His Way. It is purely a matter of individual choice based on faith. Faith is a matter of the heart and cannot be forced or created through such material benefits or external observances. If Christians have failed today to demonstrate the same power and love that Jesus demonstrated to prove that He and the Father were one, I too have a share in this responsibility for this shortcoming in our Christian lives, especially if this is hindering the Truth of His message, that Jesus is the Son of God, from being accepted by others, including you. However, this certainly does not mean that what He said can be dismissed by anyone without peril to his soul. Everyone is solely responsible for the safety of his own soul. No one can point a finger at anyone when we stand before Him in judgment one day. It is written in the Holy Bible, "It is appointed to man once to die and after that the judgment."
If someone's house was on fire and he asks the people to prevent the Fire Brigade from rescuing him, what would you call him? Likewise, if someone after perceiving a threat to your eternal life is sincerely trying to save you, would you call him your enemy? Yet, innocent, ignorant, people have given their consent in silence to those forces who are opposing the Truth of the Son of God, by portraying themselves as the custodians of this country's ancient culture, etc. Of what value is a few centuries of closely-held beliefs, howsoever sacred they may be and any country's culture, in all its glory, in comparison to the period of eternity, not bound even by this earth's boundaries, which can either be spent with God in everlasting bliss or away from His Presence in unspeakable torment?
My dear friend, you are free to express any opinion you wish, if you are really convinced of the salvation of your own soul, but my humble plea is, since it is not required of the religion that you follow to spread any 'gospel' such as the task entrusted to Christians by our Founder, Jesus Christ Himself, please don't put yourself in the dangerous situation of where you may have to account before God also for the souls of other people who may be guided by the opinion expressed by you for taking a decision which affects not only themselves but also their family and even for their descendants who follow after them.
You know that neither I nor any Christian friend who speaks to you about Jesus has anything to gain personally either materially or spiritually from your acceptance of this free Gospel of salvation by putting your faith in my Lord Jesus. In fact, our preaching of the Gospel to you, at great risk to our own lives and the lives of our own loved ones, should be proof enough that we love you sincerely and would like to see you happy in eternity. This love is unconditional, which means that the love would be there till our last breath even if you reject our plea to you, but will you be with us in our eternal life?
Certainly, nothing is to be gained in arguing with you, so I only plead with you!
God loves us, so He Himself will ensure that the Gospel of His Son is spread throughout this noble land. No human being, howsoever powerful or strong in might or supported by numbers he may be, can oppose Him.
Further, Jesus is mighty to preserve my soul even if all my possessions, loved ones or even my own body might be destroyed in the process of trying to take His message of salvation to His precious children in India, each of whom He knows personally and does not want to lose. Therefore, even if I have to face loss of all my earthly possessions (I am not so rich, so I have very little to lose!) and death in my body for the sake of telling you something of eternal importance to you and your loved ones, in the true example laid down by Him, I would humbly volunteer to do so, in faith, without any hesitation. Because Jesus loves you and I love Him truly as I love you also!
I humbly plead with you to inquire further regarding how your soul can be preserved from eternal damnation through faith in Jesus, the only Name in this world which can save your soul given by God Himself,.
Please contact me for any information on the simple way in which you can also build a relationship with Jesus and experience a happy, satisfying life in Him.
With love,
Yours sincerely,
Roy Joseph.
Msg from Surojit Mitra
I would really appreciate the fact if you had replied to my letter instead of keeping the barrel of your gun on someone elses shoulder.
I will pray that He gives you wisdom and opens the eye of your heart.
You will be on my top priority prayer list.
Worship the creator and not the created stuffs.
God is not formless. He created us in His image, understand?
You need deliverance brother.
In Him.
Dear Surojit,
Roy had written a similar letter to me so I will just send you the reply I had sent to Roy.
Hari Om!
Thank you for your suggestions.
You surprise me.
I really admire your guts.
Here, I am saying that we are completely satisfied with our religion and you try to convince me to follow your religion.
I can assure you, I have nothing against Jesus Christ or the missionaries.. What we object is conversions.
We consider Jesus Christ as a guru and we Hindus respect all gurus.
As far as son of God is considered, our religion says that all us humans are sons and daughters of the One and only God. There is no separate God for the Hindus or Muslims or the Christians or Sikhs or Jews or for that matter any other person of any religion. He is Father of even the communists and the atheists and they are His sons, whether they like it or not.
If a prodigal son denies the existence of his father, does the father become non-existant..
No my friend, by saying that Jesus is the one and only God, and only Christians are his children, you are being unjust to Him.
You do not understand even your own religion.
My God is formless and yet He is in every form
He is in everything and everything is Him.
Once you understand this, you will realize that you don't have to convert anybody.
By converting people, you are playing politics and trying to gain strength by increasing your population.
This is what Aurangzeb did when he forcibly converted Hindus into Muslims and this is what Richard the Lion hearted tried to do when he lead the crusades.
Please let us stay in our own religion, we are perfectly satisfied.
And don't try to convert us.
By the way, why don't you come over sometime to my place and I will teach you how to do Pranayam, yoga and Dhyan so that you can have a more puposeful and peaceful life here and now instead of waiting for the here -in-after.
You too are most welcome at my place, if you would like to convince me on the superiority of Christianity.
I do not consider my religion superior.
I cosider All religions equal since they lead to the One and only God.You call Him Jesus Christ, Muslims call Him Allah, we call Him Parbrahma or Om, The Sikhs call Him Wahe.
What's in a name?
Yours sincerely
It is extremely sad to know that you have taken Christianity as a religion, whereas it is a lifestyle my dear friend. I don't blame you cos what GMS taught us was to do good works and be saved but the fact remains that we need to be saved first and then do good works.
"God loved the world so much that He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." [ Bible, John 3:16 ]
If only you knew the heart of God my dear Radhaayshyamji, you would fall flat on your face and worship and praise and thank Him for His mercy which are new every morning and His love which endures forever.
I too was like you brother but when I experienced the love of God, His touch and His eagerness to fellowship with me, I had to break. For God resists the proud and showers His grace to the humble. Who are you and I to judge others?
"God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through Him.[ Bible John 3:17 ] So I really think you need to apologize to 'those' missionaries in your prayer to God in Jesus name. Have the humbleness?
If you have a day to spare for me I WILL come and share the love of God with you my brother.
Remember, 1] "if you are shy you are dry"
2]"if you are reachable you are teachable".
And please forgive me if I tell you your concept of the muslim stats, 'rich' people stats are ALL wrong. You will be amazed how the true servants of the Lord are in every corner of this earth spreading the good news of salvation.
Thanks and may His grace be on you and your family.
Your brother in Him.
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