God is omni everything.
He knows everything.
He is all-powerful and all knowing.
Yet he made man imperfect.
He could have made him perfect with no faults.
But he gave him the pimples and warts with very good white sparkling teeth.
Now it is up to us to feel sorry for his pimples and warts or to appreciate his teeth.
Everything is God’s creation so we should appreciate everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Whatever He has made is with a purpose.
I could not express myself better than what Julia K has said on Rex-Barker's site,
Yet he made man imperfect.
He could have made him perfect with no faults.
But he gave him the pimples and warts with very good white sparkling teeth.
Now it is up to us to feel sorry for his pimples and warts or to appreciate his teeth.
Everything is God’s creation so we should appreciate everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Whatever He has made is with a purpose.
I could not express myself better than what Julia K has said on Rex-Barker's site,
Joke-of-the-day.com which I am copying below.
"I am thankful for the wife who says, "Hot dogs for supper"
Because she is home with me, not someone else.
I am thankful for the husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato,
Because he is home with me and not out at the bars.
I am thankful for the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes,
Because she is at home and not out on the streets.
I am thankful for the taxes I pay,
Because it means I am employed.
I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party,
Because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
I am thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug,
Because it means I have enough to eat.
I am thankful for my shadow that watches me work,
Because it means I am out in the sunshine.
I am thankful for a lawn to mow, windows to clean and gutters to fix,
Because it means I have a home.
I am thankful for the complaining I hear about the government,
Because it means we have freedom of speech.
I am thankful for the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot,
Because it means I am able to walk and I have been blessed with transportation.
I am thankful for my huge heating bill,
Because it means I am warm.
I am thankful for the pile of laundry and ironing,
Because it means I have clothes to wear.
I am thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day,
Because it means I have been able to work.
I am thankful for the alarm that rings early in the morning hours,
Because it means I am alive.”
We could go on and add our own.
I am thankful for the British who ruled over us,
Because now we can rule the world.
I am thankful to Goethals for having disciplined us,
Because we can bring up disciplined children.
Now, I would ask each of you to continue to mention what you are thankful for
For those of you who have a Google account
they could add what they are thankful for in comments.
For others, they could sent it by E mail to me and I could add your comments
Cheers for Goethals
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