Richard Johnson, June 15, 2008
I loved the pictures of 'Old Calcutta' and those great pictures from Jimmy Keir coming through Matt Lobo with his challenging comments: Isn't it a crying shame that our prestigious School, that prides itself in having produced Hockey Olympians, has no place for the sport today. I can relate to being passed on the 'legacy of sport' from those early days at GMS and the influence it has on my life (and on the lives of my grandchildren) today.
I'm going to miss writing and reading the blog for a few weeks. Evelyn and I are escaping the Melbourne winter for the warmth of Phuket for a few weeks. I feel my age at the end of the semester nursing a cold and a weary body and mind and a football team (Essendon) that's not doing very well this winter! I must discuss 'Australian Rules Football' with you in a later blog entry.
I wonder if there are any Goethalites in Phuket? I am sure there'll be some in Thailand.
Now, a request for some help please. I am researching an aeroplane accident that occurred in Bhagalpur on December 6, 1944. I would love to be in contact with someone who lives in Bhagalpur or who has some contacts there who may be able to help me. If you can, please contact me on rjj@deakin.edu.au or on my postal address which I gave in an earlier post on 'passing the baton'.
I know, instead of going to Phuket I should be heading to Bhagalpur - I will in the not too distant future.
Best Wishes to all Goethalites
Warm Regards
Dr Richard Johnson
Faculty of Arts and Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood 3125
Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 92446438
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