Matt Lobo & Keith Wallace

Msg from Keith Wallace with Photos
Hi Radheshyam
I had the wonderful pleasure to be at the Centenary Celebrations in Nov. 07, and had the most incredible experience meeting and staying with so many of my classmates of '67.
Swapan Das, of Oodlabari, did a marvelous job in the organizing of transport and accommodation for many of us.
I had the privilege of spending a few days with Binod Mohan, Partha Sengupta, S. K. Das, Thondup Sherpa, N. G. Dorje, S. B. Agarwala, SK Agarwalla, Utpal Biswas, Robin Jha, and Aswin Oberoi, all from the batch of '67.
Besides, it was also great to meet my uncle John Hart, his wife Ruth and son Andy from the UK, Matt Lobo and his charming wife Myrna, KS Liu, Sonam Dorje, Janga Basnett and many others.
The organising committee excelled in the huge task of planning and organising the Celebrations.
My heartiest congratulations go to Br. Beddoe and all the wonderful people involved.
You are doing a great job keeping us informed of events and whereabouts of many people who may or may not have attended the Celebrations, and I do appreciate and thank you for your efforts. I look forward to future emails. I have attached a few photos taken on my trip.
Once again thank you.
Keith Wallace
Msg from Kalyan Bhaduri
Hi Radheshyam,
Unfortunately i don't visit Cal regularly these days. However, whenever I come next will get in touch so that we can meet.
All the best.
Hi Kalyan,
Yes, we had all shifted apart.
The centenary gave us an opportunity to come together again and I am trying to ensure that we do not again drift apart.
I am based in Kolkata.
You will find my detailed address at the end of the message.
I am still working part time at WPIL after my retirement with them.
I go to office thrice a week. We manufacture VT pumps for industrial use.
If you have seen our centenary souvenir, you would have seen our Ad.
Nine of us of the '65 batch attended. A K Roy, D K Roy, S P Chatterjee, J K Ghosh, Ramdhari Agarwala, K K Rai, Ashok Oberoi, Bruce Wallace, Basant Lama and myself.
I also went back to school first time after passing.
It is really a pity you could not attend.
It was a great feeling we had and our love for the school was renewed.
Don't you come to Kolkata?
Do keep in contact
I'll just remind you through our blog.
Hi Radheshyam
Good to hear from you after ages.
Where are you based and what are you up to.
Did you attend the Centenary celebrations?
I had made all the bookings but had to cancel at the last moment - what a pity? As I have not been able to go back since I left school.
Do write about yourself & family.
Kalyan Kumar Bhaduri, Advocate, Supreme Court
Hi Kalyan,
The title on top looks really imposing.
I was really happy to see your name with the designation when the list of office bearers from the GMS Alumni came from Delhi.
So many years, we have all been wondering where each one of us is.
I still remember you from one incident in our school days.
Your breaking Dubey's leg with one kick. What a kick?
The centenary celebrations have all brought us back together.
Do write and let us know how you are doing.
(R D Sharma then but now R S Sharma)
Msg from Gerad D’ Souza
Enjoyed the photos.... you are doing us a great service. Thanks.
Msg from Pat Pierce
Kona is on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is also named ' Hawaii. '
It is about. 4 1/2 hrs. flying time west of Vancouver.
I have been here a few times over the last 20 yrs., as my daughter is a Realtor here.
However, now the big attraction is my new grandson, Evan, who will be 2 yrs old on the 2nd of Feb.
Lots of mumbling, as I have been 4 times in the last 2 yrs.
Good to let them know where my priorities are! Ha Ha!!
I shall be back home in BC on the 9th of Feb., so pl. ask Arjun to mail the chip to BC.
# 238 - 34313 Forrest Terrace,
V2S 7L2,
Will send Matt Lobo a message pdq.
Thanks for yr. help - Pat.
Radheshyam Sharma wrote:
Hi Pat,
Mr. Lobo is today with us.
Where exactly is Kona? Is it the Kona I know which is the other side
of the Hooghly river from Kolkata.
Matt was with Arjun Biswas yesterday. Arjun informs that the
photographs were given to you but the chip is still with him.
Matt gave your mailing address at BC for sending the chip.
If you would like to have the chip sent to your present address in
India, you could call up Arjun at 22284836 and give him your address.
If he has not already sent it, he could send it to you here.
On 11/01/2008, pat p wrote:
Hi Radheshyam!
Can you pl. get word to Matt Lobo through Manos C. or Arjun B., and let
him know I am still in Kona. Have extended my stay for another month, so
will not be back in BC until the 9th of Feb.
Have lost their (Lobo’s) email address, so pl. forward this yahoo address.
Many thanks!
Pat Peirce.
Msg from Ralph Reeves
Hi Radheshyam,
Thank you so much for your updates. I cannot understand who could not want you to send messages concerning Goethals. You have been such a mentor in doing such good work for Goethals that we cannot be grateful enough. And then we have those who do not want to hear from you? Anyway, I am happy to hear from you so keep those emails coming buddy.
Congratulations on the 99.9% guy. Boy! he really makes us and Goethals all proud. I wish I could have had 99.9% to get into IIT. Unfortunately, I only made it to Manipal Institute of Technology and got 4th. Rank in the University. Although it is MIT, but not the same in Boston!!!!
Take care Radheshyam and keep those emails coming. I like hearing from you.
Look after yourself
Toronto Ontario, Canada
Msg from Ranjan
Dear Radheshyam,
Some of us feel that we should galvanize the Kolkata based Ex-Goethalites and revive the Alumni; Rudra Roy Choudhury is a strong advocate of this idea. What do you feel and how do we go about it ? I was suggesting a family picnic but seems it is too late for this year. I have spoken to Piniaki for a family meeting-cum-dinner at his place but he says his place is too expensive but he has some alternative suggestions.
Our idea is to keep the expenses to the barest minimum and get in more guys with their families, possibly.
Do you come to Salt Lake? Why don't we meet (preferable earlier in the week because as the week progresses, I become busy)
Keep smiling and keep doing the good work.
Ranjan Guha Majumder
Msg from Thondup
12th Jan 08
Thanks for the update.... and keep on writing.
Warm regards
Class of ' 67
Msg from Karma Bhutia
Thank you for keeping us informed.
Keep up the good work.
K.P.T. Bhutia
Gangtok Sikkim
Msg from Rachit Rai
Mr. Sharma,
It was a pleasure to go through your mail! Greetings
of the new season to you and your family.
I am a Goethalite from the batch of 2000, currently
based in Kolkata and am into tea.
I am reachable on 22485110 (office) and 9903296494.
Please keep me updated on everything.
Any info on Brother Shannon, Brother Walsh would be
greatly appreciated.
Warm regards
Rachit Rai
J Thomas & CO. Pvt Ltd
Msg from Sumit Agarwal
good to see goats doing this well
and yes nice to see you take all the initiative.
Do all things well.
Sumit Agarwal (Batch 99)
Software Engineer,
Product Dev.
Lifetree Convergence Ltd,
Mob : +91 9900952046
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